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Jai Sri Ganesha!

Many blessing today from Kadavul's Lord Ganapati. One monk decided to take some photos of Ganesha and his recent chandana flower decor, which we thought you would all enjoy. Om Gam Ganapataye Namah.

The Third Letter from Lord Ganesa:

Softness comes when you are precise, concentrated, with a sense of penuriousness. The concentration of the intellect comes from a vast, expansive ability accrued which has brought an intricate intellect into usage. Softness, therefore, and a demure countenance and approach to life and associates must be accrued through these means.

If you are not soft in your intellect toward others, refrain from speaking as well as thinking. For the true intellect is accrued from within oneself, and by listening to your guruji, who stimulates the within of you for this to occur.

Obedience is the keynote here, and the ravaging forces of emotion are rejected. And I dismay as you retreat into the devilish worlds in the plane beyond My sight. I sit waiting for your return.

Because I am here, it all exists. The pole holds the feathers that dance in the wind of desire around it.

Therefore, the thing that we seek is countenance, precision and self-effacement. You know the rest. I wait for your return.

See Me first before each advent into another Lord. I am the gatekeeper, the Mother that cares for you and makes you just right for the Father. I am the now that makes you ready for the then. I am the dragon that scares away the untimely events in your life due to the ignorance within your dharma.

I am the innovation of your karma, if you come to Me, My Being, your Being, when you get here, now.

See to this. I command you. I implore you. I do puja to you by ringing My little bell in front of Me, by eating a ball-like sweet goody and by lighting the fire of Siva, My Father, in My Father, through My head, burning at the top of My head, your head, burning there, a flickering flame burning there on nothing except the dross forces of your dharma, the accumulation of your karma of this life, burns away the top of your head, My head, Our head.

Success on the path is assured for you who have the good fortune to hear, to see, to read or to have been told to this message, is blessed by your good fortune, is in tune with Me, your Self, and I introduce you to realms beyond your limited vision at this very moment.

Love, Lord Ganesh

From Loving Ganesha

Placing Elephants on Iraivan

Recently the granite, mother and baby elephants were place on Iraivan's foundation. They had previously been sitting next the the temple on their original crating. It is safer if they are up on the foundation, away from moving work vehicles and other risks. Their final destination will the the main stairway leading up to the temple entrance.

Soda Blasting Iraivan Temple

Recently, Sadhaka Dayanatha has been working to clean parts of Iraivan Temple. Before the temple's roof was fully sealed, water caused calcite to drip from the granite, hardening itself upon certain areas. This soda blasting is an attempt to remove the calcite without damaging the carved stone. It is a process by which sodium bicarbonate is applied against the surface using compressed air. This attempt was fairly successful, but more experimentation needs to be done to find the best particle grit for the job.

Sun One Homa

Iraivan Landscape Jumps Out of the Ground with Full-Grown Palms

On the 19-acre parcel the monastery acquired several years ago, referred to as "Siva Pannai" there is a huge stand of full-grown palms. These were planted by the previous owner who was a nursery professional from Arkansas, as an investment. The economy and subsequent development on the island has been very quiet, so these specimen trees, which would provide instant landscaping for some big hotel or estate, have remained with us for years. So some of these are now being moved to the Iraivan area, both giant beautiful Royal palms and Foxtail palms. Stay tuned for more pictures in the days heads.

Wailua Mission Makes Rudraksha Jewelry

Once a month the Wailua Mission gathers to make rudraksha jewelry for Iravain Temple fundraising. So far the Mission's work has been extremely successful in raising funds. This month they gathered at the Sivanathan's house. With many devotees pilgrimaging to Kauai for the Maha Ardra puja on December 25th, the Wailua Mission was blessed to have these wonderful sivathondars attend their fund raising project.

Ganesha's New Bling

Ganesha has received a beautiful new pendant from a loving donor and we thought we would show off his new look, ever full of pomp.

Iraivan Temple Doors

We recently received this rough photo of Iraivan's teak doors for the inner sanctum. These doors will soon make there way to Kauai. Aum Namah Sivaya

Iraivan's Year End Report 2015

httpvh:// This is Kauai Aadheenam’s twenty-fifth year of carving a sacred masterpiece that brings the best of Indian temple architecture to the West in the form of a unique, hand-carved Chola-style granite temple that has no peer in the US. We reached our yearly goal of 780,000 dollars ($65,000 per month) thanks to the generous donations of our global family of temple builders. 40% of the perimeter wall going around the temple is complete. Landscaping around the temple is also nearing completion, with thousands of small plants being planted on the east side of the temple. Drainage for the land is in the hands of island contractors, who are working hard to install new pipes for irrigation.

Iraivan Pillar Casting

Aum Namah Sivaya Everyone!

Holly Young flew to Kauai from her studio on the Big Island a few days back to do some technical molding for the next (the 7th one) bronze sculpture of the Temple Builders' Memorial to ultimately be installed near Iraivan Temple. In this sculpture, two silpis are working on the Tara pillar, one marking and the other carving. Two sides of the pillar will be just like this stone pillar, completed, while the other two sides will have both rough/unfinished areas and completed areas. This is all the pre-metal work, everything Holly needs before metal comes into the picture. We hope you enjoy the slideshow, please comment and tell us what you think.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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