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Brahmachari Jaya Shivaraja Comes to the Monastery

We are delighted to have another young dedicated soul come to join Gurudeva’ and Bodhinatha’s team of monks who are dedicated to Self-Realization and service to the mission of the Kailasa Parampara.

Having complete a his conversion to Hinduism, name change and settled all his affairs in the world, Brahmachari Jaya Shivaraja has come to Kauai Aadheenam. Here he plans to finish out his Aspirancy phase and continue on to eventually take his vows as a Sadhaka.

Homa with Brahmachari Girish Chaitanya

A new phase began today with homa. Brahmachari Girish Chaitanya, was the honored guest this morning.

Brahmachari Girish Chaitanya Visits Kauai Aadheenam

Brahmachari Girish Chaitanya, a monk from Chinmaya Mission Austin, is with us for a 6-day pilgrimage. Today he spent time with the monks.

Amazing Flowering Trees

Summer is here and flowers are in full bloom. This amazing feast for the eyes is hanging down out of the trees.

Adi Srikantha Joins the Ganapati Kulam Renovation Team

Adi Srikantha has been a sishya with Gurudeva since the early 1970's, over thirty years. He has decided to go on an extended retreat and come to the Aadheenam for six months to help with the renovation of the Ganapati Kulam Media Studio. His first big task is milling lumber from our harvested logs, rough cut boards down to small pieces of tongue and grove for the new ceiling.

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-07

  • Girishji, Dr. Athreya and his wife and Pavaniji, acharyas from Chinmaya Mission, are on pilgrimage to the monastery. #

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Saivite Summer Camp in Irvine California

A two day Saivite Summer camp was held in Irvine, California on june, 9th and 10th. Seventeen children of all ages attended this two day camp which was conducted by Rishi Thondunathan. Events included classes, Hatha Yoga, group meditation, games and field trips. For the field trip, the group visited the Hindu Temple of Irvine, California.

This year the children enjoyed playing the Deva Track playing card and Iraivan Puzzle produced by the Himalayan Academy.

To order the Devatrek Playing Cards Click Here
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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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