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Monastery Year in Review Video

Important activities and events at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery over the past year (August 2009 – September 2010) including festivals, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s travels across the globe, lots of construction progress on Iraivan Temple, an Innersearch Travel-Study Program on Kauai, many visitors to the monastery, testimonies from resident guests and volunteers and numerous new publications initiatives.
Part 1:
Part 2:

"God, Soul and World" – What Is Hinduism? Pilot Video

God, Soul and World – What Is Hinduism? Pilot (SD) from Editors of Hinduism Today on Vimeo.

SD (480p) Version

This pilot episode of our new educational video series is based on Chapter Three of the book What Is Hinduism? by the editors of Hinduism Today magazine and is inspired by the teachings of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. It was produced by SaaReeGaa Films in New Delhi.

Each of the 46 chapters plus the introduction of What Is Hinduism? will give the source material for a half-hour video episode to be crafted and released, roughly one every three months, in the years ahead.

These educational videos are provided by the editors of Hinduism Today for free as a public service to everyone interested in learning or teaching about the Hindu faith.

Hinduism Today October Issue Preview

Our publisher, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, has a fresh take on the old adage “You are what you eat.” He suggests “You are whom you meet,” and guides us in our discovery of the importance of friends and companions, diving less into the ordinary reasons of business contacts into the mystical effect people have on our aura, our psychic energies and karmas. 

Don’t miss the new issue.

No Food, No Water. I'm Just Fine!

The latest marvelous issue of Hinduism Today is out and hitting the streetts. Miracles still do happen. Prahlad Jani, a yogi from Rajasthan neither eats nor drinks. Don’t believe it? Neither did a lot of people in India. But he agreed to be put under observation, went to Mumbai and was sequestered in a room where doctors and medical workers all verified that he did fine with no food or water. Read about it in the October Issue of Hinduism Today!

Sun Four – Ganapati Kulam Focus on ePub

Today was Sun Four and the Ganapati Kulam shared the news of there recent full court press on ePub technology. For the past three days all members of the kulam were hard at work exporting and testing files for a new digital version of Dancing with Siva to which will run on eBook Readers.

It’s a new tall publishing workflow and coding mountain to scale, but, it’s also not rocket science and you will be seeing our books in the digital market place in the future for sure. It is all part of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s urging us to expanding from ink on paper to pixels in cyberspace.

Special Innovation for Enrolled Master Course Students

Another upgrade today: Now iPhone Friendly!

Now the lesson of the day will display properly on your iPhone in a large readable font size and without requiring to scroll right to see the end of the lines. Try it.

We have an important innovation for all our Master Course students. Here-to-fore the only available digital version of the Master Course was the annual lesson of the day based on the starting day of April 13th being Lesson 1. So whether you look on the web or get it by email, today’s lesson is fixed as Lesson 93.

So what if you started the Master course last October and your current lesson and worksheets are for Lesson 225?

Your only option would be to read the three sections for that day from the physical books.

By popular demand we now offer a “my current lesson” web option. If the lesson of the day is 56 for you,
go to the daily lesson page (click here) and enter the number of the lesson want and click “Get My Lesson.” This will be a boon for those who are traveling.

We will also eventually make the page appear properly on small mobile devices.

If you don’t know what this is all about, then find out about our Master Course study here:

Hindu Festivals Initiative

Hinduism Today subscribers have by now seen our April Festivals Feature issue. This initiative continues to grow as more and more people are ordering the 32-page reprint of this feature article. (Click here to order copies for distribution in your community.)

What you see here to the left is not the Festivals issue reprint, but the cover of a new DVD folder masterminded by Sadhaka Satyanatha in the Ganapati Kulam. This folder contains a DVD with hi-resolution, press-ready PDFs for newspapers and magazines. This has been designed to explain the project directly to editors of mainstream publications, clarifying issues such as copyright, festival dates and, most important, why America’s editors should be taking a closer look at their Hindu community. Thanks to the support of some generous donors, soon religion editors of newspapers all across the country will receive this media kit. You can download a pdf of this folder (21MB), and the contents of the DVD it encases can be found here.

If you want to get on board the Hindu Festival Media Initiative in your community, click here to read about it. Take a copy of the April issue and go meet the editors of your local mainstream newspapers well in advance of the next major festival (see the calendar in the April Issue). The content is rich, colorful, accurate and ready to “drag and drop” into the publication.

If you do find an editor who is interested, have that editor contact Hinduism Today directly by emailing

Scanning Rajam's Kailasa Parampara Art

The Ganapati Kulam is hard at work on the Kailasa Parampara biography. Now that we are nearing the end of the writing and editing process, the artwork for the book is coming into focus. Today, Senthilnathaswami is scanning all of the original watercolors that renowned artist S. Rajam painted for the book in 2002-2003. This piece depicts Maharishi Nandinatha and his seven disciples, with Tirumular kneeling at his side and God Siva looking on.

Our new, top-of-the-line Epson scanner does a great job of capturing the fine details, and a new tool in Photoshop completely automates merging pieces that are too large for the scanbed and have to be scanned in more than one piece.

This beautiful piece shows Yogaswami in his hut in Columbuthurai on the Jaffna peninsula. As he often did, here he sings Natchintanai with devotees, cultivating the blessings of God Siva.

Children's Story Book with Arumugaswami


Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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