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Iraivan’s Steps, a Lavarock Plinth and Pretty Plants

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today our camera-monk takes us out to Iraivan Temple for this week's update of the progress going on there. right now the next layers of the temple steps are being placed and the lavarock plinth is getting higher and higher. Also, join us for a quick detour into our Sacred Gardens.

An Upgrade for Tirumular

In order to give future visitors some more detailed background about Rishi Tirumular, we've recently done some work on the small, long-standing pavilion nearby his statue. This pavilion has been empty for some time and Kauai's weather had been taking its toll. Still, with a strong foundation and intact beams, all it needed was some new roofing and something to put inside. After finishing the new roof, we added a large poster which gives details about this great rishi, his life and teachings. Look for it next time you find yourself at Kauai Aadheenam! Aum Namah Sivaya

"Nobody knows exactly the eternal and transcendental abode of Lord Śiva. He enshrines Himself within the heart of all those who are able to identify His supreme plane of existence. He is ever present there without losing His all-pervasive nature. If the sādhaka is able to realize His vibrant presence in the minute space of his heart, He could become Śiva Himself at once." -Tirumantiram

The Patterns of Plants

Musings from Siva's Garden

The World is a Wondrous Place

The morning moon glides above Iraivan Temple.

"God is with you all the time. There is no work to be done. Move in conformity with changes within your environment. Be steadfast in truth. Natural forces are countless. Be you, your own self, while at the same time recognizing all these. That is wisdom. We do not do anything. Everything happens of its own accord." - Yogaswami

Sadhu Paksha

Aum Namah Sivaya,

This week and the next, the monks are observing their Sadhu Paksha retreat, which happens to be quieter than usual due to the monastery being fully closed to visitors. Nonetheless, our monastics are observing a more free-flowing morning routine and trying to get out and enjoy the the beauty of our tropical environment. Aum Namah Sivaya.

A Walk Around the Aadheenam

With the recent rains subsiding, it's a great time to get out and enjoy the lush natural beauty of Kauai Aadheenam. Let's see who we come across along the way.

"Just go about and do your work. Enjoy the beauty of the world! See yourself everywhere. That is the greatest secret!" Yogaswami

Temple Builders’ Pavilion

The evolution of the Temple Builders' Pavilion continues. This first image shows it before the three stone chains were installed as handrails, and also before today's black stone frame was installed. It is getting close to perfection! Yet, it was also perfect as it evolved, no?

In Siva’s Garden Today

Every day there is magic in the Sacred Garden. Today we introduce you to Agave desmentiana "Joe Hoak." Joe is the breeder who took a plain-jane agave and gave it multi-color striations. The bees are working the little flowers with a vengeance (no doubt aware that rains are on the horizon). This gem is growing right outside the Media Studio and has become something of a show-stopper while it blooms, a process that takes weeks and weeks as the blossoms open up first at the bottom and then work their way to the top. This agave is making a thousand copies of itself! Siva's cosmos is abundant!

Another Beautiful Day in Paradise

Recently we gave taskforcer Yajatadeva the mission of going around the aadheenam with a camera. His goal was to photograph whatever caught his creating eye. Here is the aadheenam through his lens. Aum.

Siva’s Sacred Gardens

Even the monks stop in wonder when we stumble on yet another previously unseen botanical gem in the garden. Here are 21 photos taken during a recent 15-minute hike. Siva, it turns out, is an Amazing Designer, in addition to all His other gifts.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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