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Digital Dharma Drive Takes Off!

Today we announce our annual end-of-the-year Digital Dharma Drive.
As you know, following the vision of our Gurudeva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, all the material on our websites, and now our new mobile apps, are available for free online. However, to cover the professional fees needed to continue to upgrade and expand, we do follow the model of Wikipedia and ask for donations the last two months of the year. For nine years running, you have responded generously, and after another year of working to improve these portals and provide new resources, we are back again with our annual appeal.
In our “How the Funds Are Used” page, we detail what we did with your past generosity. An impressive list for sure. Your contribution this year will go to a short but strategic list of projects, including children’s learning tools, the enhancement of our websites and their content and the development of the ever-popular mobile apps. Digital Dharma Drive funds do not pay staff salaries or administrative overhead, since these sites are created and maintained by the monks who work for free and live simply in our remote monastery.
Ten percent of your tax-deductible contribution goes into the permanent Digital Dharma Drive Endowment, which now stands at $139,243 after nine years of fundraising. This follows Gurudeva’s vision for the future that all major aspects of our work will ultimately be supported by endowments. As the endowment accumulates, it will provide an ever-increasing income for decades to come, protecting the digital future of Hinduism, your religious heritage.
“History of Hindu India” continues to be our broadest reaching digital initiative, with Part One of the five-part series reaching 3.1 million views on YouTube. To supplement this series, children’s songs are being added to each of the five-parts. To date, six are on our YouTube channel, with more coming soon. Our “Spiritual Workout” app has received a major upgrade in both Apple and Android formats. The app provides a ten-minute routine of spiritual practice with multiple options in each of the five areas of practice. “The Holy Bible of the Saivite Hindu religion” is a new project that has been initiated. It has the ambitious goal of presenting English excerpts from the major Saivite scriptures. Initial efforts are on designing the database that will hold the material and allow for efficient selection, proofing and editing.
Donate today, and improve Hinduism’s global English-language resources—for the benefit of this and future generations.
Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Guru Mahasannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam
Publisher of Hinduism Today

Arinien Works On Videos

Arinien is back serving in the Ganapati kulam. He has been working on 360 videos for the virtual tour web site (yet to be released). He is also taking photos for all these TAKA posts.

Path to Siva in Russian

Jai Ganesha!

On the first day of Ganesha Chaturthi, Dinanatha and his team in Moscow received their new copies of the Russian language version of Path to Siva from their printer. He and his team had been working tirelessly to have the book ready by the time of Satguru's recent visit but it had hit some minor delays. Looks like Ganesha wanted it to arrive on His special day instead! Aum.

Hinduism In a Nutshell

Cover The July issue will be online the 1st of July. But we wanted to issue a preview of the Educational Insight section. It's a new rendering of Hindu Basics. The most popular part of our website for years. Now available in ebook formats. Perfect to give away or share with friends. Hinduism In a Nutshell
A Simple Overview of a Complex Faith
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

Recent Google search on What is Hinduism yielded some 223,000 answers. Many are from outsiders offering their best take; many are from antagonists taking their best shot. Too few are knowledgeable; fewer still are authentic. Rare is the answer that goes beyond parochial sectar-ian understandings; scarcely any encompasses the huge gamut implied in the question. For these reasons alone, the book from which this article is taken was inevitable. Written by devout Hindus and drawn from the deepest wells of spiritual experience and cultural insight, it is a definition coming from deep inside the inner sanctum and depicting in words and amazing images the living, breathing entity that is Hinduism. Get the ebooks here!

Praising God

“A” is the first and source of all the letters. Even so is God Primordial the first and source of all the world.

What has learning profited a man, if it has not led him to worship the Good Feet of Him who is pure knowledge itself?

The Supreme dwells within the lotus of the heart. Those who reach His Splendid Feet dwell enduringly within unearthly realms.

Draw near the Feet of Him who is free of desire and aversion, and live forever free of suffering.

Good and bad, delusion’s dual deeds, do not cling to those who delight in praising the Immutable, Worshipful One.

A long and joyous life rewards those who remain firmly on the faultless path of Him who controls the five senses.

They alone dispel the mind’s distress who take refuge at the Feet of the Incomparable One.

They alone can cross life’s other oceans who take refuge at the Feet of the Gracious One, Himself an Ocean of Virtue.

The head which cannot bow before the Feet of the Possessor of eight infinite powers is like the senses lacking the power to perceive.

The boundless ocean of births can be crossed, indeed, but not without intimate union with Infinity’s Holy Feet.

Saiva Dharma – A Catechism for Saivite Hinduism

Gurudeva's work appears in numerous magical ways. This came in to Paramacharya Sadasivanathaswami during the trip to Keerimalai. It's a pocketbook of Hinduism's tenets on God and Soul in a question and answer format and is both simple and profound. This booklet coincidentally was given out during the 1981 Innersearch. Gurudeva stands majestically on the back cover and the inside has both English and Tamil versions.

Gurudeva App 1.2 – Released At Last!

Yesterday was Chitra Puja to Gurudeva. On that day Apple approved our new submission. We have an update to the Gurudeva App which now works with IOS 12+. Update the App on your phone, or download it at:

Hindu Lexicon Is Also a Web App!

One of the many small accomplishments during the 2018 cycle, thanks to the generous donations to the Digital Dharma Drive, was that Andre Garzia produced a web app of our Hindu Lexicon. It appears below. You can also view it alone in your browser (click here) It is also available in the SivaSiva App and you can get it all by itself on your mobile device. Open this page on your Android or iPhone: 1) Click here to open in Chrome or Safari. 2) Under the share/options choose "Add to Home Screen" 3) Now you see it like any other app. You must have a live internet connection. Gurudeva was fond of taking a word adventure. Click a word and then click related words. You can click the little book mark underneath the word, and you save the words to "My Words" for review later. When we add words over time, they immediately become available the lexicon.

New Version of SivaSiva App 1.3

A new version of SivaSiva App, 1.3. Three new modules that Android users have not seen. And the Android version is stable!

How Do We Receive Guests?

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Bodhinatha's Latest Upadeshas
Path to Siva Commentaries

How Do We Receive Guests?

Treat the guest as God; the guest's heart is more sensitive than the most sensitive flower. If we generously give to others, we will attract more wealth in this and future lives....

Path to Siva, Lesson 52

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha's and Gurudeva's online audio.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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