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Is the Future a Work-from-Home World?

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami presents his October/November/December, 2020, Publisher’s Desk Editorial from Hinduism Today Magazine. “A new lifestyle has been thrust upon the world by a tiny virus. How we respond to it will redefine our families and households.”

New Music Video: India’s Fight for Freedom

“India’s Fight for Freedom” is the twelfth song in Hinduism Today’s History of Hindu India Music Video series. It is a song for children intended to complement the fourth of our popular History of Hindu India documentaries, “Hindu India: 1850 to 1947.” The documentaries and songs neatly supplement the study of India and the Hindu religion in American middle schools. This video covers the long fight for freedom, both the non-violent movement led by Gandhi and the militant approach of Bose and others.

Produced by Hinduism Today
Music and Video: Aks and Lakshmi (
Lyrics: Dragan Stojkovski
Subtitles: Igro Burenkov

Complete History Series Playlist:…

Hinduism Today in Russian

Jai Ganesha!

We’ve recently received the latest Russian-language edition of Hinduism Today Magazine.
This is the April/May/June, 2020, issue, fully translated and laid out in Cyrillic script.

A big thanks to Dinanatha and his inspired team!

You can download the full PDF from the Hinduism Today Website.

The Latest from Hinduism Today

Happy young students at the Art of Living’s Veda Agama Patashala in



Hinduism Today’s July/August/September Issue Cover



Insight section on how Ayurveda is adapting to modern
times and diseases


Hinduism Today’s July/August/September, 2020 issue, has gone to press and, as of July 1st,
will be available online free of charge at
You can also download our free
Hinduism Today app
and get the entire magazine in a mobile-friendly
format for your device.

Health is on the mind of nearly everyone these days. There is even a new
greeting in the COVID-19 era, “Namastay healthy and safe.” We didn’t plan it
this way, but the article in this issue on the healing science of ayurveda
takes on special meaning.

Our publisher, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, explores another sensitive
topic, discussing whether parents of the future will cease sharing their
religion with kids. No kidding, it’s a real conversation out there, with
young parents asking, “Do we have the right to expect children to follow our
faith? Shouldn’t we let them find their own path?”

Music is a potent force in the world, and India excels in both sophisticated
Carnatic music devotional songs and energetic Bollywood lyrics loved around
the globe. Join us for the Chennai Music Festival showcasing India’s

Come with our writer Anuradha Goyal as she visits the newly built and
instantly popular Sivapoomi Palace in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. It is a granite
tribute to the masterful and sacred Tamil-language works of Saint

Ah, India! How to describe her? We teamed up an aerial photographer and one
of India’s greatest travel bloggers to give it a try. The author’s love of
Bharat Mata is revealed in a poem to India and her unique gifts, to which we
added stunning photography from high above.

Our charming feature story by Choodie Shivaram highlights the priest
training school located on the campus of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Art of
Living Ashram in Karnataka state. Boys ten to eighteen are being schooled in
the sacred temple arts as they prepare to serve God and Gods in Hindu
temples now spread throughout the world.

“The Magical Realm of Our Sleep” deals with one of the most rapidly evolving
sciences in medicine. Panshula Ganeshan brings in a wide range of voices
from ayurveda, Harvard medical experts, epigeneticists and satgurus, giving
a rich and rare picture of the nature and purpose (and, yes, the mysteries)
of sleep.

There is more, of course, with something for everyone.


“A Hindu View of Mindfulness” In Other Languages

Satguru's publisher's editorial from our Oct/Nov/Dec, 2019 edition of Hinduism Today is now available online in six languages (with Hindi coming soon).
English | Marathi | Kannada | Tamil | Portuguese | Spanish

Mom, Dad, I’m an Atheist

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's Publisher's Desk editorial from Hinduism Today magazine's January/February/March, 2020 Issue. "Hinduism has never opposed the idea of disbelief, but its profound understandings of God make atheism more difficult"

Sivacharya Thangam Bhattar Receives Hindu of the Year Award

In special ceremony at the Sri Meenakshi Temple in Texas, Sivasri Thangam Bhattar received the Hindu to the Year Award for 2018. That award says:

2018 Hindu Renaissance Award

Presented by the editors of Hinduism Today to the Hindu of the Year, Sivasri Thangam Bhattar, for his life-long dedication to the Adi Saiva tradition and pioneering emigration, first to Singapore and Malaysia, then permanently to America to inaugurate and serve in one of the country's first Hindu temples, the Sri Meenakshi Temple of Pearland, Texas, and later the Hindu Temple of New Orleans.

A Mystical View of Sanatana Dharma

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's Publisher's Desk editorial from Hinduism Today magazine's July/August/September, 2019 issue. "As an emanation of God, each soul has the eternal truths of Hinduism encoded within itself, available through meditation"

Hinduism In a Nutshell

Cover The July issue will be online the 1st of July. But we wanted to issue a preview of the Educational Insight section. It's a new rendering of Hindu Basics. The most popular part of our website for years. Now available in ebook formats. Perfect to give away or share with friends. Hinduism In a Nutshell
A Simple Overview of a Complex Faith
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

Recent Google search on What is Hinduism yielded some 223,000 answers. Many are from outsiders offering their best take; many are from antagonists taking their best shot. Too few are knowledgeable; fewer still are authentic. Rare is the answer that goes beyond parochial sectar-ian understandings; scarcely any encompasses the huge gamut implied in the question. For these reasons alone, the book from which this article is taken was inevitable. Written by devout Hindus and drawn from the deepest wells of spiritual experience and cultural insight, it is a definition coming from deep inside the inner sanctum and depicting in words and amazing images the living, breathing entity that is Hinduism. Get the ebooks here!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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