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Visits to the Monastery

Bodhinatha arrives at the Edmonton Temple

Mahakumbabhishekam is a magical and special time for a temple. With a special skill and power that only they know and understand, the priests remove the power from the Dieties of the temple and transfer it to special sanctified brass pots. What has been a vibrant and powerful, almost living, entity, now becomes an empty hall. This is the only time that all the devotees are allowed inside the sanctums to touch and oil the Dieties.

Soon after Bodhinatha arrived at the Maha Ganapathy Temple in Edmonton, he was escorted around the temple to oil each of the dieties. Thanks to Sutha Suthakar for these professional pictures of Bodhinatha's first day.

New Phase Begins at Kauai Aadheenam

Title: New Phase Begins at Aadheenam

After a powerful Guru Purnima and three-day full moon retreat the monks began their phase with homa

Adi Srikantha Arrives for Task Force

Adi Srikantha arrives for 6 months taskforce from Seattle. He's come to work on the Ganapati Kulam Media Studio renovation project, which is almost out of the planning stages and moving toward implementation.

Malaysia Pilgrims

Our Malaysian Pilgrims,

Master Course students Valluvan Veloo (center) with wife Thilagarani and their daugher Kayshana came on pilgrimage from Malaysia for Guru Purnima with Sishya Parimala Selvaraja (right). We snapped this photo on Guru Purnima day.

Book Launch in Malaysia

At the book launch Komal Deva played Lord Siva and was a big hit.

He delivered gthe Guru Chronicles from the Siva Loka into Bodhinatha's hands in a flash of light.

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-02

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Iraivan Update: Nandi's Gomukai

When iraivan's Nandi is bathed the water will flow to a pot via the Gomukai spout. Here are some photos of these stones

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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