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May 2012 News Video Update

Our May 2012 news video covers events in April 2012, including: the Hindu Mandir Priests’ Conference, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s talk at the Sri Venkateswara Temple in Pittsburgh, the visit to the monastery by the Kapaa Middle School sixth grade class and the arrival of our new calf, Leili.

Sivanathans and Thuraisingams on Pilgrimage


Raj Sivanathan and Thuraisingam family are visiting again from Arizona and Sydney, their third or fourth visit. From Jaffna, Sri Lanka originally, they love being here to enjoy the beauty and tranquility. Kethies (second from left in photo) was working in the hospital where Satguru Yogaswami stayed after fracturing his hip around 1960.


They paid a visit to the vegetable garden and fruit orchard

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-17

  • Lee Evslin, our local physician, now addresses the monks. #
  • Virender Sodhi, our Ayurvedic doctor, concludes 3 days of wellness consultations with the monks with a short talk. #

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Mihir and Tanvi Meghani meet with Bodhinatha

Mihir Meghani and wife Tanvi meet with Bodhinatha in a wide ranging discussion, much of it about the Hindu American Foundation’s work

New Phase Began Today

We began a new phase to day with homa as usual. Bodhinatha gave a short but very practical upadesha on the principle of focusing on the spine as a key for keeping awareness centered on the spiritual dimension and not getting too externalized

Mihir and Tanvi Meghani Visit Kauai

Mihir Meghani has been reading Hinduism Today, since he was a teen in 1994. He since completed his medical training, is working as a doctor in Oakland and recently married Tanvi. He came to visit with his wife and and brother-in-law, Parth.

An avowed dedicated Hindu activist, Mihir is one of the founding members of the Hindu American Foundation which has become a leading voice for Hindu rights in Washington.

Monks attend Kauai "Sustainable Agriculture Skill Panel Forum

On May 11, Arumuganathaswami, Shanmuganathaswami and task forcer Gajanan attended the Sustainable Agriculture Skill Panel Forum being sponsored by various government agencies including the University of Hawaii and the Department of Agriculture. One objective was to identify necessary skills needed to advance agriculture on the island that are presently lacking and to make concrete proposals as to how to get people trained in those skills. It was an enjoyable and thoughtful day.

Fresh Noni Juice for the Monks

On our Siddhidata day, Arumuganathaswami, Natyam Satyanatha processed about 130 pounds of freshly picked and ripened noni in this old-fashioned cider press. Yield was 9 gallons, which is good. The fresh juice has to be kept refrigerated; it is tastier than the fermented type.

Filling a jar. Noni juice is a wonderful tonic and a good support for your immune system.

Bird Nest in the Workshop

A pair of birds have made their nest on a shelf compartment in our workshop area. We'd seen them coming and going, one blue and one brown, and today found on sitting in the nest. A few minutes later she (he?) was gone and three little chicks were begging us for food.

They must feel totally at home with the monks knowing that no harm will befall them. Why else would they nest here where there is often a huge amount of noise, banging on metal, welding and testing of machines

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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