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Hindus Visit from Maryland

Manisha Kavadi from Maryland, with her parents Vasudha and Sharad from Texas. Visiting us for first time after hearing about our rudraksha grove and then discovering we also have a temple and more!

Shankaralingam Sent By Lord Ganesha To Help with Noni?

An unusual coincidence brought Shankaralingam Pitchaiah to our office today. The monastery, as most of you know, has a five acre organic noni field. We’re exploring producing our own noni juice, and spoke with a chemist at a lab in Honolulu (as testing is required). That chemist turned out to be Tai Khan, originally of Fiji, who knew about the temple and mentioned his friend, Shankara, would be on Kauai on Saturday. Shankara, Tai explained, was a microbiologist who could help me understand the testing requirements for noni. This turned into quite a boon, as Shankara and Arumuganathaswami discussed government regulations for half an hour, greatly increasing our knowledge of this previously opaque area!

He was accompanied by his wife Nagasundaravalli Ramakrishnan and his friend Lakshmanan Pitchaiya and his wife Shanmuga Sundari Subramanian, all from originally from Tamil Nadu.

Vaishnava Swami from Mayapur Visits

Late this morning we were suddenly graced with the presence of Vaishnava swami Bhakti Purusottama Swami and his assistant from Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir in West Bengal, India. They were brought here by the Chakraborty devotee family near Chicago.

Swamiji is on a tour through many cities in USA, lecturing on Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.

They had a wonderful time here, marveling at the atmosphere, environment, rudraksha trees which they had never seen before, let alone the blue fruit around the seed which is visible right now. Their website is

Bhakti Purusottama Swami on the left

Tomatoes are getting bigger!

Growing tomatoes on Kauai is tricky with all the fruit flies. Our Siddhidata Kulam team has tried many different varieties. Recently we started to get a few very good sized fruits coming on our current plants.

New Phase Begins. Sun One Homa

Iraivan Update: High Tech Method for Setting Patterns Onto Stone

The last ornamental work for the beams of the Nandi Mandapam (uttataram) can been seen. We have modified the traditional marking style. Earlier the sthapati would draw each anna pakchai (pigeon like decorative bird). It was a very time consuming job and it will not be very accurate. Now my son, Thurai, using his skills from the Art college draws them on the Apple computer using Illustrator and ensures the width and length is uniform. This is very important because you cannot end up with half of a decorative bird at the end of the beam in the corner. He photo copies duplicates of them and pastes onto the stone in place where they are to be carved by hand.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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