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A New Sitting Area to Enjoy

Recently we've completed the installation of a small covered area on the west side of Iraivan Temple. This small wood and aluminium structure houses a picnic table and some stone seats (which are surprisingly comfortable to sit on). So next time you're in the sacred gardens and it begins to rain, or you simply want a great place to sit down and enjoy the sacredness, remember this location and give it a try. Aum.

Into the Gardens

After spending some weeks on a Kauai pilgrimage, the Pillay family enjoyed an afternoon tour of Siva's Gardens, guided by Sadasivanathaswami. They had never put their feet into the waters of the Wailua River, so that was a treat. Follow them as they discover new areas previously unknown.

Colorful Catci

On the northwest corner of Iraivan Temple lies our recently created Shadkonam desert garden. With just the right mix sun a few short bouts of rain, some of these cacti have bloomed. For anyone who knows cacti, you'll know that among flowering plants, there is nothing quite like these arid wonders.

High Above the Sacred Gardens

We thought you'd enjoy this recent Quad Copter shot of Iriavan Temple from straight above. This was taken in order to do some planning for the future of the north-west gardens (bottom-right).

Photo Tour

Today our photographer, LakshmiGrace Phoenix, sent a few more of her marvelous discoveries in the monastery grounds. Enjoy looking through her eyes!

Sadhu Paksha: A Meditation on Nature’s Beauty

With the aadheenam coming close to a change of seasons, leaving the meditative Moksha Ritau for the budding life of the Nartana Ritau, our monks take to their two-week dicipline of Sadhu Paksha. Here we enjoy the gardens and paths in the early morning, and meditate to the rising sun. The monastery's flowers are beginning to bloom wildly again and birds and honey bees are enjoying the abundance of necter. Nature and its rythms are a great aid to the human mind. Maybe this slideshow will encourage you to adventure outside today along with your monks. Aum Namah Sivaya

Day 6 Alaveddy Pasupathiswarar Temple Sivapuja and Planting Trees around Ashram

Recently, Satguru led the Innersearch pilgrims to the village of Alaveddy where Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami received his introduction to Hinduism and Jaffna Saivite culture. The Ashram's Pasupathiswarar Temple has Yogaswami and Gurudeva's photo above the shrine. After puja, the pilgrims planted 63 trees including Sandalwood and Teak to beautify the landscape of the future Parampara Shrine area. Sanjai Shanmuganathan, the young contractor has started work in rebuilding the retaining wall area and later work on the Shrine.

Nature’s Wisdom

A Painting of Narmada Stream

A lovely painting of Chola Garden’s Narmada Stream, recently created by a Kauai-based artist.

"Creativity leads to a sense of being close to God." - Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

A Class and a Cactus

Yesterday our 2018 Mahasamadhi pilgrims enjoyed a class with Paramacharya Sadasivanathaswami. Afterwards that journeyed out to the new Shadkonam Garden to plant a tree. Well.. not a tree exactly, but rather more of a cacti. This beast of a cactus will grow to about the size of an apple tree. Everyone gathered around and Kumar Gurukkal performed a short puja for blessings. After placing the cacti in the ground, everyone joined in to offer fertilizer and water. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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