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Tirukural – Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Wanton Women

Verse 914
A man of some means, surrounded by wealth and scriptural texts, has retreated to a shady tree to contemplate spiritual matters. He does not see a beautiful woman who has approached him and is trying to get his attention. When he ignores her, the woman reaches out to another man.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 911

The sweet words of beautifully bangled women who desire
a man’s wealth and not his love decree his fall into disgrace.

Verse 912

Weigh the worth and abandon the company of wanton women
who, weighing their profit, prattle about their virtues.

Verse 913

A mercenary woman pretends intimate embrace,
but in the darkened room, she caresses a stranger’s carcass.

Verse 914

Men seeking spiritual treasures are too worldly wise
to touch tawdry women who treasure only material riches.

Verse 915

Men of innate good sense and acquired wisdom
never touch tramps who shamelessly share their beauty with all.

Verse 916

Desiring to maintain their jubilant goodness, men will not
embrace enticing women who proffer lewd charms to all.

Verse 917

Only men of unchaste mind will lie in the arms of women
whose hearts chase after other things as they embrace.

Verse 918

It is said that men devoid of discerning wisdom
succumb to a deceiving damsel’s embrace as to a siren’s song.

Verse 919

The soft arms of the elegantly bejeweled harlot
are a murky mire that engulfs wicked, stupid men.

Verse 920

Two-faced females, besotting brew and addictive dice
befriend the men whom fortune has forsaken.

Tirukural – Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Not Offending the Great

Verse 896
A man walks through a fire unscathed, despite its heat and burning flames. He encounters a holy man and scolds him. Immediately he is paralyzed in the picture below.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 891

Of all the ways to protect oneself, the foremost is this:
do not belittle the prowess of powerful men.

Verse 892

Disrespectful conduct toward great men will bring,
through those great men, unremitting miseries.

Verse 893

If you desire destruction, simply ignore the rules
and provoke those who, if they desire, can destroy you.

Verse 894

For the powerless to wreak harm upon the powerful
is to summon Death with a gesturing hand.

Verse 895

Once he incurs a fierce king’s withering wrath,
one is doomed, wherever he wanders, whatever he does.

Verse 896

Though burned by a blazing fire, one may still survive;
but there is no survival for those who offend great men.

Verse 897

What is the use of a man’s varied life and splendid wealth
if he reaps the wrath of great and righteous men?

Verse 898

If men of mountainous stature are meagerly esteemed,
others who seemed as enduring as earth will die, as will their kin.

Verse 899

The most kingly king will tumble from his throne and die,
should he unleash a towering sage’s bridled temper.

Verse 900

Though he commands unrivaled powers of protection,
a king cannot survive the wrath of powerful ascetics.

Tirukural – Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Internal Enmity

Verse 885
A man who is miserable is sleeping and dreaming of his relatives, whom he hates and despises. The sleeping man’s animosity will kill him, like the dagger that has penetrated his chest.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 881

Even shade and water are unpleasant if they breed disease.
So, too, may relatives be unpleasant if they cause harm.

Verse 882

Fear not the foe who is like a drawn sword;
rather fear the friendship of an enemy who poses as kin.

Verse 883

Dread hatred from within and defend yourself against it.
In calamitous times it will cut deeper than a potter’s knife.

Verse 884

Hidden hatreds may lurk only in the mind,
yet among kin they can manifest many miseries.

Verse 885

Hate hidden in a kinsman’s heart will cause
many miseries, and more–it will kill a man.

Verse 886

When hatred arises, dissension destroys unity,
and men fall inescapably toward ever-ready death.

Verse 887

A house that harbors hatred will never be a united whole,
though, like a vessel and its lid, it may appear to be one.

Verse 888

As iron is worn away by frequent filing,
a family’s strength is eroded by incessant inner frictions.

Verse 889

Internal dissension may seem as small as a split sesame seed,
yet there is enough power in it to destroy.

Verse 890

Living with those who cannot dwell in harmony
is like living in a hut with a deadly cobra.

Tirukural – Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Understanding the Nature of Enmity

Verse 876
A householder is sitting on the ground holding the head of his dying wife. Behind him, his house is burning and in front of him he is being threatened by two mischievous men with clubs. Despite all these troubles, his close friend remains in support, calmly sitting near.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 871

So accursed is the thing called hatred that one
should never wish for it–even in jest.

Verse 872

It is bad enough to incur the enmity of those who live by the bow,
but never provoke the hatred of those who sow and reap with words.

Verse 873

One man who, all by himself, arouses hatred in many
is crazier than any lunatic.

Verse 874

The world abides beneath the greatness
of noble-natured rulers who befriend even their enemies.

Verse 875

Finding that he faces two foes and has no allies,
a lone man lures one to side with him.

Verse 876

When distress dawns, neither draw near nor depart from
new friends and foes–rather, leave them alone.

Verse 877

Never tell your troubles to those who cannot comprehend them,
nor expose your weaknesses to your enemies.

Verse 878

Engineer a plan, execute that plan well and ensure
your security–thus is the joy of rivals forever ruined.

Verse 879

Chop down a thorny tree while it is young.
Left to grow mature, it will one day cut the cutter’s hand.

Verse 880

Those who fail to quell a hostile rival’s pride
will be blown away by the mere fact that he still breathes.

Tirukural – Chapter 87

Chapter 87: The Merits of Enmity

Verse 863
Two villagers in the foreground observe two responses to a raging buffalo. A young boy, ignorant and unattentive, has been trampled by the beast since he did not leave the road. A wiser traveler has found refuge behind a tree and avoided harm.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 861

Rein in antagonism against the strong,
but unleash animosity against feeble adversaries.

Verse 862

How can an unloving man, with neither powerful allies
nor the strength to stand alone, overcome mighty enemies?

Verse 863

He who is fearful, ignorant, unfriendly and uncharitable
proves an easy prey to his enemies.

Verse 864

Letting go of his secrets but not his antipathy,
a man becomes easy prey to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Verse 865

Without character, conscience, piety and propriety,
a man may yet be delightful–to his enemies!

Verse 866

Even hatred can be a welcome thing, when it comes from
scoundrels seized by blind rage and indulgent lust.

Verse 867

Some men undertake a task, then undermine it unawares.
Acquire their hatred–indeed, pay good money for it.

Verse 868

If a man has no virtues and many vices, he will surely have
no allies, and this will be his enemies’ surest advantage.

Verse 869

Finding that his foe is ignorant and afraid to fight,
the attacker’s cheerfulness cannot forsake him.

Verse 870

Fame will flee the grasp of one who fails to grasp
the wealth of an enemy who is angry and unlearned.

Tirukural – Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Hatred

Verse 858
Two people of different clans have gathered in fiery contention and hateful argument. Above, two brothers flee the conflict and their wealth is saved. Below, a man approaches the fight, inflaming it further. As a result, his home above burns to the ground.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 851

It is said that hatred is the disease that spreads
the plagues of discord among all living creatures.

Verse 852

Though men devise disunity and deliberately harm you,
the highest path plots no hateful retribution.

Verse 853

Removing the incurable cancer called hatred
reveals one’s immortal, undiminishing splendor.

Verse 854

The quelling of hatred, that sorrow of sorrows,
confers on man the joy of joys.

Verse 855

Who is there who can conquer those
who have relinquished all hostilities?

Verse 856

For all who boast that they take delight in hatred,
failure and death are drawing near.

Verse 857

Men filled with hatred, knowingly causing harm to others,
never see that their hoped-for triumph lies in God’s true grace.

Verse 858

Wealth increases when a man walks away from hatred
and diminishes whenever he draws it near.

Verse 859

Seeing a prosperous season approach, men neglect hatred.
In times of ruin, they nurture it lavishly.

Verse 860

Out of hatred springs all bitter suffering,
while cheerful friendship yields good fortune’s every joy.

Tirukural – Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Ignorance

Verse 847
A farmer has climbed out on the branch of a tree, but he is sitting on the wrong side and is about to injure himself. The owner of the orchard rushes up to warn him and urge him not to proceed.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 841

Dearth of wisdom is the direst destitution.
Other poverties the world deems less impoverishing.

Verse 842

If any merit is gained when a fool gives a gift, however gladly,
it is due to the recipient’s past penance and nothing else.

Verse 843

The suffering that ignorant men inflict upon themselves
can hardly be contrived by their enemies.

Verse 844

What is stupidity, you ask? It is the conceit
that dares to declare, “I am wise.”

Verse 845

He who pretends to knowledge he does not possess
raises doubts about the things he really knows.

Verse 846

Fools follow a perverse path, clothing their well-formed naked body,
yet never thinking to conceal their deformed mind.

Verse 847

Neglecting valuable advice, an ignorant man
becomes the cause of his own misery.

Verse 848

That soul who neither follows another’s orders nor fathoms what to
do himself creates nothing but torment until he leaves this life.

Verse 849

As an unseeing man sees only the ways of his own mind, whoever
attempts to open the eyes of those who will not see is himself blind.

Verse 850

He who denies as false what the world declares
to be true is deemed to be an earthly demon.

Tirukural – Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Folly

Verse 836
A carpenter attempts to build a hut for a client, but it is unstable, for he does not know how to do it. He soon finds himself in trouble as the people witnessing this ask him to return the money that they have loaned him for the task.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 831

What is folly? It is holding on to that which is harmful
and throwing away that which is helpful.

Verse 832

The folly of all follies is to find pleasure in
doing what one is forbidden to do.

Verse 833

To be shameless, uninquisitive, loveless and uncaring
are four failings common among all fools.

Verse 834

No fool is more foolish than one who eagerly expounds
his learning to others while failing to follow it himself.

Verse 835

It only takes a single birth for a fool to earn by his efforts
a morass of misery in the succeeding seven births.

Verse 836

Not knowing how to act, when a fool undertakes an enterprise,
he doesn’t just fail, he shackles himself in chains.

Verse 837

Should a fool fall upon a great fortune,
strangers will feast while his family starves.

Verse 838

If a fool happens to acquire something of value,
he will behave like a drunken lunatic.

Verse 839

Friendship among fools is particularly sweet,
for there is not the slightest pain when they part.

Verse 840

A fool’s stepping into a saintly council
is like entering a clean bed with filthy feet.

The Guru Chronicles – Tamil

The Guru Chronicles is the inspiring tale of our Nandinatha Sampradaya, a spiritual storybook which explores over 2,000 years of the history and lives of seven extraordinary gurus. Gurudeva set the book in motion in Sri Lanka back in 1972. It was decades in the making and was finally printed in English in 2011. Today, inspired by the Hindu New Year, we announce the release of the recently completed Tamil translation of this important book.

You can go here to download the pdf, epub or mobi:

To learn about the amazing work required to create the book, go to the web link below which takes you to the English version of the preface.

And, we will soon upload a version to the web, so that you can read it online.

Tirukural – Chapter 83

Chapter 83: False Friendship

Verse 828
A gentleman stands with hands folded across his chest. He is confronting a wicked fellow who has approached him. Though the intruder bows with a smile, inside his heart hides a dagger of intended harm.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 821

The friendship of those who feign affection is an anvil
on which they hammer you when the opportunity arises.

Verse 822

For those who act like friends, but are not,
friendship fluctuates like a fickle woman.

Verse 823

Though their learning may be abundantly good,
ignoble men rarely learn goodness of heart.

Verse 824

Fear the cunning friend who, harboring
wickedness in his heart, smiles sweetly to your face.

Verse 825

Distrust whatever words may come from men
whose hearts do not beat in harmony with your own.

Verse 826

Sounding very much like a good friend's words,
a rival's words are nonetheless known very quickly.

Verse 827

Knowing how the bending of a bow forebodes nothing but harm,
never trust an enemy, though he bends low in his speech.

Verse 828

Folded in respect, a foe's hands may hide a dagger.
So, too, his tears dare not be trusted.

Verse 829

Men may amply aid you, yet despise you in their heart;
make them laugh, but let feigned friendship die.

Verse 830

When the time comes that foes pose as friends,
keep a friendly face but banish their brotherhood from your heart.

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