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Postulants Vow Renewal Ceremony

Another auspicious event on this Guru Purnima day: our postulants all renewed their vows for another two years. Our monastic order marches forward with strong dedicated souls working together in harmony -- fully sacrificed to the mission of the Guru Paramapara.

Three Sishya Advancing on the Path Receive Vishesha Diksha

Three sishya advanced today on the spiritual path of San Marga, taking their Vishesha Diksha vows on this very auspicious Guru Purnima day. Ravi Visswanathan, Sheela Visswanathan and Uma Tandavan, pledged themselves in service and dedication to the mission of the Kailasa Paramapara and received the initiation to begin daily Saiva Atmartha Puja. This is both the culmination of years of preparation and the beginning of a new stage of spiritual practice -- kriya and raja yoga -- for these devotees. The Vishesha Diksha also marks full membership in Saiva Siddhanta Church.

From our Organic Garden

Sadhaka Rajanatha brings in fresh produce from our organic garden.

June Chitra Puja

Today was our monthly Chitra Puja. As always we can feel the nectar of Gurudeva's presence pouring into our hearts from the inner worlds.

Bodhinatha and Shanmuganathaswami Arrive Home

One the first day of our retreat, Bodhinatha and Shanmuganathaswami returned home from their mission to Malaysia and Singapore. Bodhinatha is here being greeted at the temple with arati.

Good to have our Satguru back in residence!

And our Shanmuganathaswami too.

The Visswanathan family visits Kauai Aadheenam

cow The Visswanathan family is visiting from California. cow Our new calf Leili is getting a lot of love and attention lately as Mayuresh and Aarti enjoy feeding Leili and Shanmuganathaswami enjoys giving her a neck hug which she loves so much.

Twitter Updates for 2012-06-26

  • A favorite moss clings to a rock. Only 3 inches across, but a universe unto itself. The microcosm is BIG! #
  • A bromeliad enjoys the view of the river and mountain. #
  • The propagation area where the monks grow plants and trees, often from seed, until they are ready to plant. #

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Bodhinatha and Shanmuganathaswami travel back to Kauai

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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