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Introducing an Amazing Person

Introducing Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s Publisher’s Desk editorial for the January/February/March, 2023 issue of Hinduism Today Magazine:

“I know a spiritually awesome individual. He is able to quickly calm himself when upset, to transform unhappiness into happiness, to inspire those who are discouraged, and always finds time to listen to the stories and concerns of family and friends. Would you like to be introduced to this amazing person? It’s easy. Just look into a mirror. Yes, that awesome person is you. But it is not the outer you—the body, the intellect or the emotions. It is the spiritual part of you, the soul, the atman, the immortal presence you can sense by looking into your eyes…

Satguru’s Latest Publisher’s Desk Article

From the October/November/December issue of Hinduism Today Magazine:
“The entire world entered a challenging new era in December, 2019, when the first human cases of Covid-19 were identified in Wuhan, China. In the two and a half years since then, the lives of virtually every human being were touched by lockdowns, economic hardships, health issues and loss of loved ones. With the pandemic still with us, global citizens now face another avalanche of difficulties provoked by Russia’s war on Ukraine. The greatest military conflict in Europe since WWII, it has further disrupted the world’s supply chains and contributed to soaring prices, as well as severe shortages of food and fuel in many countries. These hardships have become so dire that people in poor nations are demonstrating in the streets, hoping a new government will be voted in and improve conditions for the populace. Financial markets are in turmoil, recovery of the global economy is in doubt and Europe is experiencing the most severe humanitarian crisis it has seen in decades.”

Life’s Challenges Are Not to Be Avoided

Satguru’s recent Publisher’s Desk Editorial from Hinduism Today’s July 2022 issue

“A common perspective regarding ­major challenges is that we would prefer life without them. Why would anyone want to face all these difficult times, to regularly wake up in the morning and be seriously challenged by life? My guru, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, held a different perspective. He stated, “This is why we are born on this planet, to evolve through challenges. We are here for no other reason.“ What Gurudeva was telling us is that it is actually by living through karmas and thereby gaining better control over our instinctive and intellectual natures that we progress spiritually…”

Hinduism Today’s Latest Issue in the Russian Language

Aum Namah Sivaya,
Today we received this latest issue of Hinduism Today Magazine in the Russian Language. It has been lovingly crafted to accommodate a transformation into the more lengthy Cyrillic text by Dinanatha and his team. You can download it here:

Along with this issue, Dinanatha includes this short message:

Dear Sadasivanathaswami, Satguru and Kauai Aadheenam,

I am pleased to announce that in these difficult times in the world and in Russia, in particular, by the grace of Lord Shiva and our beloved Gurudeva, we continue to work for the benefit of Shaiva Siddhanta and Sanatana Dharma. The new Russian version of the magazine “Hinduism Today” has been published…
Jai Jai

With kind regards,
Dinanatha B.

the issue’s Gatefold

Satguru’s Publisher’s Desk Article

Pages from the Educational Insight section

Hinduism Today’s April/May/June, 2022

Jai Ganesha!

Hinduism Today Magazine’s April/May/June, 2022 issue is now available online free of charge at

Explore the articles:

The Wondrous Wood Temples of Tons Valley
Seven Dimensions of the Mind
Tolerance: A Hindu Viewpoint
Quotes & Quips Apr-2022
The Future of Hindu Matchmaking
Performing Sandhya Vandanam
Diwali Days East & West
My Trip into Young Hindu-American Minds
Surviving College as a Hindu
From The Upanishads: Dwelling in the Heart of All
Intermittent Fasting
The World is One Family
Diabetes: Part Two
India’s Educational Heritage
Digital Dharma
Global Dharma
Letters to the Editors

Tolerance: A Hindu Viewpoint

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami presents his Publisher’s Desk Editorial from the latest issue of Hinduism Today Magazine.
“In a world mired in stubborn opinion, bigotry and callousness, it is important to reflect on ideals that can be an antidote.  World populations are experiencing ever-increasing diversity in their interpersonal and international interactions. This is due to freer immigration and refugee movements, global travel and, perhaps most significantly, increased Internet exposure to other religions, cultures, belief structures and ethnicities…”

Hinduism Today Latest Issue Released!

Aum Namah Sivaya
Happy New year!

Today, Hinduism Today’s Jan/Feb/Mar, 2022 Issue is Released!
You can read in online here:

Temples of Jaunsar-Bawar Uttrakhand

An advance look at a coming photo feature in Hinduism Today showcasing the temples of Jaunsar-Bawar Uttrakhand region of the Himalayas. Most of these temples are dedicated to the Deity Mahasu, a form of Siva. Photos by Dev Raj Agarwal

How Experience Your Innate Divinity

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami presents his January/February/March, 2022, Publisher's Desk Editorial from Hinduism Today Magazine.
"The Upanishads are clear, man is not man, man is God. But actually encountering that amazing reality takes work"

Hinduism Today’s Digital Hindi Edition

Jai Ganesha!

We're pleased to announce the release of the first of our Hindi-Language Digital Editions of Hinduism Today!
The translations are being done by SweetCommunication, a team in India. They are able to produce a much better translation than the automatic Google translate and are actively working their way through the latest issue of the magazine. This first release is a translation of the July/August/September, 2021 issue. More to come! Aum Namah Sivaya. See:

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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