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Visit from Hawaii Kupuna

Recently we appreciated a visit from a group of Kauai elders, who all enjoyed a morning tour of our temples and sacred gardens. Aum Namah Sivaya.

An Outing to the North Shore

Over the retreat, Sannyasin Yoginathaswami and Nirvani Tejadevanatha took the siplis and Chinnu to the north shore to visit the beach. Beforehand they visited an American icon that the silpis deeply enjoy — Walmart, where they spend happy hours. It was a perfect, sunny day to visit the ocean. Even the oft rainy Halanei area was nice and dry. Aum.

Recent Public Tour

Here's a group from one of our weekly tour days. This day saw over 100 people, awed and inspired by their adventure through the Aadheenam's natural beauty and mystical artistry. Here they pose by the Sipli Pavilion before heading over to Iraivan Temple to see how it is carved, firsthand.

The Siplis Visit Maha’ulepu

Recently the siplis enjoyed and outing to the southern shore of our island with Nirvani Tejadevanatha and Yogi Dayanatha. The day's adventure was a hike along the Maha'ulepu cliff sides ad beach. The cliffs are ancient sand dunes that have been hardened and compacted into limestone ledges and cliffs. Over time the ocean has worn them away, making for some interesting rock formations to explore.

Silpis Visit Maha’ulepu

Over the retreat, Yogi Dayanatha and Nirvani Tejadevanatha took the siplis to the south of the island to hike along the Maha'ulepu Trail. The trail takes you along some beautiful cliff sides and leads towards the Makauwahi Cave Trial. Everyone had a chance to explore the archaeologically and geologically important Makauwahi Cave and then visit the nearby tortoise reserve.

Kauai High School Visit

Recently the aadheenam enjoyed a visit from students of the Kauai High School. While here they enjoyed a tour of Iraivan Temple and our tropical gardens. For many, this was their first time visiting the temple. Aum.

Silpi Outing

Aum Namah Sivaya

While here, our team of silpis have been enjoying a variety of outings, to experience different parts of Kauai. Lately they have having fun going on hikes and getting their fill of the island's world-renowned beauty. This hike took them to one of Kauai's many hidden streams and waterfalls. Aum

A Video About Wailua River Noni

Recently the Kauai Visitor Channel's series "Down to Earth" (not the store) requested do make a short, lighthearted video about our Noni operation. They've regularly cover tourist activities on the island, but have also begun covering more of the island's homegrown businesses and agricultural initiatives. Aum.

The World Belongs to Those Who Let Go

A view of our sacred mountain today. The rolling rains clouds have brought us thunder and many glistening waterfalls which shine from Waialeale.

Missing Volcanic Glass

Aum Namah Sivaya

We've recently observed an interesting happening at the aadheenam. Out front of Kadavul Temple has long sat a rather lovely piece of volcanic glass which was gifted to the monastery many years ago. Several weeks ago it was stolen and has not returned. Word (and misinformation) has spread, and we have had a few frantic calls from our island Kama'aina who have thought that it was the large 700 pound crystal that was gone. So to everyone we would like to say, don't worry, the Crystal Lingam is more than safe. Aum.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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