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Mondo Grass Planting Update

On this dry and sunny afternoon we get a few shots of more mondo sprigs (the dark green fluffy grass) being added on the west side of Iraivan Temple. We've hired some extra help to move the big project forward a little quicker. The silpis are up there making some corrections on roof stones.

Two Unusual Photos

Fun photos for today. The first is a shot of Nimu, the African Grey parrot you have seen on TAKA before. This morning he was caught piloting our drone (which can be seen on the other side of the glass if you look closely).

The second is a shot of Rudraksha tree roots, taken in May by Rajkumar Manickam. This tree is near the Swayambhu Lingam, near the Muruga shrine.

Siva’s Sacred Gardens on July 19th

Today our peripetetic photographer roamed and captured a handful of the many botanical exhibitions in the garden. The amazing thing about a mature garden is that it is different each day, always something new, something blossoming, something growing high above in the trees.

Moving a Rose Granite Bench

Years ago, seeing the deterioration occasioned by the tropics on all things wooden, we decided as much as feasible to use longer-lasting materials. So when a wooden garden bench rotted out, we had four rose-colored granite benches made by our team in India, and installed them in the gardens.

One among them became overgrown by the foliage, and no one was using it. So two days back we took a team of six out and moved it to a new location. It now sits near the flagpole, overlooking Rishi Valley, a place it will be used often and enjoyed.

Story in the slideshow.

Amazing Rudrakshas

For a week now the editing team of Hinduism Today has been designing and editing a 12-page article on Rudrakshas, an untold story soon to be told. Our Nepalese writer/photographer flew to the remote valley (just 33 miles from Mount Everest) where Nepal's Rudrakshas are grown and marketed, and hers is a revealing story. Spoiler alert: Nikki reports that the most expensive single bead ever sold went to Chinese buyers for $84,000!

As the story comes together, we are again reminded of our own Sacred Rudraksha Forest and its natural beauties. So sharing some of that today.

New Electric People Mover

Last year two pilgrims were taken through the gardens in our road-weary gas-guzzling, past-its-prime People Mover. They were moved to upgrade future pilgrims' experience, and made a gift to inspire an electric one. It arrived and was blessed two days back. We have named it Mayil, Lord Murugan's vahana, the peacock. It is a giant step up for hosting guests in the sacred gardens. Of course, it's quiet, and you can talk while it is running and people can hear and understand you. Our old one forced us to turn off the engine if we wanted to share something. Those days are history. Jai Murugan!

The Hawaiian Honu, Green Turtle

The silpis have reinstalled our rose granite turtle near Iraivan. It is one of the small carved marvels that pilgrims stumble upon in their explorations of the sacred gardens. The short story is that the fins were broken after it arrived from the Artha Enterprises worksite in Bengaluru four years back, so new ones had to be carved. They arrived in November and have been affixed in the last few days. This honu, symbol of widsom and good fortune, sits on his rock overlooking Iraivan Temple. With thanks to our multi-talented silpis.

Some honu facts: The Hawaiian turtle, also known as the honu, is a beloved symbol of good luck and longevity in Hawaiian culture. These gentle sea creatures can often be found basking on the sandy shores or swimming gracefully in the warm waters of the islands. With their green and yellow shells and friendly faces, honu are a cherished sight for both locals and tourists alike. In Hawaiian tradition, the honu is seen as a symbol of wisdom and is said to bring good fortune to those who are lucky enough to spot one. They also play an important role in Hawaiian marine life and are protected under state law. Whether you're swimming with them, watching them sunbathe, or simply admiring them from the shore, the honu is a truly special and revered creature in Hawaiian culture.

The honu is also commonly known as the green turtle. It gets its name from the greenish color of its cartilage and fat, which is visible through its translucent skin. The green turtle is considered an endangered species globally, according to IUCN Red List. Human activities such as hunting, egg collection, coastal development, pollution, and accidental capture in fishing gear have all contributed to the decline in green turtle populations. Conservation efforts are in place to protect the species and its habitats, such as protected nesting beaches, but more needs to be done to ensure the survival of this magnificent animal.

Old Man Palms

For a couple of months now intense work has continued in the landscaping right near Iraivan Temple. Four stone circles are being created, raised gardens which hold five Old Man Palms each, (Cocothrynax crinata), a native of Cuba. It has a hairy white thicket surrounding the trunk, and some say it looks like an old man's white beard. Also, the team continues to cut and manage the new grass, which is clearly thriving in the tropical sun and rain.

Lotus Blooms Again!

Years back we had ponds, large ponds 100 feet across, packed with lotuses. You could not even see the water they were so dense. Then along came a voracious fish, the talapia, who loved their taste and devoured every one.

We have been without lotuses all those intervening years, til now. With the help of Piragash and Kauai members, we are getting them again, and this one bloomed today with multiple blossoms. A joyous thing to see. We will now work to keep the fish away from them so they will flourish again. A little tutorial on lotus for the uninitiated:

Hinduism equates the lotus with beauty, fertility, prosperity, spirituality, and eternity. The most common lotus seen in Hinduism is the white lotus flower. However, the pink lotus flower is considered to be the most divine and only awarded to those of the highest standing. Hindu deities are often seated on a lotus. And it is said that each chakra has lotus-like petals.

The lotus flower is the foremost symbol of beauty, prosperity and fertility. According to Hinduism, within each human is the spirit of the sacred lotus. It represents eternity, purity, divinity, and is widely used as a symbol of life, fertility, ever-renewing youth.
One of the most common metaphysical analogies compares the lotus' perennial rise out of the mud into faultless beauty to the evolution of consciousness, from instinctive impulses to spiritual liberation.
In Hindu sacred texts each human is urged to be like the lotus; they should work without attachment, dedicating their actions to God, untouched by worldliness, like water on a lotus leaf, like a beautiful flower standing high above the mud and water.

Story of the Siam Rose

One of the rare and unique flowers in Siva's Sacred Garden is the Etlingeri corneri. It was discovered only 20 years back or so in the jungles of Thailand, and through an amazing story (which is told on the linked video), it came to the Aadheenam before anywhere else in America. We have four clusters now and they are all a bit hidden from view, so we thought to bring this gem forward today, as it is in full bloom during Mahasamadhi days.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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