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Puvaneswary Receives Vishesha Diksha

Today was a most auspicious day. Another soul has advanced herself in the practice of Saiva Siddhanta. Puvaneswary Roberts received her Vishesha Diksha today and will take up the responsibility and practice of daily Siva puja. This is also a deepening of her commitment to the Kailasa Parampara and its mission. Here is the vow.


Prostrations to the holy feet of Lord Ganesha! Aum Sivâya! I pledge my loyalties to the Saiva Swâmî Sangam of Saiva Siddhânta Church, to the monistic Saiva Siddhânta theology of Rishi Tirumular and, most importantly, to the holy feet of my satguru in this life, Bodhinatha Veylanswami, as I enter the Srî Subramuniya Rishi Gotra. In doing so, I rededicate myself to the Sanâtana Dharma and now bind myself to the congregation of devotees of Saiva Siddhânta Church, those who uphold the Saiva Dharma--Dancing with Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Catechism and the Creed for Saivite Hindus--and seek to remold the Saiva karma by doing penance for the entire Saivite world as it moves from an agricultural into a technological era and on into a new age of space. As I sit before Guru Mahâsannidhânam and the Saiva swâmîs and the gotra of devotees, I bow before the holy feet of Lord Natarâja, pledging my allegiance as a soldier of the within and a silent minister, emissary of duty to be well performed. I have enjoined my three bodies--soul, mental and physical--to propel new members into our fellowship and make them comfortable in our congregation. May Lord Ganesha bless me, may Lord Murugan bless me, may Lord Siva bless me. May Gurudeva bless me in this and from inner worlds as I join for all time as a Sivathondar the great congregation of Saiva Siddhânta Church and irrevocably blend my karma with its dharma. Anbe Sivamayam Satyame Parasivam."

Ladies Retreat Finishes Today

Today Bodhinatha presented his last class for the ladies retreat. They presented him with a gift of an orange suitcase, ipad keyboard and orange case

Presenting part of a new keynote to retreat group

about process of unfoldment being like lotus blossoming

Gurudeva Jayanthi Malaysia

Click below (two links) for photos of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami Jayanti group celebration in Malaysia

Jayanthi 1

Jayanthi 2

Ardra Darshana

On January 8, Ardra Darshana, also known as Tiruvembavai, a festival honoring Lord Siva, was celebrated in grand style at Kadavul Hindu Temple. This holy day falls every year during this month on Ardra nakshatra, when the moon, earth and sun line up and together point towards the center of our galaxy. So when the full moon rose on this day, we turned our back on it and looked to the setting sun to be looking directly toward the center of the galaxy. Simlarly, when the sun rose the next morning, we could meditate on it and know the center was now in this direction. According to the deva teachings Gurudeva brought us in Lemurian Scrolls, when "galactic weather" is favorable, Lord Siva's blessings pour toward us as rays from our galactic center. This is what we prayed for, invoked and enjoyed today. It was on this sacred astronomical day centuries ago that Lord Nataraja granted His vision to Saints Patanjali and Vyagrapada at Chidambaram Temple in South India, and thereafter became known as Ardra Darshana.

Ardra Puja Preparations Underway

Maha Ardra Darshanam puja is tomorrow and monks and members are making preparations and decorating today. Here are the ladies making tolanam, coconut frond hanging decorations.

In the temple Tandu Sivanathan prepares his always masterfully designed large flower arrangements on the columns of the temple.

Satya Palani On the Job

Satya Palani is here for the ceremonies and also getting his feet into a new job for the Aadheenam which will be to act as the project manager for the media lab renovation we hope to begin later this year.

The will also be tiling the new Siddhidata Kulam office over our coming retreat.

Continuing Stream of Visitors

Left to right. Young couple from Gujarat via Indiana. Sudhir & Preeti Mathur from Edmonton who met Gurudeva in 2000 there. A Young couple from the Big Apple and devotees at the Maha Vallaba Ganesha Temple in Flushing. Raj Kumar Bhardwaj from London who is so inspired he is returning with his parents and younger brother later this year after reading the Trilogy. A local lady with a visiting friend from Japan. A local Yoga teacher (2nd from right) with a small group of students. A very attentive group.

Ladies Retreat Class with Bodhinatha

A small Saiva Siddhanta Church ladies retreat is taking place on Kauai for a week

Bodhinatha speaks to them about relationships from perspective of karma and dharma

This is a garland the ladies group learned how to make yesterday.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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