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A Short Summary of Two Great Temples

Recenty Jiva sent us this short comparison of Brihadeeswara Temple in Tanjavore and our own Iravian Temple here in Hawaii. See below.

From Gurudeva:
"Visiting a Hindu temple, receiving darshan from the majestic Gods of our religion, can altogether change the life of a worshiper. It alters the flow of the pranas, or life currents, within his body. It draws his awareness into the deeper chakras. It adjusts his beliefs and the attitudes that are the natural consequence of those beliefs. But the change is slow. He lives with the experience for months and months after his visit to the temple. He comes to know and love the Deity. The Deity comes to know and love him, helping and guiding his entire evolutionary pattern.

"Darshan coming from the great temples of our Gods can change the patterns of karma dating back many past lives, clearing and clarifying conditions that were created hundreds of years ago and are but seeds now, waiting to manifest in the future. Through the grace of the Gods, those seeds can be removed if the manifestation in the future would not enhance the evolution of the soul."

Moving the Sanctum Doors to Iraivan Temple

Jai Ganesha!

Recently, several of the monks and the siplis brought Iraivan Temple's sanctum doors out of storage and into the temple. These doors are made of solid teak and are fully clad in decorative bronze work depicting ten forms of Siva. Currently the doors will remain in the temple while we move forward with the exacting process of fitting them to the stone entryway of the temple's sanctum. Aum.

Iraivan’s Temple Lavarock Update – September 20

Aum Namah Sivaya

A quick update to show us the progress on the lavarock wall along the eastern side of Iraivan Temple. To top layer of stones is gradually being completed. Following a taut string, which perfectly defines the top edge, each stone is hand selected to fit just right, and chiseled ever so slightly to get a perfect straight line all along the top of the lavarock face. These top stones have been completed along 1/3 of the eastern side of the temple.

Today’s Concrete Pour at Iraivan Temple

This morning several concrete trucks found their way up to the aadheenam to help with the western side of Iraivan Temple's lavarock plinth. Umut and his team have been preparing for this, and today were ready to fill in behind their next layer of stones. These lower layers take the most time and resources to construct, and having concrete pumped from a truck is a great boon for such a large project. Usually Umut and his team mix all their needed concrete themselves, but rarely do they work on projects of this scale.

A Preview of Iraivan Temple’s Tiruvasi

Recently, Jiva Rajasankara sent the aadheenam a photo of the bronze tiruvasi that is currently being created in India. This tiruvasi will stand behind Iriavan Temple's crystal Sivalingam. It is done in a slightly more traditional and ancient-looking style than is commonly seen today and will look wonderful against the sanctum's polished red granite. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Iraivan Update – September 5th

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today we look at recent progress on Iraivan Temple. Our lavarock team is making steady progress on the wall around the temple plinth. The eastern side is nearly complete, with the top layer of siding stone being added. That layer will then have concrete filled in behind it along with another row of stones to serve as the top of the wall. On other fronts, the siplis are making their way along the temple's outer pillars, adding some finishing touches to where the outside handrail meets each pillar. Aum.

Appreciating an Enduring Accomplishment

This week, Satguru and many of our monks gathered at Iraivan Temple for an official farewell for three of the silpis who have been here with us for the past few years. Following this photo, they headed to the airport to board their flights home, having masterfully completed their work here. By now they have made their way back to India and to their loving families, who haven't seen them in quite some time. Chinnu will remain here longer as the Aadheenam's chef, and the three remaining siplpis will continue to work on various projects around the temple. As for now, we admire the amazing progress that has taking place during their two-years-plus on the island. Much of itis visible in this one photo. They completed the Nandi Mandapam, they assembled the entire 485-foot-long perimeter wall, and they created these beautiful steps upon which this group photo was taken. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Iraivan Temple During Sunrise Today

Iraivan Temple Update – August 7th

Today we have a brief update for you of the progress on Iraivan Temple's lavarock wall and current stone carving work. Flip through the slideshow and enjoy! Aum.

Blessings to You from the Aadheenam

We hope the joy from this colorful rainbow reaches you wherever you are!
Today the monks end their short, four-day phase and enter into a three-day, full-moon retreat. A time of energy, within and without. As you'll see in the slideshow, we had a brief opportunity provided by the recent hurricane warning. Because of the potential for high winds we took all the tarps off of our tents. That means that for a few days the tarps over Iraivan Temple's entry steps were gone, allowing us a glimpse into the final look and feel of approaching the entryway to this magnificent temple. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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