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Twitter Updates for 2012-03-11

  • Bodhinatha is speaking at the BAPS satsang, a group of at least 1,000, in their huge 80,000 square foot Dallas center. #
  • Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami is giving a talk this evening during the satsang at the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Irving. #
    The intricate trunk of a palm tree in Siva's Garden. It looks like this from top to bottom! #

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Wailua Falls After the Storm

Wailua Falls, our most popular tourist spot, after the storm. If you look at the river banks near the end of the clip, the water was perhaps ten feet higher in the last few days! The flow this day was about 4,000 cubic feet per second; earlier it was over 20,000–before the government river measuring gauge broke!

Our Father Maurice Chikiar Visits the Monastery

Sadhaka Rajanatha’s father, Maurice Chikiar is here from Chicago. Here he and his son are meeting with Acharya Arumuganathaswami who shows them the new Hindu History of India book we recently published.

Maurice is a respiratory therapist working at the John H. Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Illinois. If someone is having trouble breathing, Maurice is there to take care of them.

Happy Father – Son reunion!

Twitter Updates for 2012-03-10

  • Bodhinatha is giving a talk at the Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple in Frisco, TX, this evening at 6:30 pm. If you're in Plano, join us! #
  • Bodhinatha is speaking at the Hindu Temple of Greater Fort Worth #

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Niraj and Nirali Khandelwal Visit Iraivan

Niraj and Nirali Khandelwal with their little son Dev are visiting Kauai for the first time. Though they got rained out for the past few days, the weather is now starting to clear up.


They live in Ohio, USA right now and Niraj’s parents are founding members of the Hindu temple in Midland, Texas where Bodhinatha visited recently.

Auspicious Grace of the Guru

Title: Auspicious Grace of the Guru

Each month the moon moves into the Chitra Nakshatra and we observe the sacred Guru puja. It is always a profound and touching ceremony as the other worldly grace of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, our beloved Gurudeva, pours forth as we worship his holy paduka/sandals. The magical mystery of "The Holy Feet" -- the place where the Divine touches earth -- is an ever alive and powerful experience.

Thondunathan Visits Sri Lanka Orphanages


I just came back from visiting the Batticaloa Yogaswami Girls Home and two other boys homes there. It was heart warming to see the growth of the children from my last visit and also the development of these institutions. The Yogaswami Girl's Home is in fact attracting volunteers. In our girls home there were two teachers from England staying there for a month and teaching english. I also attended few public events. My sincere thanks to those who support these institutions. Enclosing are some photos for you to enjoy.

Aum Shanthi,

Rishi Thondunathan

You can contribute via the Hindu Heritage Endowment

Twitter Updates for 2012-03-09

  • A small bromeliad in bloom in Siva's Magical Garden today. From another planet? #
  • Dr. Boyareddi brought Swami Sarveshananda of Chinmaya Mission Dallas to see us today. We had a wonderful discussion! #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-03-08

  • It's an epiphyte from the rain forests of Ecuador, a rare plant with powerful fragrance. In bloom today. #
  • One of Bodhinatha's favorites blooming in Siva's Garden this morning. #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-03-07

  • Bodhinatha graces the lighting of the Holika at DFW Hindu Temple #
  • Bodhinatha is on his way to the DFW Hindu Temple to give a talk to hundreds who are gathering for Holika. #
  • Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami is speaking live on right now. Tune in! #
  • Listen to a live internet radio interview with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami on Radio Karishma at 10am CST today. #

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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