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New Ropes for the Temple Bell

Jai Ganesha!

Today the monks replaced the old ropes in Kadavul Temple which were used for ringing the temple's large bell. The previous ropes had lasted many long years but it was felt they were finally ready to retire. Over the years they had seen little fixes here and there and over time became in need of constant retying. Now we have bright, new ropes so we can ring the bell loud and clear for Lord Nataraja. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Completing Iraivan Temple’s Top Entry Step

Jai Ganesha!

This week the silpis completed the top step of Iraivan Temple's main entryway. With this complete the siplis are now working on some extra details and joining work. With the front stairs at ready, we were also able to take down the temporary wooden steps at the back of the temple. This gives room for Umut and his Lavarock team to access the full perimeter of the temples foundation in order to do their work. Aum.

Lava Rock Concrete Pour

Today our team from Innov8 Construction made quick progress on Iraivan Temple's Lava Rock plinth. The upper layers of lava rock along the Temple's east side had been set, awaiting two truck-loads worth of concrete to be filled in behind them. Umut and his team arrived early to set up. Once the truck arrived the first half of the team managed the pump while others followed along making sure that the concrete fully filled in correctly, and also finishing the top in such a way that the next layer of stone could be added correctly. Umut tells us that the final layer of stone will be added with hand-mixed concrete and extra attention to detail. On the West side of the temple, the first layer of stones is now complete. The plinth is a major part of the temple structure and should be completed in a couple of months.

Carbide Chisels

Last week we told the story of how the team in Colorado (as a gift to the monastery) molded and cast copies of the carbide chisels now in use in sculpting Iraivan Temple. It is important that we show these chisels, partly because they are the brilliant invention of our own team in Bengaluru and partly because otherwise visitors in the future will be unaware of the change from mild steel to carbide-tipped tools.

Yesterday the monks installed them at the Temple Builders' Pavilion, on the stone you see here with two siplis seated. The slide show reveals details.

Iraivan’s Steps, a Lavarock Plinth and Pretty Plants

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today our camera-monk takes us out to Iraivan Temple for this week's update of the progress going on there. right now the next layers of the temple steps are being placed and the lavarock plinth is getting higher and higher. Also, join us for a quick detour into our Sacred Gardens.

Gift from Colorado

A few years back, we completed the Temple Builders' Pavilion, the seven bronze masterpieces showing Gurudeva, Ganapathi sthapati and the silpis at work. A kind of workshop where visitors and pilgrims of the future could see the ancient technology used to carve Iraivan Temple.

But during the making of the pavilion (which took some 7 years) something happened. The Bangalore team invented a new chisel. Instead of the thick soft iron chisels that most of Iraivan was made with, these were made of carbide steel. They could be sharpened with a diamond wheel and last 20 times longer than the old-style steel. Plus they have a sharper point, allowing the sculptors to do even more refined work.

Recently we realized that these new-style chisels are not represented in the Pavilion, so we sent one of the carbide chisels to Loveland, Colorado, to have copies made to be placed in the Pavilion, showing something important to future generations (even if they don't fully understand the story).

Yesterday, this envelop arrived at the monastery.

Inside were four copies of the original, made in bronze and looking identical to the original. Then we learned that Bobby and Kathy Page gifted their molding and casting fees, and the forging folks gifted the metal work and Patrick Kipper, the patineur, gifted his application of the colors (amazing achievement of gold color we thought). The entire project was free! Thank you, everyone.

Iraivan Temple Construction Update – June 1st

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today is a bright, dry and sunny day at the aadheenam. Perfect for construction efforts. A tour of Iraivan Temple reveals the quickening progress on the lava rock wall which surrounds the temple foundation. All along the east side we already have two layers of stone in place and work has begun on the western side as well. The angles this rock wall requires are complex, yet they present a natural simplicity. On other fronts, or on THE front, rather, the temple's entry steps have gained some more completed steps. Not too many left to go before Iraivan's grand stairway is compete. Aum.

Lavarock Work Continues!

Jai Ganesha!

With restrictions on construction loosening in our state, Umut and his team of rock layers have restarted their work. They are currently laying the first layer of stones which will serve as a barrier for the concrete which will be poured in behind the stones. Here they are carefully sorting out each stone from their hand-picked collection and determine which ones will be placed.

Iraivan’s Entry Steps Take Shape!

At Iraivan Temple the siplis have nearly completed the installation of the first four stone steps that comprise the temple's main entrance. These slabs are fit over the existing stair-shaped foundation. They are then carved along the joints to make them relatively seamless.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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