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Darshan Session with Satguru

Aum Namah Sivaya

Over the last few days, Swami Prabhakarananda Saraswatiji from Kerela and Brahmachari Senthuraan Ponnampalam from Jaffna have been visiting the Aadheenam on a short pilgrimage. Swami said that many years ago, he had arrived in Jaffna just as Sivaya Subramuniyaswami had finished his stay there. Swami was inspired by Gurudeva and his teachings, and says they inspired him to travel the world spreading dharma. Today they met with Satguru and discussed many topics, including projects Swami is working on back in Kerala.

"Service leads us to understanding. Understanding leads us to meditate deeply and without distractions. Finally, meditation leads us to surrender in God. This is the straight and certain path, the San Marga, leading to Self Realization--the inmost purpose of life--and subsequently to moksha, freedom from rebirth." - Gurudeva

Rajen Manick Reminisces Kauai Aadheenam Grounds

SSC sishya Rajen Manick recently completed his taskforce period and returned home to Mauritius. Upon arriving, he sorted through the many photos he had taken of the grounds and events, and shared the cream of the crop with us. Below is the first half of his collection.

While here, Rajen participated in many pujas, classes and darshan meetings, and served in multiple seva projects including book translation into French, brainstorming large information posters for the Spiritual Park of Mauritius, helping with the monthly Kauai's Hindu Monastery Newsletter mailing, preparations for Ardra Abhishekam, painting new structures and more. He warmly encourages more sishyas to make the pilgrimage to Kauai and participate in the taskforce program.

Sishya Rajen Manick on Taskforce

Longtime Saiva Siddhanta Church formal sishya, Rajen Manick from Mauritius, has arrived on Kauai for his first in-person visit to his Guru's home. He'll be staying with us for a few months to finally experience Kauai Aadheenam in depth and continue his service of translating the Master Course trilogy books into French. He also has extensive experience with conveying our teachings to seekers in Mauritius, so he will gather more resources and skills for that.

Mauritius Visit 2023– Ladies Satsang

On the final day in Mauritius, a special class was held for the women. It happened in a garden kutir, a kind of yoga hut. Stories ensued, songs and poems and lots of sharing. Tillainthaswami held a 40-minute preparation for meditation class and questions and answers were encouraged. Paramacharya was deeply impressed with the ability of the women to hold a laser focus during the entire meditation, not one among them swerving from the task at hand. It was proof of the power of years of sadhana to bring the mind under the dominion of the will. The men were such good sports, waiting nearby. At the end group photos and a surprise Farewell Party, complete with a Creole singer and drummer going from table to table and the joyous clapping and general merry-making of happy souls on the spiritual path. A perfect conclusion to a perfect week.

Mauritius Visit 2023– Sevaka Appreciation

They are amazing, giving long hours each week and month to manage the homa (attended by 4-5,000 each month on the first Sunday), hold Saiva Siddhanta classes, host Zoom teaching sessions, make garlands, guide visitors, maintain and enhance the landscape, and more.

Paramacharya gave each one a "ponnadai." The ponnadai is a ceremonial shawl that is draped over someone to honor or appreciate them for their achievements or contributions. It is often presented at weddings, religious ceremonies, and public events to show respect and admiration. They certainly deserve this honoring. Thank you, one and all. You made our week, our month, our year.

Mauritius Visit 2023–Path to Siva Seminar

Satguru Bodhinatha's condensed catechism on Saiva Siddhanta, called Path to Siva, has become the major study introducing Mauritians to the teachings of Saiva Siddhanta Church, and it was natural there would be a session on its contents. The swamis had prepared resources, including a short video of Gurudeva speaking of the path, so those who never met him could look into his eyes and listen to that resonant deep voice.

The mandapam was nearly filled. A famed veena player and his team offered music as all got settled and again at the end during vibuthi darshan time. There was an important Q&A time that allowed those studying the booik to have their various uncertainties addressed. It was an inspiring 90 minutes for all.

Mauritius–Thinking About Nandi

A short visit to the Sivalingam pavilion at the Spiritual Park to reflect with the kulapatis on the installation of a small Nandi. They have long wanted to place Nandi here and after some discussions the right place was determined and a plan made.

Out to Sea

The Mauritian sishyas hosted the swamis for a catamaran voyage on the ship owned by Sivakumaran Mardeemotoo. For two hours we sailed, watching the sunset and enjoying some informal time with the kulapatis and kulamatas. Tillainathaswami was at the helm, learning the sailor's arts from a master.

Three Teens Take Vows

In Mauritius two boys and a girl took the Brahmachariya Vrata, a vow of purity and celibacy until marriage. They voiced aloud to all present their intentions and then Paramacharya tied the symbolic cord around their waist as a reminder. It is rare in modern days for teens to so commit, and everyone honored their high purpose with applause.

Spiritual Park Tour

A long and leisurely walk through the Spiritual Park to acquaint ourselves with the many additions and improvements since we last visited in 2014. The Park has many visitors, up to 10,000 come here on Ganesha Chaturthi, and many do not know that it was Gurudeva who founded it. So they placed this founder's pavilion right at the front where everyone enters.

The tour was so informative. We were especially impressed with the three new pavilions, designed in Mauritian style with wood and thatch.

A quiet walk through the park:

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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