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Gold Gilding of Iraivan Temple and Kadavul Temple’s Kodimaram

A short aerial video showcasing the recently completed gold leafing of the capstones on Iraivan Hindu Temple in Kauai, along with its kodimaram (temple flagpole) and the re-gilded kodimaram of Kadavul Temple.

Iraivan Temple’s Gold Capstones Revealed

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today, with the gold gilding complete, the tarps which had been covering the remainder of Iraivan Temple's capstones were removed. The temple's new gold can now gleam brightly in our tropical sun.

Iraivan Temple’s Vimanam Revealed!

Aum Namah Sivaya

After many days of meticulous work, the gold gilding on Iraivan Temple's Vimanam has been completed. The tarps have been removed and the glinting capstone can be seen in all its glory. The gilders have now moved on to the the temple's kodimaram. Aum.

A Golden Vimanam

Aum Namah Sivaya
Here's a sneak peak at Iraivan Temple's newly regilded golden vimanam. The Vimanam is a Hindu Temple's tower or roof-structure which rises over the central sanctum. It is this capstone over which the divinity-infused kumbha (water pot) gets poured during the temple's Kumbhabhishekam, its consecration ceremony. Aum.

Let the Panchakshara Shine!

Aum. Recent progress on Iraivan Temple has included many little projects by the silpis, including a good deal of work to ensure the waterproof longevity of several misbehaving roof joints. The gold gilding on the caps stones has also recommenced with Micheal and his team having recently arrived back on island (but more on that to come). This week, Adaikalam has been finishing up his task of polishing the Panchakshara symbols on the steps which lead to Iraivan's sanctum. As you can see these dark "Na Ma Si Va Ya" squares now have greater contrast and visibility. This last layer of chiseling, using something of a "sand-paper" like chisel tip, can be vary time consuming, but the results are always astonishing.

Granite Pots from Bali

Aum Namah Sivaya

Recently, two large, hand-carved, granite pots were delivered to the Aadheenam. These pots were commissioned from artists in Bali and shipped across the globe to reside on either side of Iraivan Temple's entrance steps. There has long been some empty space at the temple, just behind the head of each yali. These pots fill that space nicely and blend seamlessly with the temple's architecture as it transitions from neatly carved stone, to the rough and raw lava rock wall found nearby. Aum.

Regilding Kadavul’s Kodimaram

Jai Ganesha!

With our team of gold gilders on island working on Iraivan Temple's domes and flagpole, it was the perfect time to regild Kadavul Temple's kodimaram. The full flagpole was just recently finished and is shining brightly in our tropical sun. Aum.

Final Steps of Iraivan Temple’s Kodimaram

Aum Namah Sivaya

This week the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam and the siplis worked on the final installation of the kavacham (metal cladding) on Iraivan Temple's kodimaram—the temple's flagpole. Each piece of the kavacham must go over the tall piece of teak wood in the correct order. They then have to be set in place with wooden spacers to properly attach around the pole. The top of the pole is etched with three progressively smaller edges over which sits the three pieces of the metal "flag." The flag is a complex and ancient design, which once put together with its bracing pieces, is almost completely without any sagging. Mind you, these are 8-foot long, horizontal pieces attached to a top of a pole. They are also very heavy. A rather astounding example of Indian temple engineering. With all the kodimaram pieces installed, our gold leafing team can soon work their magic. Aum.

Daily Life of our Temple Carvers

A short documentary-style video by Rajkumar Manickam, about Kauai Aadheenam's current group of silpi temple carvers and the monastery's chef who are here from India. The siplis were interviewed about their daily lives and their experiences while being here in Kauai.

Scaffolding for Iraivan Temple’s Gold

Aum Namah Sivaya

Recently the aadheenam received a large shipment of scaffolding for the upcoming gold leafing work to be done on the temple's capstones. As we've mentioned in our newsletters, on their original installation these capstones were a little under prepared for our intense tropical weather, resulting in quicker wear and in the growth of molds and lichen. Due to this, we're having the company that does the gold work on our nation's capital buildings come out to do a more lasting installation for the temple. This work will also include the kodimaram for Iraivan Temple and some touch up work on Kadavul Temple's kodimaram as well. This week the scaffolding was fully set up and the temple is now ready for the gold work to begin.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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