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Hinduism Today’s Latest Issue Released!

The latest issue of Hinduism Today Magazine is now available to read on our website at:

You can also find the PDF or Epub on our downloads pages, and if you’d like to view the magazine on mobile, you can also use our free Hinduism Today Mobile App.

Now Is a Good Time to Update Your Plans

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami presents his July/August/September, 2021, Publisher’s Desk Editorial from Hinduism Today Magazine. “The restrictions imposed by the pandemic can give us time to plan and manifest a positive future for ourselves and our family”

Latest Digital Edition of Hinduism Today Now Available!

Jai Ganesha!

Our July/August/September, 2021 issue of Hinduism Today Magazine is now available online at

You can go directly to the latest issue here:

Hinduism Today Young Writers Group

Yesterday Acharya Arumuganathaswami held a zoom meeting with part of our Hinduism Today Young Writers group. We discussed their planned articles for the coming issues. Mugdha, upper left, is a 6th grader in Cupertino, California, and has written a piece on “ethnic dress” day in school. It’s an annual affair where kids who want to dress up in the style of their particular ethnic group—sari for her, kurta shirt for her little brother. She talks about how the other kids react, what it means to each who participate and more. The story should be in the next issue of Hinduism Today (October/November/December). Rutvij’s has already provided two stories to the magazine, one in the April issue, one in July (at the press as we speak) and is working on a new piece about the treatment of Hinduism in popular media, such as TV shows and movies. Gunap, lower left, has been learning the thrice-daily worship practice of sandyaa vandanam from his father during the pandemic and is going to tell what it means to him. Aditya Muthiah, lower right, is scheduled to review the popular Raji video game set in India’s past. Sanjeevani, middle right, has also had stories in the April and July issues and is working next on both a poll of Hindu kids on issues impacting them and on the activities of various Indian cultural groups in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was a very productive hour-long meeting and you can look forward to seeing their articles shortly. They all get out of school the first week of June and will begin work in earnest.

Recent Mauritius Youth Webinar

Aum Namah Sivaya

Several of the recent articles in Hinduism Today have been related to the current outlook of Hindu youth in different countries. One of Hinduism Today’s correspondence in Mauritius, Savita Tiwari, is in the process of creating such a piece, focused on Mauritius. A few days ago she set up a short webinar titled “Celebrating Hinduism,” attended by Mauritian youth and one of our monastics. You can view the video here:

New Hinduism Today Website!

Jai Ganesha!

After a year a gradual development, our Hinduism Today website has been rebuilt!


The new website has a more pleasant look and feel and should make it easier to find the content you're looking for. This update wasn't just about looks though, 80% or so of the development was about the parts of the sight that no one sees. These included transferring and rebuilding the database and switching to a new content management system, allowing editors to more easily add and adjust content. The site is still being improved "slow by slow" as the Hawaiians would say. Past articles must be hand-checked for errors and imbued with their many images. But regardless, you can still enjoy a very searchable and clean interface as you peruse through Hinduism Today's treasure trove of content. Aum.

Essential Ingredients for a Powerful Puja

Satguru's video presentation of his latest Publishers Desk editorial from Hinduism Today Magazine's April/May/June 2021 issue. Here Satguru discusses the mystical elements and knowledge behind Hinduism’s major form of temple worship

Hinduism Today’s Latest Issue

Jai Ganasha!

Hinduism Today's latest issue has gone to press and is now available online. You can also download our free Hinduism Today app and get the entire magazine in a mobile-friendly format for your device at

For easy access, here is this issue's table of contents:

In My Opinion: "What's Your Real Name?"
Reflections on the cultural, religious and social importance found within our moniker
Essential Ingredients for a Powerful Puja
Pondering the mystical elements and knowledge behind Hinduism's major form of temple worship
Global Dharma
Quotes & Quips
From the Upanishads: At Life's End
Vedic elucidations on the natural transition from human life
Surveys: Nepal Youth Speak Out
Meet a generation balancing the nation's religious and cultural heritage with the impact of modern philosophies and issues
Hindu Heroes: Sewa Tackles the Covid-19 Crisis
Teams from BAPS, HSS and Chinmaya Mission join Sewa International on the front lines to help the most vulnerable during the continuing pandemic
Editorial: Rice with Spice Is Twice as Nice
The fascinating biography and "i didn't know that" facts of the unpretentious grain that feeds half the world
Insight: Raising Children As Good Hindus
Parents Are the First Gurus in Religion, Culture and Character
Dharma: Gita Press Runs into Its Next Century
The venerable religious press has printed more than 700 million books and pamphlets, including 141 million copies of the Bhagavad Gita
Next Generation: A Forum for Budding Hindu Authors
Four stories from Hinduism Today's intern writing program bode well for the future of Hindu journalism
Sadhana: A Daily Regimen of Hindu Practices
Advice for establishing a regular routine of spiritual practice leading to a more fulfilling inner life and a more effective outer life
Spices: The Wonders of Coriander
For at least four thousand years, this versatile herb has enlivened the dishes and drinks of cuisines across the world
Digital Dharma

Our Daily Modes of Consciousness

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami presents his January/February/March, 2021, Publisher's Desk Editorial from Hinduism Today Magazine. "Ancient texts teach us a way to comprehend the mysteries of mind, describing four fundamental states of consciousness."

Is the Future a Work-from-Home World?

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami presents his October/November/December, 2020, Publisher's Desk Editorial from Hinduism Today Magazine. "A new lifestyle has been thrust upon the world by a tiny virus. How we respond to it will redefine our families and households."

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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