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The Guru Chronicles Book Release in Toronto

The Guru Chronicles was officially released in Toronto. The event took place in the Sri Varasiddhi Vinayagar Hindu Temple of Toronto. The temple is owned by Sivasri Vijaykumar Kurukkal. He requested that Bodhinatha come early for the puja. The temple event and the book release here were coordinated by Siva Markandu and his family. They also took care of the book sale and literature distribution. Thiru Sivayogapathy did the promotional work and our main coordinator for our visit to Toronto as always is Thiru Satkunendran.

Siva Poem and Our March 2012 Two-Minute News Video

When a Sivabhaktar in India recently received a gifted mala made of Kauai-grown Rudraksha seeds, she was moved to wonder, "Siva, why are you crying those fabled tears?" She wrote a poem we share today: Beads Wet, Beads Sweet "Why do You cry?" I asked Him "Why are there tears in Your eye?" The Lord of lords the Life of our lives the Word in sound the Dance in movement the Everything in nothing the All in all looked at me and in Silence said - "I gave you all everything all of you hold all of me and yet something makes you forget who you are where you come from and, where you are going. You choose to suffer when you could celebrate You choose to resent when you could rejoice You choose to resist when you could accept And then you complain incoherently beg and plead for liberation! Who ties you down? Where are your bonds? Who created the shackles that hold you back? I feel your pain even before you sense it It hurts me so I cry to see my gifts wasted and thrown away! My Third Eye flashes and I see your future misery should you hold to your habits of yore Open your eyes, awake Let your senses do what they were given to do Step away and stand aside, out of your own way Align your will with Mine All will be well, as it always is Let my tears wash away the debris collected from births before Stand fresh and clean in the moment and you will see the smile, the smile in my Other eye!" Aum Namah Sivaya Sivaya Namah Aum! Our March 2012 news video covers events in February 2012, including the festivals of Thai Pusam and Mahasivaratri, progress on Iraivan Temple carving in India, an interfaith event Bodhinatha spoke at in West Texas, and the translation of Lemurian Scrolls into Russian. httpvh://

Behold The Sacred Lotus Flower – Publisher's Desk

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the Apr/May/Jun 2012 edition of Hinduism Today magazine. Progressing from our instinctive to intellectual to spiritual nature, our soul unfolds to resplendence like a beautiful lotus. httpvh://

Dancing with Siva Lexicon in Gujarat

We are happy to announce that the translation of Dancing with Siva into Gujarati is making progress. The project, sponsored by Mrunal and Padmaja Patel, reached a milestone recently. The translators started by translating the lexicon first. We now have this available as a PDF on our web site. Click to download.

Lemurian Scrolls In Focus

An interesting confluence of events yesterday. A group of some 70 New Age seekers, delightful souls, visited and touched the soul of Gurudeva's magical monastery. Fully 26 of them bought "Lemurian Scrolls: Angelic Prophecies Revealing Human Origins," and Sadasivanathaswami was asked, in Bodhinatha's absence, to sign the books. When he return to the Media Studio, there, on his desk was the Russian edition of Lemurian Scrolls!

It was published some time back, but finally made its way to Kauai. They printed it in black and white, as you can see, taking great care to follow the original typography and art style.

A close-up of the type showing the Russian publisher's exacting layout. Would that we had this in Tamil. One day...

TAKA – Himalayan Is On The Move!

We are moving to a new server. Instead of taking down this web site we are going to leave it up and you will be seeing this content for a day or so until, magically, you will be looking at a new web site that should go much faster. We would like to caution anyone who would make comments on older articles as from this moment on. Until further notices, those comments will not appear on the new site.

Delhi Book Fair

Hinduism Today was on display at the 2012 World Book Fair in New Delhi today. It seemed to be the single spiritual magazine. Loving Ganesha was also there.

the fair, one of the world's biggest, was attended by our senior Indian correspondent, Rajiv Malik.

Hinduism Today India Edition Meetings with Ashok Kapoor

The Ganapati Kulam just completed two days of meetings with Ashok Kapoor who is in the lead of communications between our new Hinduism Today India Edition team and the Kauai Aadheenam Hinduism Today International office. Askok came for a visit, along with his business partner Sunny Johar. Ashok is founder and owner of Banner India Consultants and has a strong background in publishing. His father published a newspaper and Ashok grew up inside the journalism business. He also ran several publications in North India before starting his own consulting company. He is highly motivated to see Hinduism Today make a difference in India.

Sunny Johar belongs to a Hindu family who came back to India after the Taliban took over Kabul, where her father was a known businessman, trader and advisor to the former president. Sunny is active in spiritual pursuits and looks on this trip as a pilgrimage.

The team at home has been working these past two weeks assembling a special edition of Hinduism Today which will be the Inaugural India Edition set to launch on April 13th, which is Baisakhi in North India and New Year in other states.

We also had a Skype session with Ratan Mani Lal in Lucknow, who is another major leader and force in Indian journalism. He has headed editorial operations in The Times of India (Lucknow), Hindustan Times (Lucknow) and Dainik Bhaskar (Central Editorial, Bhopal & State Editor, Chhattisgarh). Ratan Lal will also be key player in the India Edition of Hinduism Today operations and may write the opening editorial. He is also president of India's Media and Communications Research Foundation (MCRF)

January 2012 Short News Video

Our January 2012 news video covers events in December 2011, including the Pancha Ganapati holiday festival, progress on the Iraivan Temple and other carving projects, our Digital Dharma Drive and the massive influx of visitors that came to the monastery during the holiday season. httpvh://

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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