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Vaikasi Vishakam Muruga Puja at Kauai Aadheenam

We had a powerful Vaikasi Vishakam Muruga puja today early this morning in Kadavul temple. Lord Muruga's beauteous presence and powerful shakti blessed us all. Senthilnathaswami is the lead pujari today with Sadhaka Nandinatha assisting inside the shrine and a team of 5 more monks working behind the scenes to support the puja.

This slideshow has large image versions, so be sure to click the full screen icon for some awesome images.

Chitra Puja Day at Kauai Aadheenam


Today was the blessed monthly day of Chitra Puja. Gurudeva was definitely here with us!

Walkway Upgrade to Media Studio Completed


Jonathan Anderson completed another run of tile on Kauai Aadheenam's walk ways. Here, in front of the Media Studio was special because he had to remove the previous concrete, lower the elevation of the ground, pour concrete again and then place the tile. This was done to ensure that any water flowing down the path during heavy rains will never, ever again, go into the building underneath the door. Our Shanti Kitty, inspects the walk "Very, nice, now my feet will be clean... he was making such a mess!"

Capturing Nature During Tour Day

We meet so many wonderful people on the tour who want to help or give something back after visiting Kauai Aadheenam. One man who makes sophisticated sharpening tools went home and shipped very high quality grinders to the monks to sharpen all their many gardening tools and blades. Last week Russell Downing, a professional photographer sent us the following 3 photos as a gift for our archives. It's the world of microcosmos. There are many residents of Kauai Aadeenam who you might miss when you walk through the beautiful paths. A trained eye and a very fast lens captures their story.

Eight Annual Saivite Retreat in Southern California

The Eight Annual Memorial Day Saivite Retreat was held in Corona, California this past Memorial Day weekend. Twenty five participants of all ages attended this three day Retreat which was conducted by Rishi Thondunathan. Events included classes for children, philosophical discussions for adults, Hatha Yoga, group meditation, games and field trips. For the field trip, the group visited the Siva Temple of Pasadena, California.

This year the youth were asked not to engage in video games in off hours and instead they tried playing cards using the DevaTrek Deck created by Himalayan Academy. It turned out to be a great hit! Cards are usually associate with gambling in the Hindu community and sometimes frowned on, but these 42 cards have the Yamas and Niyamas on them and the deck comes with instructions for four different games that can be enjoyed by all ages.

Even the teenagers enjoyed them, saying "These are better than regular cards, because, they have something interesting on them, not just stuff like the 5 of spades." Since the Yamas and Niyamas was part of the class material, the card games the youth played off hours reinforced their learning, while having fun at the same time.

http://Find out more about the DevaTrek Deck here -- a great gift item for young people!

Aum Shanthi,

Rishi Thondunathan

Our Mother and Father Come for a Visit

Senthilnathaswami's mother Vicki, and step-father, Dennis came to visit for a few days. The met with the monks and toured the wood shop.

Tour Day

Today's tour day guests.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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