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A Look Into Iraivan Day

Each month the mathavasi of Kauai Aadheenam get together and perform a group outreach sadhana called Iraivan Day. The other 3 weekends of the month is Siddhidata day where we all work outside together. However on Iraivan day we work inside on everything Iraivan Temple related. Here is a quick look at what we have been doing for decades.

Our New Noni Washer in Action

After months of toiling and research, Acharya Arumuganathaswami was ready to test out his recently-crafted barrell washer. Our method of cleaning the freshly harvested fruit heretofore was entirely manual. While effective, it isn't entirely the most efficient. Automating some of that process will aid in the overall production.

The Creation and Blessing of Satguru's Holy Chariot

We present a complete slideshow of the Siddhidata Kulam's creation of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's new procession chariot which was first used on this past Satguru Purnima. The ensuing weeks before the big day involved *a lot* of work on the part of the Siddhidata Kulam to ensure it would be completed in time. For them, we are thankful.

Noni Harvest with Nagarajan and Divyesh Pillai

This past retreat, father and son duo Nagarajan and Divyesh Pillai joined some of our monks on a noni harvest. Acharya Arumuganathaswami along with Natyams Nandinatha, Rajanatha, and Jayanatha made up a full group of six and managed to pick just over 1,800 pounds (820 kg) of the magical medicinal fruit. This fruit will eventually become noni juice and serve as the highly beneficial organic elixir sold by the monastery.

Roshan's Last Taskforce Day

Our most recent taskforcer, Roshan Sivayogam, performed hours of hard work to finish up one last job before going back home. Check out the slideshow for details. Thanks Roshan!


Recently the monastery received a wonderful boon. A housing development project just 15 minutes away has cut down several nice trees. Kumarnathaswami, Arumuganathaswami, Brahmanathaswami and Sadhaka Jayanatha have spent the last few days collecting the logs and transporting them to the monastery to eventually be milled and used for future projects. So far we've acquired dozens of camphor logs as well as several other large pieces. These few photos were taken at a funny moment when two giant (and very heavy) logs had to be lifted off the trailer using both the tractor and the skid-steer.

Solar Independance Day!

On July 4th the monks celebrated the completion of the monastery's new solar array, and its partial independence from the Island's diesel-generated power grid. A short blessing was performed and the array switch was turned on by Bodhinatha. You can see our array's activity live online at:
In the ensuing months the monastery will monitor its daytime power usage and begin to adjust energy use for maximum solar effectivity. For example dehumidifiers can be timed for peak solar power hours rather then running at night. The hope is that a very large percent of all our power usage will be from our new array. The whole monastery and the Siddhidata Kulam especially want to thank Kulapati Easvan Param for all the work he has done to see this project come to reality. Over the past several years he has been selflessly providing consulting during all phases of the project and flying over to Kauai to assist with installation. He has even gone through the State of Hawaii, Electricians License exams to maintain a Hawaiian Electrician's license, just to be able to help the monastery in an official capacity. And with that in hand he did the final crucial hook up of the solar array to the grid. Mikka Nandri Easvan!

Solar Project Wire Pull

With the help of Saravanathaswami the SK team ran wires from the Mini Mela roof mounted solar array to a pull box next to the ground mount solar array. This is another major step forward in the project. As you can see from the roof of the Mini Mela the ground mount Solar Array has 99% of the solar panels installed. We are getting really close to utilizing the power of the sun. Jai Bodhinatha for continuing Gurudeva's vision of a self sustained Monastery!

Milling a Mango Desk

Today the swamis are milling a massive desk for the Media Studio. It is being milled a full five inches thick, but what is truly special is that it is the mango tree that was felled (regrettably) last month. So the tree will have a new destiny inside the building that it shaded for 54 years.
The wood is extraordinary, with a dramatic black and brown vein of heartwood surrounded by pink and beige tones, which have a curly texture throughout. When finished this will be a gem. 

A Puja for the Monastery's New Backhoe

The Monastery has bought a used backhoe from our neighbor, who is moving and sold it at a very good price. The Siddhidata Kulam performed a short puja for it, blessing it for its many long years of use. Being such a large machine, this backhoe is a huge boon.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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