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Twitter Updates for 2012-03-06

  • Bodhinatha is meeting with the committee of the new Fort Worth temple. They have come to seek his advice. #
  • This just in: On Saturday evening Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami will speak at the Hanuman Temple in Frisco, TX (Plano) #
  • West Texas hosts second interfaith panel – Odessa American Online #
  • This morning Bodhinatha and Senthilnathaswami drive up to Fort Worth for five days of activities there. #

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Girish Sanmugam Comes on Task Force

Selvan Girish Samugam is here from Singapore on Task Force for two months. Girish has come to Kauai Aadheenam two time before, once when he was a young boy, later again as a teenager and now at age 24. Girish is a trained audio technician and helped run a company that did recordings and mixes for events throughout Singapore and also spent 2 years in the Singapore police force. Before arriving on Kauai he spent two weeks with his sister Anusha in Seattle are.

It’s good to have you with us again Girish!

The Rainiest Place on Earth!

Tropical storms are amazing, wet, powerful, sustained. One is hitting our island the last few days, full of thunder that sends cats scurrying and lightening that makes the night like midday for a tenth of a second. Did you know that thunder is caused when lightening turns the channel through which it travels to a 36,000 degree furnace? The resulting shockwave hits the denser and colder surrounding air, and creates the sonic boom. (OK, scientists now think there may be an electromagnetic component to all this) Rains of this intensity usually come in November and December, so this is unusual. We have had some 5-12 inches of rain each day, flooding our ponds, drowning our plants, reshaping our roads and giving us waterfalls never seen before. the little Nani Kaua Falls on the pond below has 30,000 gallons of water flowing over it EVERY SECOND! So, we wondered, how much rain is falling on our 363 acres. Taking 10 inches as the rainfall, we calculate 101,000,000 gallons, A DAY! How much is that? Enough to fill 6,700 tanker trucks OK, we collect up one days' rainfall and, using our Idea Factory employees, put it in 12-ounce bottles. Then we sell Kauai Pure Rainwater for 1 cent a bottle (with the bottles donated this can work). At these prices, we corner the bottled water market for a few days and sell every single bottle. We clear $10,800,000. A Day! Enjoy the slideshow and know we are still knowing this is Siva's Perfect Universe.

That's a Lot of H2O!

The 97-year median for the discharge of SF (south fork) Wailua is 49 cubic feet per second; today it was 20,000 cubic feet per second

On Saturday we had a special tour for a wonderful group of probably 75-100 bright souls, brought to the monastery by Laurie Reyon of California (  As the group's interests include the akashic record, ancient Lemuria, crystals and the essential divine unity of all existence, Yogi Jothinatha gave an enthusiastically received talk on Lemurian Scrolls, the book that Gurudeva read from the akashic record in the early 1970s.  Laurie stood up at one point, almost in tears of joy, to share her delight at findlng this confirmation and elaboration of her own inner experiences.  Although the rains had been torrential, they let up after Yogi's talk and we had good weather throughout our tour out to Iraivan Temple.  Many came into the MiniMela afterwards to buy books and crystals.  Satguru Bodhinatha is presently in Texas, but Paramacharya Sadasivanathaswami graciously signed their books and spoke with each who approached.

Monastery Kitchen Renovation Begins

The long-awaited renovation of our Kauai Aadheenam's kitchen facility began early this week. The monks moved the stove and sinks completely out to the back pantry area. Then John Anderson and his team came in and completely gutted and cleaned out the entire old kitchen room. Much of the wood and unmentionable material behind the walls was is over 50 years old. After several days of very hard work, jack hammering cement risers, replacing rotten wall studs and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning -- the team is now in the process of putting the kitchen back together, starting with a fresh new plywood ceiling that was covered with wall board.

Tapas, the fire of striving

When should we do those hard spiritual disciplines that we admire (and secretly fear), the hardships endured by yogis, saints and swamis of memory and legend? Are we ready for the fire of tapas, the tenth niyama? How to get the most of these extraordinary efforts? Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami explains, with his unsurpassed clarity, how and when to use tapas for your spiritual benefit. httpvh://

Water, Water, Everywhere!

Tropical rains have been flooding the island all night, complete with rare lightening and thunder. The river is running high, but more interestingly the several waterfalls we built recently are now flush with water for the first time! It's exciting to see this. Off we went in the rains this morning, Nikon in hand, to capture the moment and create a slideshow for all our CyberCadets.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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