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Krittika Deepam and Iraivan’s Avudaiyar

Aum Namah Sivaya.

It is so true that "everything was finish long ago."

While we don't always plan the timing for certain events related to Iraivan, the temple has its own magical way of making things happen. Though not originally planed, after many years the Avudaiyar was moved from storage into Iraivan Temple on Skanda Shasti day. Just a few days ago, the siplis and the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam were able to make the final move of the Avudaiyar on Krittika Deepam day, a major Saiva puja day and a festival closely associated with Iraivan Temple.

For the next few thousand years or more it will be here!

Cleaning Bronzes

During the 2018 Mahasamadhi celebrations at Kauai Aadheenam, Rajkumar Manickam performed his annual upkeep on the Silpi Pavilion bronzes. This process includes cleaning them with a special soap, buffing them, polishing them and waxing them. In the end they come out looking shiny and new. A big thanks to Rajkumar for his selfless service! Aum.

Bronze Avudaiyar Arrives at Iraivan Temple!

Happy Skanda Shasti! Today the bronze Avudaiyar, the base for the Temple's Crystal Sivalingam, was transported to Iraivan Temple and moved into the inner sanctum where it will eventually be installed. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Lord Ganesha

Jai Ganesha!

Every month when chaturti rolls around, our Kadavul Ganesha get an extra nice alankaram. He is dressed up nicely and given extra care. Today our 3am vigilee took a nice photo of Him.

"Aum, attired in white and all-pervading,
O moon-hued, four-shouldered One
with smiling face so pleasing,
upon You we meditate
for removing all obstacles."

Avudaiyar Ramp Construction Continues

Recently the Siddhidatta Kulam completed the construction of the heavily reinforced ramp that will support the Avudaiyar on its way into the inner sanctum of Iraivan Temple. The 10,141.26 pound Avudaiyar will be lifted onto this ramp and then guided on rollers into the temple.

Ayudha Puja

Recently we held the annual Ayudha Puja, blessing the many tools that make Iraivan temple possible. This puja is a part of Navaratri and while the monastery doesn't observe this festival, ayudha puja is considered an important event, with special prayers for all tools all machinery used by the silpis. Traditionally, the first stone for a new project is blessed on this day, and today that was the first stone in the next layer of the Nandi Mandapam. After the short puja and blessings, Satguru gave gifts to each of the Siplis. Aum.

A Ramp to the Inner Sanctum

Today we are excited to see the preparation of a heavy-duty ramp leading into Iraivan Temple's Inner Sanctum. This ramp will support the Spatika Lingam's Avudaiyar on its way within. The Avudaiyar weighs 4,600 kilogram or 10,141.26 pounds! So this Ramp has to be strong.

Iraivan Temple Progress

Today the Siplis are hard at work preparing and jointing the next layer of stone which will sit atop the Nandi Mandapam.

How Do We Use Our Home Shrine?

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Bodhinatha's Latest Upadeshas
Path to Siva Commentaries

How Do We Use Our Home Shrine?

We need to perfect Ishvarapujana, personal worship, before we can expect to do really well in meditation. "The idea of Ishvarapujana, worship, is to always be living with God, living in Siva in God's house..." Learn the spirit of the puja, learn the spirit of devotion, get deeply into worship in the home. During puja, we're giving prana and devotional energy to the Deity; we receive blessings in return. God isn't living in your house, it's God's house and you are living in it.

Path to Siva, Lesson 53

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha's and Gurudeva's online audio.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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