To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Pittsburg Satsang

Satsang was held at a local Holiday Inn in Morrisville, PA with about 30 attendees.

Satsang in Syracuse

On May 15 we flew from Pittsburg to Syracuse, NY and held a satsang of 90-100 attendees at the home of Satish and Usha Krishnamurthy. Bodhinatha's themes for the May satsangs were Hinduism's Gradational Approach to Mysticism and Basis of Worship: Fear or Love?

Aran & Tara Veylan visit from Canada

SSC sishyas Aran & Tara Veylan are visiting Kauai from Edmonton, Canada. Aran & Tara are volunteers who ship orders for our Mini Mela Canada eStore at Tara also helps with the Mini Mela Gift Shop at the Maha Ganapathy Temple in Edmonton. They recently purchased a vacation home near the monastery, and Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami is presenting them with an Aum Sweet Aum for their new home.

Innersearch is Filling Up Fast!

Our 2014 Mauritius Innersearch travel-study program has fewer and fewer available seats by the end of each day. If you have been planning to sign up, now is a good time to do so. Click here to visit the online application page. For those who aren't familiar with our Innersearch travel study program click here to visit our information page.

A Letter from Rishi Thondunathan 

Our Malaysian members left Lanka today, we tried our best to give them a memorable yantra in Yogaswami's land. Took them to all the major temples in Jaffna and the places connected to our paramparai. I believe they had a nice visit.

We had a nice sivaratri puja at the Alaveddy pasupathiswarar temple. Kumbilavalai Chandran Kurukkal is in London now, his son returned to Sri Lanka and now is a priest at the Nallur temple. His name is Prasana Kurukkal, did the pumas and, herewith I am enclosing a photo of him, Malaysian members also attended the puja.



Keeping Peace Inside Yourself

It's quite a task, finding and keeping peace within yourself. Gurudeva had much to say about it, and here we share one of his simple admonitions:

Keeping Peace Within Yourself

Then the next step unfolds from within most naturally: zero tolerance for disharmonious conditions within our own self. This brings us back to my guru's wisdom: claim the strength to stop being miserable, to stop tolerating turmoil inside yourself. How is this accomplished? We have to boldly affirm, "I will not allow the instinctive mind that I experienced as a child to control me in any way. I will not allow anger to come up. I will not allow jealousy to dominate my thinking and make me feel inferior or superior to someone else. I will not allow fear to permeate my aura." 

To see the peaceful beauties of Siva's Perfect Universe, of which you are a perfect creation, enjoy today's amazing slideshow of nature...

Dancing with Siva

Click Here to check out Dancing with Siva, Vol.2 "Our Soul and The World" on Prezi!

Silver Vel Satsang

Aloha Dinner in Sydney is a Grand Success

Our Aloha dinner in Sydney, Australia included a book launch of Guru Chronicles for Australia Mini Mela. The event was held at a hall affiliated with the Durgai Amman Temple. Chandran & Mathini Wigneswaran were our hosts for this visit. They had encouraged many of their family and friends to attend which brought attendance up to 206. Tickets for the dinner were $40 and they raised AUS $8,250 for the Iraivan temple building fund. In addition, a few individuals sponsored the actual costs of the hall rental and the food, so the full amount of AUS $8,260 goes to Iraivan. Additionally, of the 30 copies of The Guru Chronicles we carried with us, 24 or 25 were sold and most of them were signed by Bodhinatha. Some copies of the Jan 2014 Hinduism Today were given out as well. The program included singing Natchitanai, Bharata Natyam, talks by Dr. Nagaratnam (now 88 years old) and Ganga Sivanathan, the Iraivan update video with a book trailer on Guru Chronicles, plus a forty-minute slot for Bodhinatha to present keynotes on Four Yogas, Four Ashramas and a few minutes on The Guru Chronicles.

Last day to RSVP for Aloha Dinner in Sydney, Australia!

Click the poster above or here to RSVP!

Will you be in Sydney 7 December? Just in case you happen to be in or near Sydney on December 7, you are warmly invited to the very special Satguru event described below.

Do you know someone who lives in Sydney? If you do, please tell them about Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's evening there. It is a rare event and anyone you send to it will be uplifted and most thankful.

Darshan and wisdom On Saturday, December 7, Bodhinatha will give darshan and share the profound wisdom and practical advice he is well know for—for a happy and joyous life. Details on poster, below.

Hindu renaissance He will also give news of Kauai's Hindu Monastery and show ways it is participating in today's global Hindu renaissance. Here, for a change, is truly good news about where the world is headed.

Yogaswmi and the lineage of siddhars Bodhinatha will present Guru Chronicles the complete and compelling story of the Yogaswami lineage, by him and his Hinduism Today staff. Bodhinatha will bless and sign copies purchased on that evening.

Iraivan Temple Bodhinatha will give an update on Kauai's Iraivan temple, an upcoming jewel of Hindu Agamic architecture in the middle of the Pacific, entirely carved by hand in India and assembled at the monastery. It will be a major pilgrimage site for Hindus worldwide for centuries to come.

Please press the RSVP button above if you can attend. Or call our volunteers (at bottom of the poster, below.)

Tell your family and friends about it, or forward this email to them.

Tell them right away, please. Reservations close after December 1.

Bodhinatha will also be in MELBOURNE and ADELAIDE between December 8 and 11.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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