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Preparing a Garden Grove

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today we bring you the short story of a small area of nature near our Mini Mela building, which many might not notice as they walk by. After a good many years, plants do like they do here, grow a little wild (by gardeners' standards, that is). Sannyasin Kaivalyanathaswami has recently been adding a little refinement back into one of these areas. With the help of Jim, Swami has been making a small manicured clearing within a colorful hedge, returning it to its former glory as a serene sanctuary. Peruse the slideshow to learn more.

Widening the New Road

Our new concrete road down to Iraivan Temple is called Siva Saalai, “Siva’s Road” in Tamil. It is a 650-foot-long, 10-foot-wide entry, taking visitors through two rows of giant talipot palms, seven trees on each side. It is an awesome entryway.

After waiting a month for it to cure, heavy equipment can now use it. Today we are widening it with a skirt of dirt and gravel to vehicles can pass each other coming from opposite directions and so large delivery trucks can make the turns. Our employee Doug Noogle is bringing in loads and smoothing it out. This was once the most pot-holed road on the property. Today it is the Royal Road to Siva.

Sampling of Minimela Inventory, and Sunset Shots

Here's a small tour through some of the items kept in supply for the many visitors passing through our Minimela giftshop.

Siva’s Bonsai Gems

A long-awaited manifestation is taking place in Siva's Sacred Gardens. It is the brainchild of Tandu Sivanathan, a bonsai sensei who has cared for, nurtured, shaped and otherwise raised dozens of bonsais at his Kauai homestead. He has recently, with the help of Deva Seyon, brought twelve of his master works to the monastery. Together they placed display stands at each of the Satguru murtis, then hand-picked which guru should be honored with which style of bonsai. Now Tandu comes to the monastery every other day to water them all, since their super-shallow root system is hyper sensitive to drying out. Come with us on a tour of this marvelous addition to an already marvelous sanctuary.

Inspired the the beauty of the bonsai, Kartik Suresh wrote this short song (he's a bass player).

Bonzais of San Marga by Kartik Suresh, January 26, 2022

With Iraivan Temple just feet away, stand individual Bonzai for each Guru today. As each guru along San Marga’s path, each Bonzai’s shape colors their individual message. 

Whether lush with leaves, or a long branch as one, Siva’s grace is seen and expressed in rain, wind and sun.

Such as Sanatana Dharma, Bonzais have seen millennia, and as Santana Dharma, need meticulous care and discipline to wash away karma.

Jai Ganapathi, Jai Gurudeva, with these Bonzai at your feet, may Siva’s message and dance be shared with the world to see.

Click to play!

Royal Road to Siva’s Feet – Part Two

Today we share the second chapter in the tale of the trail, the making of the 10-foot-side and 650-foot-long concrete roadway leading to Iraivan Temple. The crew is amazingly hard-working, arriving before 6am and leaving after 5:30pm, and all day dealing with heavy concrete. The last photo is our favorite, relaxing at the end of five days effort. Our drone pilot captured a few overview shots toward the end of the slideshow. This roadway will transform the experience of driving and walking to Iraivan Temple, just as the very land on which our beloved Gurudeva stepped is guiding and transforming lives all over the world. Jai Gurudeva!

A Stairway to Iraivan

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today we bring you the current progress on the entry steps that lead up from near the Wailua River to Iraivan Temple. The first set of steps have been completed, and now the forms will be built for the next. Following the completion of the concrete pouring, a 15"-high lava rock wall will be built on both sides and eventually the steps will be clad with stone. One of the magical things is the three elephants are climbing the stairs along with pilgrims. Aum.

A New San Marga Bell Tower!

Jai Ganesha!

Recently we've completed the construction of a new bell tower along San Marga. If you have ever walked down San Marga from the Rudraksha Forest, you might recall that just after Muruga Hill there is a small wooden archway with a bronze bell attached. From afar the bell can be heard as pilgrims ring it, heralding their entrance into the Shivaloka while they move ever closer to their destination of Iraivan Temple. As a gift to the aadheenam, Umut (the mason who built Iraivan Temple's lava rock wall), volunteered to create a new archway from concrete and stone. A larger and more ornate bell would then be added. After a little over a month of work, the new bell was installed a rung loudly, echoing across San Marga. Next time you visit these sacred grounds, remember to strike this bell for all the three worlds to hear. Aum Namah Sivaya.

A New Path For Pilgrims

Jai Ganesha!

This week we've started construction on a new pathway which leads into Rishi Valley. This path will be providing visiting pilgrims an enjoyable trek along the edge of the ponds, across the stream, and up to Iraivan Temple. Aum

Chola Gardens on Canvas

A serene painting, made by an inspired artist

It flows everywhere.
All things are born from it,
yet it doesn't create them.
It pours itself into its work,
yet it makes no claim.
It nourishes infinite worlds,
yet it doesn't hold on to them.
Since it is merged with all things
and hidden in their hearts,
it can be called humble.
Since all things vanish into it
and it alone endures,
it can be called great.
It isn't aware of its greatness;
thus it is truly great.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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