To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Watching Trees Grow

The rows of tall trees in the center of this photo (notice a tiny Yogi Adinatha at the base of them) is a small part of our larger koa planting. This endeavor has been quite successful, and we understand ours to be the largest recent planting of koa in the state. Scientists at the Hawaii Agricultural Research Center have bred these trees specifically to be resistant to the infamous koa wilt disease, which is ravaging much of the island's koa trees.

Sounds of the Wailua

For anyone needing a little natural beauty straight from Kauai Aadheenam, here is a 360 video on the Wailua River. We suggest you use full screen and that you view it at the highest possible quality. Maybe you can have yourself a short, three minute meditation on the River's flowing waters.

"Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water, sings the pebbles into perfection." - Rabindranath Tagore

Click and drag to pan

Iraivan's Final Stone Carvers Arrive

After months of visa coordination, on-site clearing, cleaning and preparation, the last batch of silpi artisans arrive on Kauai. Today they are getting settled in to their new home and start orientation tomorrow.

Yoginathaswami reports that the first objective will be to check where we left off all those years ago and measure critical markings on the Nandi Mandapam again so we can establish accurate continuity.

Much more to come from Iraivan in the days ahead. This is an exciting time to say the least.

Our Island Aumakua

The monastery was recently gifted a stunning photo on canvas showcasing the beautiful wingspan of a Barn Owl, Tyto alba, mid-flight. The owl is among the many animals in the Polynesian islands lovingly known as Aumakua or "family god, deified ancestor."

According to Wikipedia's definition of the Hawaiian mythology regarding Aumakua, "Aumakua frequently manifested as animals such as sharks or owls. Na aumakua (plural) were worshipped at localities, often rocks, where they were believed to "dwell". The appearance of an animal one regarded as an aumakua was often believed to be an omen of good or ill. There are also many stories of na aumakua in animal form intervening to save their descendants from harm. It was extremely bad luck to harm a manifested aumakua."

Wikipedia continues, "Na aumakua were thus animals, places or rocks, and people. Ancient Hawaiians would have seen no contradiction in a powerful spirit being able to appear as all three, switching from form to form as convenient--as is indeed seen in many stories of gods and demigods.

A symbiotic relationship exists between person and aumakua, the personal guardians of each individual and their family and the ancient source gods from whom Hawaiians were descended.

Aumakua can manifest in nature. The form varies family to family. Whatever its form, the aumakua is only one specific shark, owl, etc. However, all members of the species are treated with respect by family members.

If family aumakua, these manifestations were not harmed or eaten; in turn, aumakua warned and reprimanded in dreams, visions, and calls."

Aumkua could appear as:
honu, sea turtle
mo'o gecko, lizard, or dragon
pueo, owl (on Manoa, Oahu, Kauai and Puna)
mano, shark (all islands)
'alala, crow (Big island)
'io, hawk (on island of Hawaii)
'elepaio, monarch flycatcher(also the goddess of canoe makers)
'i'iwi, honeycreeper (whose feathers were used extensively in featherwork)
'alae 'ula, Hawaiian gallinule (whose cry was considered a bad omen)
he'e, octopus
puhi, eel
'iole li'ili'i, mouse
'iole, rat
'ilio, dog
pe'elua/'enuhe/nuhe/'anuhe/poko, caterpillar
pohaku, rock
leho, cowry
ao, cloud
mea kanu, plant

Our Mighty Murugan is Celebrated

The monastery recently celebrated Thai Pusam, the Kartikkeya-focused festival practiced around the globe. We enjoy this Mahadeva's shakti force as sweet items are poured over His temporary granite body. With Satguru present, and all the island members and devotees, all felt blessed and fulfilled.

New Arulsishya Archana Pillay

During the previous Sun One puja and talk, Archana Pillay was able to read aloud her new vows as Arulsishya. Satguru, devotees and monks were all in attendance to witness the event. Archana is taking a momentous step forward to becoming a formal disciple of Bodhinatha as a member of Saiva Siddhanta Church.

Siva Smiles Everywhere…

The monks have noticed happy faces spontaneously showing up on common objects throughout the day for quite some time now. It has been a joyful source of giggling that a few of them have taken photos when they've shown up. Presented here are a few of those happy faces. May they be a charming source of amusement for your day!

A Trip to Waimea Canyon

Recently Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami, Natyam Mayuranatha and Natyam Jayanatha organized a small trip to the other side of our garden island for our resident taskforcers. Everyone left from the Aadheenam at 7:30am and made there way south around to the dry side of the island. In full, auspicious form a huge rainbow followed them the whole way, ever-present out front the car. Following an all-important stop for some coffee and cocoa, the team drove up the back slope of the mountain. After many twists and turns they arrived at the Waimea Canyon lookout for a spectacular view.

"When we look at the beautiful creations of nature, we see how lovely the mind can be. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami


Into the Forests!

Some of our monks recently took a journey to the other side of the island and up into the mountains to Koke'e State Park. One of the unique things about the Hawaiian Islands is their temperate diversity. Drive a few hours and you can find a totally different climate. Up atop the mountain, instead of heavy, humid jungles, you'll find yourself in a climate much akin to Northern California or Oregon on a perfectly cool, sunny summer day.

One of our favorite hikes is called the Berry Flat trail. As you may have guessed, it isn't too strenuous, but it does offer berries and bountiful beauty. This unique trail boasts thousands of 40-150 year old redwood trees—an unexpected site on our island. This happened to be the perfect time of year too. Nearly the entire area was full of blooming ginger flowers, called Kahili Ginger. For those that have never experienced them, they smell kind of like tulips. So if you can imagine being submerged in the scents of tulips and redwoods, then you can get a pretty good idea of the experience.

Kauai Island Interfaith Meeting

The Interfaith Roundtable on Kauai recently held their small gathering at the Aadheenam in our outdoor Banyan Mandapam. Vel Alahan is the usual Hindu representitive for the group, but he was busy today so Deva Seyon filled in. He met with the group and took them on a tour of the grounds. Deva writes:

Today I was filling in for Vel who usually attends the monthly meeting. The IROK exists as a forum of local representatives from different spiritual, religious, and spiritual educational organizations on Kauai who gather to share their faiths and explore their diversity while focusing on similarities. They work to promote understanding, respect and harmony across different spiritual, religious and cultural groups in our shared community of Kaua'i. Gurudeva and Bodhinatha helped them and actually attended their meetings in their early formative years when their numbers were small and they were just getting organized. Now Vel attends the regular monthly meetings as our Hindu representative but the group still invites Satguru to special events. IROK stands for Interfaith Roundtable Of Kauai. This month they requested to visit the monastery and view Iraivan Temple, Kadavul Temple and meet with Satguru to ask questions. They had a wonderful time with Satguru.
Anbe Sivamayam,

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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