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New Parking Areas in at Saiva Dharmasala in Mauritius

With huge number of devotees coming to events at our Saiva Siddhanta Church property in Mauritius, we have need to expand our parking facilities. At the far, east end of the property towards the ocean a new area has been opened up.

We also own some property across the road from the the Spiritual Park’s main eleven acre parcel. A old building was removed and more parking space created there.

Ganesha June 2011 Homa- Spiritual Park Mauritius

Jai Ganapati! We are happy to share a few photos of Ganesha Homa for the month of June 2011 at the Spiritual Park.

Devotees always look forward with deep love and faith for this monthly religious event…

Every space around the Mandapam accommodates devotees.

At the other side of the left hand railing going up the Mandapam…

Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati always look majestic on such events!

Always adorned with local and imported flowers and garlands lovingly offered by devotees.

The sacred flames consume hundreds of written prayers.

Kulapati Kulagan, Nanda Thungavelloo and Adi Sankaraleading the bajans…

One devotee receiving a present on behalf of the Spiritual Park. Our kind gentlleman has been restoring the thatched roof of the Ganesha Mandapam as a seva. This was a delicate job professionally done using dry sugar cane leaves. Thank you!

Near the pond…

Offerings at the small Ganesha shrine.

A view of the crowd from the small Ganesha Shrine.

Ananda and Logadassen helping at the HA Booth.

Newcomers discovering the waterfront.

Arati time… the final part of the ceremony. The whole crowd stands up. This is usually a very uplifting moment when a high spiritual vibration is felt by all those present.

Ganesha May 2011 Homa- Spiritual Park Mauritius

The May 2011 Ganesha Homa drew its crowd of devotees. Each time there are a few more coming than the previous month. Early morning the road leading to the Park is animated with loving devotees walking down to worship Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati!

We had devotees from as far as from Hawaii in the Pacific ocean.

Four kulapatis as usual officiated the ceremony .

As usual a very dedicated group…

Kulamata Alahan from Hawaii, giving a testimony about how great Gurudeva's vision was in creating the Spiritual Park of Mauritius. She appreciates the good work going on at the Park.

The talk of the day by Kulapati Siven Koothan was on the need of religioius education.

The waterfront now has become a lovely promenade where one can enjoy a beautiful sea view and the cool ocean breeze.

A few devotees are also worshipping near the water's edge as they do at Ganga Talao, the sacred lake of Mauritius, by making offerings into the river itself

Our Narmada Lingam is another center of worship. So many flowers and smoke from incense sticks that one can barely see the Sivalingam!

Worship at the small Ganapati Shrine…

The little pond below the Ganesha Bridge

Jai Ganapati!

Our long time disciples from Hawaii, Kulamata Isani Alahan and her daughter, Sitara surprised us with their short visit at the Spiritual Park for Ganesha Homa.

A family from Britain… Mrs Karuna second from left, said she was brought up in Sivayogaswami's house in Sri Lanka when she was a little girl. The lady, first on the left, said once Gurudeva had dinner at her residence in England. They are visitors at the Park for the first time.

Ganesha March 2011 Homa Spiritual Park Mauritius

The Spiritual Park of Mauritius established since 1986 has been serving the Hindu community of all denominations through religious and educational activities.

The monthly Ganesha Homa, the major monthly religious event of the Park, is attended by thousands of pious devotees every month.

Aum Namasivaya! Lord Siva's Dakshina's amidst the flowering konraii trees lovingly Blessing all visitors.

Thousands of pilgrims have been coming to the Park on Mahasivaratree to pour the sacred water from Ganga Talao on the Narmada Lingum at the Spiritual Park.

A huge compact crowd as usual attending the March 2011 Homa.

Bhakti is very high…

Some devotees are seated on mats outside the tent while others would remain standing all through the ceremony.

Even the space on the edge of our small koi fish pond is occupied.

It is becoming a tradition for women to light earthen lamps and leave them at the small Pancha Mukha Ganapati shrine.

The four kulapaties officiating the homa ceremony while the whole place echoed with mantra chanting to Lord Ganapati.

A testimony from a young lady who has been a laureate for the HSC exams 2010. Miss Varuna Kurnauth, a student of Queen Elizabeth College, explained how Lord Ganesha helped her in her studies and told all the youth present how they should study hard if they want to excel and make a difference in their exams.

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo's talk was on Bodhinatha's teachings on Austerity, Change and Transformation

The ceremony ended at 11.30 causing a bottleneck at the main gate. However many devotees stay longer at the Park for darshan and personal worship at the Ganesha Mandapam.

Ganesha February 2011 Homa Spiritual Park Mauritius

Our February Ganesha Homa was attended by an incredible large number of devotees. Early morning the traffic was already held up at the main road leading to the Spiritual Park. Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati is decked with so many homemade garlands. Families love to weave garlands for the Lord for this special Homa ceremony.

When the Homa ceremony starts thousands of devotees are already occupying every inch around the Mandapam area.

Most devotees would stand all through the ceremony, concentrated and happy…

Sacred items are sent into the sacred fire before the written prayers are being burnt.

Devotees inside the Mandapam devoutly chanting the Ganesha mantra.

Most of the devotees are outside under the tent or far off in the open.

The sacred fire consumes hundreds of written prayers…

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo reading one of Bodhinatha's Talk on karma and reincarnation.

Those seated outside the Mandapam are listening carefully.

Meanwhile offerings keep coming from devotees down the Ganesha Bridge.

Worship at the Siva Lingum with water and flowers goes on all through the ceremony.

Hundreds of lighted earthen oil lamps are placed near the small Ganesha Mandapam.

One lady purchasing a copy of our latest Hinduism Today from the HA Booth. All copies in stock were sold out on that day.

Mauritius Water Front Works Nearly Complete

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo writes:

The major work on the Water Front is complete.

We shall soon begin filling the right and left sides with earth and plant with, grass, decorative and palm trees. This will be a slow work .

The contractor is now finishing a path to the river , on the right hand side when facing the river, for pilgrims to collect river water and offer arati.

Mauritius River Access Progress

Coral / sand have now been carried down and ground is almost filled, except for a section near the steps, as Contractor feels another step has to be added,

The additional step at the base of the stairway will reduce the height of the first step upwards, i.e to make it less difficult for people going up and down.


Images from Mauritius

Sundays are busy days at the Spiritual Park. Hundreds of visitors, old and young, come to see Lord Pancha Muka Ganapathi

At the river front, a six-inch thick layer of crushed gravel is been placed. Once complete it will be covered with four inches of coral sand.

A group of volunteer from Mahebourg with the team leader Ravi is helping today.

The pump house for the newly acquired pump.

Note the finish of its roof: a concrete shingles finish..

Pump House, materials and labour have been donated by the contractor.

It is mango season and all the trees are prolific as usual!

Hundreds of ripe mangoes that litter the grounds around the Mandapam are removed every day.

Mauritius: Akshay Plants Parijata

This morning got a call from the contractor who is working on the developments here. He asked permission for his son to plant a most sacred jasmine plant at the Spiritual Park.

He announced the departure of his son Akshay to USA for further studies in architecture on a scholarship. He prayed to Lord Ganesha and was happy that his son came out first in the world, on technical drawings. Akshay is the leaving day after tomorrow. He helped with the drawings for the extension to Ganesha Mandapam plans and water front works.

The Jasmine plant was planted in the afternoon, today 11-1-11, on the beginning of fasting for Thai Poosam Cavadee, in presence of his family members.

Best wishes to you Akshay in your studies in USA!

Mauritius Property Development

The Mauritius property rises sharply up from the edge of the river at where it enters the sea. It present a safey problem for the public. We have completed a boundary fence all along the edge.

This was lovely estate that was build many decades ago. the lovely railing that was placed in those days is now very fragile and erosion has brought right to the edge in some places. The boundary fence is placed further inside.

From here you can see the river edge extension below,

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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