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Interactive Slider: Iraivan 2003 and Today

Today after, some code warrior work, we are showcasing a new capability on TAKA. (Cue the drum roll) Introducing our interactive slider, the amazing little gadget that shows two photos in the same space. After posting this, we learned that it is acting oddly in Chrome, but works perfectly in iOS and Firefox. More engineering to be done.

This first example comprises “before” and “after” shots of Iraivan Temple, taken from the same location in the west garden, one around 2003 and the second captured a few days ago. Hold your mouse (or touch on your phone) on the dividing line, and drag it left and right, back and forth to reveal each photo. Here with a simple swipe you can witness 17 years of progress!

Placing the First Stones of Iraivan Temple’s Fronts Steps

Jai Ganapati!

This week our masterful team of siplis has placed the first layer of step stones for Iraivan Temple's main entry stairway. The stairs have a precisely measured concrete foundation over which the granite pieces are placed. After spending weeks adding fine details to the stones and making sure the spacing was just right, it was time to start placing them. As the detail carvings are completed more and more layers will be added. Aum Namah Sivaya

Installation Puja for Iraivan Temple’s Entry Stairway Yalis

Yesterday we observed a small puja for the installation of the handrails on either side of Iraivan Temple's main entry stairway. These yalis have been in the works for years and, as you've probably seen here on TAKA, the siplis have been adding extra ornate details to them over this past year. For the event Satguru placed gems below the yali and the siplis moved the massive stone into place. Yoginathaswami performed an arati and Satguru then gave small gifts of appreciation to honor each sipli. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Wonderments of Yalis at Iraivan Temple

Wonderments of Yalis at Iraivan Temple

Aum Namah Sivaya. In the coming weeks we will be holding the blessing for the installation of the two Yalis at the front steps of Iraivan Temple. In a timely bout of creativity, Rajkumar Manickam has put together this wonderful photographic essay about these wondrous temple guardians. Enjoy!

Silpis Chipping Stones

A short introduction to the ancient and astonishing process by which hereditary stone carvers can create beautiful works of architecture—such as Kauai's Iraivan Temple—out of a simple hammer and chisel. This video will be accessible from the Sipli Pavilion near Iriavan Temple via a QR code which will be decoratively displayed nearby. Aum.

Video edited by Rajkumar Manickam

A Blessing for Iraivan’s Lava Rock Wall

Jai Gurudeva! Today we celebrate the chitra nakshatra with our monthly padapuja to Gurudeva and at the same time begin the fulfillment of his vision for Iraivan Temple's lava rock wall. Following the early morning padapuja we traveled out to Iraivan Temple's northeast corner to ceremoniously lay the first stone. Umut was there with Chenk and Apé who will both be helping him with the massive project. Yoginathaswami performed a Ganesha puja and Satguru placed gems beneath the stone, which was then set. Umut said that this will be his life's greatest work. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Iraivan Temple’s Steps Come to Life!

Aum Namah Sivaya!

Last week, after months (and technically years) of careful planning, the concrete foundation for Iraivan Temple's front steps was finally poured. A team of local concrete experts flaunted their skills as they quickly constructed a complex wooden form in which to pour an exactingly engineered slab, which will eventually be cladded in granite. The team finished quicker than expected and unexpectedly–and almost without warning–called in the trucks and began the pour. The moment that these countless hours of careful planning, measuring, construction and chance all led up to you ask? None other than Mahasivaratri of course. Perfect timing! Aum Namah Sivaya!

A New Web App: Pillars of Iraivan Temple!

Aum Namah Sivaya

One of Gurudeva's instructions for Iraivan Temple was that it was to be a library in stone, depicting many important facets of our great tradition upon its 24 outer pillars. Each of these pillars is beautifully carved with stone images, replete with meaning. Until now it might be hard to find someone who could give you a full explanation of each one, so we've compiled all that info into an easily accessible web app on our website. We're hoping it can help visitors and our tour guides, as well as anyone wanting to learn more about Hinduism or our temples online. You can access it at:

The app works well on phones, tablets or a desktop. We hope you'll enjoy exploring its rich content. Aum Namah Sivaya

Temple Plinth

One of the visually critical parts of Iraivan Temple is in progress. As our first art work from S. Rajam shows, there is a lava rock base, a plinth, below the granite, a black-and-white contrast that will give the appearance that the entire Siva Temple is sitting on a Hawaiian lava rock base, four feet high. Of course, this is impossible, since such a base could never support the 3.5 million pounds of stone above. It is part of another concept, the coming together of India and Hawaii.

Our master artisan, Umut, is originally from Turkey, but established now as perhaps the most masterful of all stone workers in the Hawaiian islands. He is now collecting stones for the project, which will take a team of 4-6 men three to four months to complete once they begin.

Yesterday, as he was delivering the 7th of 20 loads of moss rock, we captured him on video. He said it was the first time in his life he had been filmed. We asked him to share his experience and told us off camera, "With stone of this quality, I can do the finest work of my lifetime." Just what we wanted to hear!

You can watch his brief interview below. And follow his progress in the months ahead.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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