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Step by Step

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today we get to see the latest progress on the stairway that leads up to Iraivan Temple. The steps are flanked on either side by garden terraces and will ultimately receive stone cladding and will be accented by thick stone railings. Since our last update the completed concrete steps have doubled in number, the large section around the female stone elephant and her calf has just been finished, and overall we've almost reached the top of the hill. Aum.

Repainting Murtis Outside Kadavul

For many years, visitors to Kadavul Temple have been greeted by a fantastically carved wooden Ganesha and Muruga on either side of the temple's main entrance. Over the years of sun and rain, the paint on both carvings had begun to fade. To remedy the situation we recently hired two painters to touch them up, and over the past few weeks we've been watching the progress as a bright base layer was added, followed by a full layer of golden highlights. Aum.

A Stairway to Iraivan

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today we bring you the current progress on the entry steps that lead up from near the Wailua River to Iraivan Temple. The first set of steps have been completed, and now the forms will be built for the next. Following the completion of the concrete pouring, a 15"-high lava rock wall will be built on both sides and eventually the steps will be clad with stone. One of the magical things is the three elephants are climbing the stairs along with pilgrims. Aum.

Escalating Elephants

Recently, two of our stone-carved elephant statues have been put into place along that will be the future stairway that pilgrims will walk to reach Iraivan Temple. The stairs will be made from concrete with stone details, paralleled by a 15-inch-tall lava rock-clad railing on either side. The elephants, placed by the silpis before they left, will greet you as you make your ascent. They stand in place of the live, temple elephants we sadly can't get here on Kauai. The male elephant in the lead, holds an intricately carved globe in his trunk, symbolizing the universality of Hinduism and its acceptance of all people, beliefs, and existences in this world. The female leads her child behind her representing Hinduism as a powerful guiding force for all souls of the world.

Improving Temple Roofing

Aum Namah Sivaya

This week Iraivan Temple has been receiving improved roofing material to help it to better shed water and prevent future leaks between roof stones. Our neighbor Bobby's family profession is roofing, and he's happy to have the job of roofing Iraivan Temple. The work is proceeding quickly and they will likely finish very soon. Aum.

2021 Ayudha Puja and Installing Iraivan Temple’s Doors

Aum Namah Sivaya

Recently the silpis and monks observed Ayudha Puja, a time when we bless our tools and craft items for the work they help us perform. This year's Ayudha Puja included a special blessing for the Sanctum Doors of Iraivan Temple which have now been installed.

Stone Parrots, Stone Chains and Karna Koodu

Jai Ganesha!

This week we celebrate the installation of some of the final ornamental additions to Iraivan Temple's Nandi Mandapam. The silpis have completed the installation of the Karna Koodu, the twelve capstones that adorn the mandapam's roof. They've also installed the eight stone parrots that sit upon the corners of the roof. With all that completed, the silpis were then able to place the stone chains into their positions underneath the mandapam's eave. Aum.

Nandi Mandapam Capstones

Recently the siplis have been preparing for the installation of the capstones that will grace the rooftop of Iraivan Temple's Nandi Mandapam. The Nandi Mandapam features some of the more intricate carvings throughout the temple and these captones are no exception. Also to be installed on each corner of the roof are delicate granite birds which will peer over the roof's edge. Aum.

Fitting Iraivan Temple’s Sanctum Doors

Jai Ganesha!

Recently the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam and the siplis worked together at Iraivan Temple to fit the sanctum door into place for the first time. This allowed them to properly measure and align everything for the eventual, final installation. It also provided us with an inspiring preview of things to come. Aum.

A New San Marga Ganesha Shrine

Jai Ganesha!

Today, two very exciting events took place at Iraivan Temple and along San Marga. For a while now, the monastery has had several stone works that have been waiting to be installed in their final locations. One being the granite Ganesha Shrine which pilgrims will be met with along San Marga. The others being the granite elephants that will adorn the future, longer, entry steps leading up the hill to Iraivan Temple. Today Larry Conklin and his masterful crane operating skills were put to the test as we moved one of the stone elephants from the Iraivan Temple foundation over to it's location along the soon-to-be staircase. The monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam, the siplis, and Larry then proceeded out to San Marga with the Ganesha Shrine and installed the new shrine in its new home. Aum.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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