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More Photos from our Aerial video shoot of Kauai and the Monastery

Sushma, Senthilnathaswami, and Sivanadiar Jaya went on a flight around the island several weeks ago to shoot footage for a short video that will give a summary of the monastery. Here is a more of the still photos that were shot along the way. (There are fullscreen versions of these as well)

A big task completed

All of the finished tongue and groove rainbow eucalyptus wood for the ceiling of the media studio are being stacked for storing, these 900 square feet of choice material, from local trees milled at the aadheenam, are all hand planed and lightly lacquered.
Here Kumaranathaswami, Adi Srikantha and Haran Kandadas are stacking it all on a custom pallet (made from norfolk pine wood), then using shrink wrap and tyvek, followed by a piece of plywood, then a grommeted tarp. This will keep the wood clean and dry until it is installed sometime next February.

Sixty Tamil Seniors from Toronto Pilgrimage to Kauai Aadheenam

We are delighted to have sixty Tamil seniors from Kauai Aadheenam here on pilgrimage from Toronto

Find the Self

Don't miss Bodhinatha's most recent Sun One uypadesha which we just uploaded. It's a classic reminder of why you are here on earth in a physical body! To realize the Self!

Hindu Snakes and Ladders Game is a Hit

One of the many discoveries about India that we included in our book the History of Hindu India, was that the original snakes and ladders game was made in India. This is a newly done painting of an original version hundreds of years old. Positive and negative character traits take you "up" and "down".

Padmaja Patel sends these photos from Texas where she says the kids are having fun with the game and learning about character at the same time.

http://Click here to go to the Hinduism Today site and download the game board for printing.

Kauai Middle School Students Visits Iraivan

Recent Tour Day Photos

One of our tour guests happened to be from Fallen Leaf Lake, where Gurudeva spent his very young years. He sent these photos for all of us to enjoy.

Singapore Devotees Celebrate Guru Jayanti

Click here for report of Satguru Bodhinatha's Jayanti celebrated in Singapore

Mauritius Members Celebrate Guru Jayanti

Our Mauritius Devotees held a big puja for Guru Jayanti!

Click here for report of shishyas in Mauritius celebrating Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's 70th Jayanti.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami Turned Seventy!

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami turned seventy a few days ago. On Kauai the members held a surprise darshan meeting and gave him gifts. That evening the monks also gave gifts that were sent in as he told them about each decade of his life for 7 decades. Quite a story!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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