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A Rare Discovery in the Gardens

Today we stumbled upon this hybrid crinum, a flower which is usually bright orange, pink or white, but to find these ones flowering red and green is truly a rarity.

First Delivery from the Quarry

Today a test run was made, bringing the first four of what will be hundreds of boulders from the Eleele Quarry to the temple site. We proved that the road is strong and the system does work. Even though these four boulders weigh about 25 tons all together, they are small compared to stones we hope to have. Designer Martin Mosco is hoping for 40 stones in the 20-25 ton range!

Iraivan Landscaping

As TAKA visitors know, a world-class landscape architect has been sponsored to come to Kauai and develop the gardens around Siva's Hawaiian Abode. He is Martin Mosco, a Buddhist priest and master contemplative garden designer. One of the principles he and Sadasivanathaswami are working with is the idea that the granite structure is Siva as unchanging, masculine, strong, transcendent. The surrounding Sacred Gardens are the living temple, Siva as life and form, feminine, nurturing, immanent.

Two of the three needed models are complete and have been moved to the Banyan Mandapam where a photo study was done for Martin's records and mapping. We share those photos today. As you will see, Martin has chosen giant boulders as his principle garden language. The first two images are plan views of the Western (mountain) side of Iraivan and the Eastern (ocean) side. The other images are various details showing the bridges, waterfalls, islands (can you spot Turtle Island?) gathering areas, paths, ponds and such. It's quite a breath-taking vision. Not to mention a mountain of work!

Iraivan Temple Landscaping

Martin Mosco is with us again, working on the third and final model for Siva's Living Temple, the sacred gardens. The stewards visited the studio just down the street where he is creating this masterpiece and Martin was able to share his vision for the space around Iraivan. As you may know, it is essentially building a mountain of stone on the Mount Waialeale side, and a massive lake on the ocean side. The stewards made some small addendums and went away with a grand vision of the future, thanks to this brilliant landscape architect. Martin is a Buddhist and runs a small temple in Denver, Colorado. A few glimpses of his modeling skills are to be seen in today's slideshow.

Mango Tree Planting on Himalayan Acres

With the necessary but unfortunate removal of the mango tree by the Media Studio, we have planted three new mango trees on Himalayan Acres. These were provided by Durvasa Alahan, and in keeping with the Agamic advice that if you cut down one tree you should plant several more of the same kind. The tree in the foreground is grafted with three different types which ripen at different times.

Aloha to Our Mango Tree

If you follow TAKA, you know that we have been compelled to remove a 54-year-old mango tree that had begun to break the walls and foundation of the Media Studio. Today the Tongan team went high in the wir on their cherry picker, and methodically cut and lowered limb after limb. It will take another 2-3 days to complete. We followed the Agamas and planted three trees of the same species before making the cuts.

An Indian poetess who knows the tree and shares our reluctance to remove it, offers this affectionate poem today:

You stood silent
watching the years go by
you shared your shade
without the slightest sigh
your fruits were sweet
we sat at your feet
as Gurudeva signed our books
Have you go on to join him
in the subtle, inner realms?
so he may sign our souls
as he once signed our tomes
and you continue to bear witness ...
May we meet again someday
"again for the first time"
as he would laugh and say!
The sapling babies will carry your leagcy
as his beloved monks now do
you will live on, just as he does
in all whose lives he touched
and continues to grace
we will miss you and yet, we won't
knowing you are in a better place
across the veil, just another vale
that we too, will cross someday!
Quiet service, despite your size,
is what you have taught us
Fly as high as deep your roots grew
free of boulders and buildings
Spread across boundaries
that lines on paper impose
Take with you our love, our thanks
for being all that you chose!
Dear Great Mango Tree
this little note comes to you
with all the love a heart can hold!
Pass this message to your brethren
who had none to hold 
when their time came
tell them all, we are sorry
and that, we love them too!
For this last act on our behalf 
we thank you yet again!
Infinite love and eternal gratitude
Aum Namah Sivaya!

A Beautiful Rainbow over Kauai Adheenam this Morning

With heavy showers, and a bright sunrise, this double rainbow unfolded itself over the svayambhu lingam.

Hawaiian Winter Garden Wonders

With temperatures dropping just below 60 degrees at night (burrr!) H2O in the atmosphere loves to manifest itself on the plants in our garden. Sadhaka Rajanatha sends this lovely and remarkable series of shots of the morning dew on the plants. There are large versions to view in this slideshow, so don't hesitate to go full screen for the full experience of this incredible show of Lord Siva's beautiful creations!

Satguru Bodhinatha Landscaping Video Interview

Martin Mosko and his wife Alxe are on island for 12 days to make a scale model of a portion of the garden right around Iraivan Temple. Alxe is a filmmaker and plans to document the entire project. Here she interviews Bodhinatha about his perspective on the sacred garden project.

Kauai Rock Quarry

Today we went to the Kauai Quarry to query the querulous quarrymaster about some quintessentially quiescent boulders for our sacred gardens. We were there with Martin Mosco and his wife, Alxe (pronounced Alex).

A wonderful session ensued, during which we clambered over hundreds of giant boulders to pick a mere four for the Iraivan Siva Garden that Martin is designing. Deva Rajan and Durvasa Alahan joined for the adventure.

Martin is on island for 12 days to make a scale model of a portion of the garden right around the temple. Alxe is a filmmaker (among other talents) and plans to document the entire project which will durate (should be a word) from now to August. Stay tuned for progress on this creative project, all thanks to the vision and support of Jim Levin and Natalie Cederquist of Tucson, Arizona.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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