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A New Power Plant on Kauai

Today, Arumuganathaswami and Natyam Rajanatha made a short trip to visit the site of the Island's new biomass plant which is under construction outside of Lihue. The plant is the work of Green Energy Team, a company that has cultivated several parcels of land next to the monastery's own Himalayan Acres where we are growing hardwood and specimen trees. Green Energy is growing fields of eucalyptus trees which are meant to fuel the plant. Green Energy stated: "When finished in 2014, it will supply 11 percent of the island's annual energy needs. The plant will have a capacity of 6.7 megawatts and be fueled by biomass from several sources, including short-rotation trees grown on about 2,000 acres and the use of cleared invasive tree species."

Mahalepu Cliffside

Over the last retreat, several of the monks journeyed to the south side of the Kauai for a beautiful hike along the Mahalepu cliffs. The cliffs are made of countless layers of compacted sand and lava rock. They are slowly being eroded by the powerful ocean waves, creating unique and stunning formations along the cliffside. This part of the coast is also incredibly windy, with constant gusts that make it hard to hear anything else apart from the clapping of the salty waves.

"From the top of the mountain looking down, you see the natural role of a raging ocean and the steep cliffs below--they are beautiful. From the bottom of the mountain, the ocean can appear ominous and the cliffs treacherous. The fact remains that deep inside you is perfection. So, you see, you have a choice. You can remain in the valley, live in fear of the stormy ocean of life and death, or you can scale the nearby mountain and see from the top how it is from that perspective. Either way, you and everyone in the world are all right in the now." Gurudeva

Island Sunrise

Yesterday's sunrise over Kauai Aadheenam was spectacular, with a bright and blazing, orange sky. A perfect moment to give our love and thanks to this great sustainer of light and life on our little planet.

As the sun, the eye of the whole world, is not sullied by the external faults of the eyes, so the one inner soul of all things is not sullied by the sorrow in the world, being external to it.

Seaside Retreat

Over the retreat, several of the monks spent some time by the ocean in Kapaa. They witnessed a beautiful sunrise and took a walk along the new East Side bike path, making their way from Kapaa town toward Kealia beach. Along the way they encountered the bluff where Gurudeva watched whales and wrote Dancing with Siva from his Winnebago Rialta field office.

A Big and Beautiful Rainbow over the Aadheenam

A well-formed rainbow was spotted this morning, not long after sunrise. The rainclouds, which had bumped up against the mountain, created perfect conditions for this colorful display.

Kauai Hula Dancers Visit

Yesterday a hula halau of eight dancers dressed in traditional costume, lead by Kuulei, received permission to perform their ancient dance and chant near the Nani Kauai pond and falls. The chant is an ancient one in their culture, and they clearly took great joy in this offering, a rare one indeed. Thank you, all, for bringing this cultural richness to the aadheenam. In olden days, aadheenams were the cultural repository for Saiva communities.

An Outing to Kokee

Over the retreat a few monks and several church members and pilgrims went for a hike up in the mountains. To get there one must drive to the other side of the island, then take a long and windy road up the mountain. The group first stopped to see Waimea Canyon and then headed for the trail. They decided to hike one of our favorites, the Berry Flat trail. As its name suggests, it is covered in a variety of edibles such as blackberries, guavas and wild passion fruit, the trail is also a restively relaxed venture. One of the monks loves to take pictures of the many varieties of mushrooms on our diverse little island, and as as you'll see he found some rare ones.

A Hike up the Kuilau Trail

Following Gurudeva's 12th annual mahasamadhi celebration, several of the visiting pilgrims and local members hiked the Kuilau Trail along with some of the monks. At the picnic area at the top, they had a mountian-top meditation and a restful lunch.

Our Kauaian Sky

Although rainbows are a common sight here on our little island, especially in the early morning, it is rare to see one created by the setting sun. This double rainbow was such a rarity, highlighted by the light from the evening's orange sunset.

Interfaith Roundtable Kauai

Most communities in America have an interfaith initiative, and Kauai's is called the Interfaith Roundtable. Religious leaders of the island meet in various places to share and strengthen cooperation among religions here, and today the meeting was at the monastery.

Vel Alahan, who is the treasurer with Bodhinatha's blessings, took them all on a tour of the temple and grounds and then they sat for 15 minutes with Paramacharya Sadasivanathaswami, who shared with them the story of the monastery's work to make changes in the California textbooks for 6th grade students. It's quite a tale.

They asked interesting questions: Is it easier to realize the Self working in a spiritual community or by one's self? Do your solar panels cover all of your electrical needs? (Answer, no just 35% or so).

Afterwards, they met among themselves for the regular meeting. Such a delightful, spiritual group.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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