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Ganesha Chaturthi 09- Mauritius Spiritual Park (Part 3)

We are posting the final series of photos for the 2009 Ganesha Chaturthi celebration at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius for you to enjoy.

(Left) Kulapati Parmesh Pallanee carrying the Ganesha murthi for the Spiritual Park.

Ganesha Chaturthi Message from Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami to Mauritius:

“In all our lives, there are times when everything is going smoothly. And there are times when we are faced with numerous difficulties and challenges. And it is human nature in facing these difficulties in life to sometimes become negative, despondent and discouraged. ….

“However, fortunately Hinduism gives us many tools we can use to rise above these negative states of mind and emotion and face lifeís challenges in a positive, courageous and wise way.
Certainly one of the most important tools given to us is the worship of Lord Ganesha. ”

Devotees leaving the Spiritual Park to enter La Pointe village.

“Sometimes devotees choose to focus on Ganapati solely as the remover of obstacles. And when they pray to Him for a certain result and then find that result blocked by an obstacle, they conclude that their prayer is not being answered and become even more discouraged. However, this is not the deepest perspective.”

“As Gurudeva explains, Ganesha is the Lord of Obstacles, Vighnaraja, and in this role both removes and places obstacles in the devoteeís path. Obstacles may be encountered because the devotee is proceeding in the wrong direction. A simple comparison is to a mother raising a young child. To the child, the mother is the Lord of Obstacles.”

“The most common way she exercises this authority is by placing an obstacle in the way of the child to prevent the child from getting hurt by a sharp object, falling down stairs, and so forth. The mother places each obstacle in the childís path to protect the child.”

“Therefore, when we pray to Lord Ganapati for a certain result and then find that result blocked by an obstacle a good response is to consider that we are proceeding in the wrong direction and look for alternative approaches that have a better chance at succeeding.”

“When is a good time to worship Ganesha? Of course His annual festivals such as Vinayaga Chaturthi are the best days of the year for His worship. His monthly chaturthi days area also special days.”

“What is an effective way to petition Lord Ganapati with our needs in life. A good method recommend by Gurudeva is to sit or stand in front of his sanctum at the temple and send your thoughts to Ganesha through the top of your head. Imagine them rising up through your head until they reach Lord Ganeshaís realm. Pray in exactly the same way you would if you were writing down your prayer on a piece of paper. In other words, be very clear and organized in stating your request.”

“Gurudeva also gives some specific advise on how to word your prayer to Ganapati. He tells us to give options. For example, in seeking help in finding employment, you might suggest three places you would be content at, indicating your first choice, second and third. This is because if you only give one choice, if it is not possible in your karmic pattern, then Lord Ganesha and his devas will not be able to help it manifest in your life. Therefore, it is wise to suggest two or more alternatives when making a request”

“When you are praying in this way to Lord Ganapati for help in your life, it is good to attend a temple once a week to worship Him and make your petition until it is answered. It is also good to choose a temple where you feel Ganeshaís presence is particularly strong.”

“Saivite Creed or Sraddha of twelve core beliefs that he composed. ìSivaís followers all believe in the Mahadeva Lord Ganesha, son of Siva-Sakti, to whom they must first supplicate before beginning any worship or task. His rule is compassionate. His law is just. Justice is His mind. Aum.î

The vibration is very strong as the procession is nearing the the main gate of the Spiritual Park after a round in the village.

Bajans are at their peak with Ananda leading with the drum.

Packed but happy on the steps of the newly built Spiritual Park waterfront. There has never been so many devotees at this place before.

Down the waters edge devotees will get on board small boats with their clay Ganeshas.

Now off for a sandy shallow sand bank further off….

The boats gone, devotees on the little wharf feel content and happy, but a little sad though that the ceremony is about to be over….

Jai Ganapati! Everyone has their eyes over the estuary.

The boats are now very far and the Ganeshas are being immersed into the ocean. It was would be a memorable moment for all those who attended. Glory to Lord Ganapati! Aum!

Ganesha Chaturthi 09- Mauritius Spiritual Park (Part 2)

Aum Shri Ganeshaya Namah! We are pleased to bring you the second series of photos of Ganesha Chaturthi ceremony at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius. This festival is the most important one celebrated at the Park every year and Hindus of all denominations pilgrimage to this sacred land on this occasion.

Sivacharya Deva Kumar reciting agamic verses…

A view of the crowd outside from the Mandapam…

The homa (fire ceremony) invoking the inner worlds.

Three youth from our membership, Vamadeva, Sivarathna and Chandrashekaren having a little rest… they have been helping down the Mandapam steps guiding devotees during the rush hours of the morning.

During the ceremony lots of devotees take souvenir photos with their camcorders or cellular phones.

The crowd going by the Himalayan Academy sale booth. A new poster of Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati was released on that occasion.

Several HA publications were sold too…

Sishya Logadassen at the donation booth where devotees voluntarily contribute to the Park.

Another area near the gate where sweets are distributed by a team of ladies.

Religious items on sale

Basanti at the Mini Mela…

Selna keeping records of sales at the Mini Mela

Mr Mookeswarsing Gopal and his family, friends of the Spiritual Park with Kulapati Manon.

The next part of the ceremony is the visarjana, the immersion of clay Ganeshas into the sea. The home made Ganeshas receive an arati.

A procession is about to start and everyone gets ready…

Beautiful Ganeshas lovingly fashioned by devotees…

The traditional musicians lead the procession. We are posting the third and final series of photos that show the procession and immersion ceremony in our next TAKA. Kindly stay tuned and regards to you all from Mauritius! Aum.

Mauritius Ganesha Chaturthi_Spiritual Park (Part 1)

Aum Gam Ganapataye Namah! We bring you a first series of photos of the grand Ganesha Chaturthi celebration at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius attended by thousands of devotees from all over the island.

A large banner at the main entrance welcomes devotees who have made it a pious duty to worship Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati on this auspicious day.

One of the clay Ganeshas for the immersion ceremony from the sishyas of the Spiritual Park.

Devotees came very early to get a seat inside the Mandapam..

A hired Indian sivacharya officiated the ceremony early in the morning. Lord Ganapati is decked with hundreds of flowers and some devotees have lovingly woven from home a variety of garlands, made of marigold flowers, lime fruits and "dhurva" grass, sacred to Ganesha.

Some of our devotees helping at the Mandapam steps would not miss the beginning of the ceremony.

Sishyas Moorooven and Arnasalon…

The first part of the ceremony begins with an arati to Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati to be followed by ……

an elaborate Saiva Agamic puja.

A little Ganesha made of turmeric paste for the ceremony…

At another part off the Mandapam another group of sishyas are helping to fill bags of sweets to be later offered to devotees.

The small pancha Mukha Ganapati Shrine where all offerings are being made.

Devotees close by preparing their trays of offerings.

The PA system a allowing the whole ceremony to be aired over the property….

Worshipping at the Narmada lingam…

Some devotees discovering our new waterfront.

Kulapati SK Moorghen cleaning at the Siva lingum.

In another small tent all the home made little Ganeshas brought by devotees are displayed

They look wonderful, and most of them were made by the youth. We shall be posting the next series of photos of the event…. stay tuned. Till then. Aum.



Ganesha Chathurti in Mauritius

Vanakam Sat Guru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Jai Our Sat Gurus
Jai Our Mathavasis

We had Ganesha Chathurthi yesterday.Good weather and a crowd of about 5000 people, may be more, as devotees were flowing in and out since Sunday. Here you see all the devotees bidding good by to all the clay ganesha’s as they are taken out to sea in the boats.

Sivachariar Deva Kumar started at 9.30; he did a wonderful Puja and Homa until 12.30;Visarjana started at 13.30 and ended at 15.00 hrs when the three boats came back.

Our new but unfinished parking lot was a great help.

Beautiful and harmonious participation of all members, students and the public. Some 30 police officers and Coast Guards helped to maintain smooth traffic flow and security at sea.

It was a great celebration and expression of joy for Lord Vignaraja.
Bodhinatha’s message was well received. All the devotees were very generous in their donations to help the Park with it’s on-going works.

Thank you, Satguru for guiding us all.

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo

Monastery Quarterly News Video

Enjoy our latest video: Kauai’s Hindu Monastery news for the months of January through June 2009. Since we skipped last quarter, here we will share with you about important events over the past six months, including five festivals, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s travels to Australia, Mauritius, Singapore, Washington state and Canada, lots of construction progress on Iraivan Temple, and many other projects happening in the monastery. A special treat this month: we will see a portion of an interview of Gurudeva aired by the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation during his 1999 visit.

July Ganesha Homa- Spiritual Park

Our monthly July Ganesha Homa at the Spiritual Park… here the huge homa pit through which are sent thousands of letters into the inner worlds requesting help from the "devas" or angels beings under the guidance of Lord Ganapati.

As usual every single space accommodates devotees inside the Mandapam.

Outside the huge crowd is a common feature now…

Offerings …..

Devotees seated inside the tent outside…

Worship at the Narmada lingum has become a 'must' or devotees attending Homa.

Devotees coming up the newly built steps….

Others patiently queuing up at the small Ganesha shrine with their trays of offerings….

Our Sishyas are always busy at this shrine breaking hundreds of coconuts….

Devotees everywhere ….

From left in front, Kulamatas Kulagan, Sornambal and Kavita

Brah Vel Mahalingum giving a testimony about his travel for six months Task Force to Kauai Aadheenam.

Another testimony from Mr. Kumar who happily obtained a upward positive change in his job.

Kulapati Manon reading one of the Guru's teachings on the "role of women".

Some devotees going down the new water front…

A little rush of new buyers at the Himalayan Academy sales Booth outside ….

A couple from Mumbai, India. They are coming to the Spiritual Park for the second time and said it is such a peaceful place for worship. They went home with their new copy of Dancing With Siva.

The ceremony over, members, HA students and other volunteers stay behind to help cleaning up the whole place…

June Activities in Mauritius

Despite a heavy downpour at La Pointe on that June Sunday, Ganesha Homa at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius was another big spiritual event drawing thousands to worship at the Holy Feet of Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati.

As usual hundreds of prayers went into the the large Homa pit placed just in front of the huge granite murthi.

Devotees in all piousness absorbed in the worship of the Lord.

A special guest to the Park from South India, Mrs Premila Gurumurthi (left) from Madras University, Chennai is leading a song inside the Ganesha Mandapam.

The rain has ceased a little allowing those devotees outside the tent to bring their trays full of offerings.

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo giving the usual monthly talk to the public. The ceremony was a nice one on the whole and due to the heavy rains we could not get more photos of this event.

Another event…. This month was Himalayan Academy Mauritius having its second session for SHR catalyst trainees at the Spiritual Park.

Participants went thoroughly into the contents of Satguru Bodhinatha’s SHR Book One and Two and studied the key concepts to be imparted to the youth.

Participants also studied about Hatha Yoga and Meditation from our parampara’s teachings.

Time for a coffee break in the 3 hour session, allowing us to use our camera….. We kindly introduce a few of our participants, future SHR catalyst for the island. From left, Toulesh Sharma, Selven and Nuckiren.

From left, Selven. Kulapati Mougam Periatumbee and Saranen

From left, Kulapati Amba Valaytan, Bala and Naden Caramben

Yudananda Munian has ben very helpful in coordinating the coffee break.

Mrs Arnasalon and Kevina

Ananda Mootoocurpen (right) had a key role in organising in April 09, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s Seminar in Mauritius.

Vandana Nathoo is already teaching a group of youth in FlorÈal and plans to hold classes in other places and she has been in the past helping uploading our Church translated teachings on Wikipedia. She is working closely with Kulamata Premila Manick on future HA projects.

Veena Cunniah will be taking care of SHR classes in Flacq with other catalysts in a team teaching spirit.

kamila is very enthusiastic about teaching the youth ….

Another lady in the south who with the support of her son and husband her family share Bodhinatha’s teachings in that part of the island.

Anandi foreground, from Quatre Bornes and Mrs Munian from St. Julien preparing the coffee for us. Thank you!

Mauritius Center Progress

From Mauritius, Manon Mardemootoo send more updates on progress there.

“Some pictures of progress on wall by river. It will be filled with stones and concrete and boulders will be placed on the side facing the river, for protection.”

A new gate has been installed, the entrance to the future parking lot.

Being close to the ocean the Spiritual park is short of land. underlying most of the acreage one finds nothing but large boulders.

This area is being built up. A benefactor has offered to supply us with concrete block rubble for fill. We are expecting 100 lorry loads of concrete rubble. It’s really a big gift to the park.

small sapling in plastic bags are being nurture for later planting on the property.

May Activities at Spiritual Park-Mauritius

Siva Dakshina radiant at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius…. We bring you a few photos about activities at the Park this month. Winter has shyly crawled in and cool sea breeze blowing over the place makes it very soothing for the visitor to have walk around the property, specially early morning.

A new series of seminars for trainee catalysts has just started at Saiva Dharmasala for teaching of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's "Saivite Hindu Religion" series meant for the youth.

Some of the participants who attended the workshop. The Catalyst Course is made up of ten units of three hours session each. They will go through Book One to Six and also study "Parenting with Love". At the end of the course the participants will take a test and this group will have theirs in February 2010.

A group discussion on one of the topics on Unit One. The next session will be held on June 20 at 13.00 Hrs.

The main entrance at the Park has now a new look. Large lava rocks have been placed all over the ground inside the gate…

At the far end of the property the land has newly been cleared and leveled by a JCB to provide more parking space for visitors who come by thousands on our regular Sunday Ganesha Homa. The next step recommended by Bodhinatha, would be to cover the ground with stones to avoid mud clogging into the wheels on rainy days.

The few Amalaki trees at the Park are fully laden with Amla fruits this month. In the body of knowledge of Ayurvedic medicine with the hundreds of botanicals and herbal remedies derived from fruits with high dietary fiber this amalaki fruit is targeted for potential immune function support, a digestive aid, enhancer of metabolic processes, potentially promotes skin and hair health rejuvenation, and also for anti-inflammatory reasons.

Our small Japanese garden at the back of the Ganesha Mandapam is being upgraded with new plants. New plants donated by devotees are being planted all over this place.

Another new parking lot behind the Mini Mela Gift Shop has been cleared too for our Church sishyas…

Brahmachari Vel doing an arati at the small Ganesha Shrine at the main entrance. It is Sunday karma Yoga day and visitors are not yet at the Park. It's early morning.

A group of karma Yogis is first to come ….

They work on the parking behind the Mini Mela, raking the ground ….

Kulapati Amba Valaytan, our monthly Karma Yoga coordinator is happy to have a nice team working on the property. His priority this month has been upgrading the two parking lots of the Spiritual Park.

Pathway to the River in Mauritius

The top of the foot steps to the river at our center in Mauritius. Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo reports “

“Some more progress. Walls completed. Footpath linking Sivalingam to steps also done.”

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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