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Dasan Mahadevan Receives Vishesha Diksha

Today was an auspicious one. Another soul took a major step on the Saiva Neri in his evolution along the path of San Marga, walking steadily forward towards his divine destiny of merging with Siva.

Dasan Mahadevan received his Vishesha Diksha. This initiation marks his entry onto the Kriya Marga stage of Saiva Siddhanta. He now has the spiritual responsibility to perform daily Siva Puja and joins the family of sishya of Saiva Siddhanta Church who are most deeply committed to sadhana and the service of the mission of the Kailasa Parampara. It is on this foundation of daily worship and unwavering clarity of purpose that the sishya can begins the practice of deeper raja yoga in his spirituallife. Jai to Dasan Mahadevan!

Clubwallas Visiting From New York

Mr. and Mrs. Clubwalla of New York are long-time devotees and Innersearch participants. They visited us over the past week, as they do periodically. Their sunshine disposition brightens the atmosphere wherever they go. Here, they meet with Shanmuganathaswami and Yogi Jothinatha.

Quartzite Paths Work Continues

With some sunny dry weather for the first day of Spring today, Jonathan finishes up another segment of the monastery walkway upgrade. Quartzite slate now goes right up to our courtyard.

Crystal Mushrooms?

Another addition to our exotic mushroom collection. These tend to appear for a day or two at a time near our Nepalese Ganesha entrance. We refer to them affectionately as our "crystal mushroom." You can see why. Sometimes they are milky, as this one, and sometimes totally clear like glass.

Tropical Marvels: Bugs, Vines and Little Lizards

We went wandering today with our camera. It was a "Gekco Hunt" to capture images of the ever fascinating little dragons that run all over the place. Technically we have photos today of Lizards and the Head of the Lizard Association of Kauai is adamant about telling everyone "We are not to be confused with Gekcos! We Lizards have the power to completely change our colors. Those weak skinned Gekcos can barely change from a light shade of brown to beige! But we can change from Bright Green to Lava Rock Black in a few seconds!"

Well, I have to be honest then, our Gekco Hunt turned about to be a Lizard Shoot. Lizards are more fun to photograph anyway, as they have a sense of curiousity about "The Big Human Who Is Watching Me," and rapid clicking of the shutter only makes them more interested in watching the Watcher.

Along the way we spied a bee getting pollen for her little sisters back home and the magnificent Jade Vine in full bloom, hanging from high up in a tree like some incredible arati lamp made of blue fire falling from a green canopy above.

Our New Kitchen Making Progress

John Anderson and his team have completed the work of demolition on the old kitchen space. The interior was completely gutted out and cleaned. New electric circuits, insulation and plumbing were put back into the walls and the room was then covered in again with plywood and sheet rock.

Here John is working on the joints on the ceiling.


After this comes painting, tile and installation of new cabinets. Progress!

Little Teva Receives His First Solid Food

Sudarsanarao and Mani Akkineni came from Chicago area to guide the annaprasana samskara for their 6-month-old grandchild, Teva. Teva lives in Maui island with his sister Tulasi and parents Roopa and Joseph.

A flower, book, pen and money are traditionally placed in front of the baby to see which one he'll crawl toward first, thus perhaps indicating future tendencies.

He chose the flower.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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