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Express Your Gratitude for Our Free Online Resources

At the beginning of October we launched a three-month drive to support the costs of our websites and other digital media initiatives. Our various websites have helped guide contemporary Hinduism around the world, informing individuals, empowering institutions and clarifying Hinduism for academics, journalists and politicians. Though the work of the monks is free, there are major costs incurred which need support. We are especially struggling to improve and expand our sites and so are reaching out during the last months of the year to ask for help. Bodhinatha has written a wonderful appeal, which we include below. Our goal is to raise $50,000 for next year’s web efforts by December 31. As of today, we have raised nearly $13,000, but we are now almost half-way through our campaign period.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

A Message from Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

To good souls using our websites:

Not long ago, before the now ubiquitous Internet, information was hard to come by. Sources were few but mostly authoritative, such as encyclopedias and books which had been carefully tooled by trained editors and fact checkers.

We quickly crossed the bridge to the other side, and now we find ourselves in the opposite situation. There is a monsoon of information from all kinds of sources. Every second, hundreds of millions of us around the globe are looking to the Internet for information on topics that interest us, including Hinduism. What we need now is organized knowledge that we can count on being authentic.

Our sites provide that—and they do it for free and without ads. Nowhere else will you find such a wealth of resources about our faith, carefully researched and compiled from across the globe. How important is it to you to have good resources on Hinduism online? How important is it that your friends and business associates, your children and their teachers, when doing a search about Hinduism, find a place that explains it from the inside, without academic biases or gross misconceptions?

Starting in 2010, to keep our free web resources online, we are reaching out during the last quarter of each year to ask for assistance from all of you around the world who value the spiritual and educational content on our sites.

There are two more reasons you might consider donating. One is that your donation will go straight to the enhancement of the sites and the content, not staff salaries or administrative overhead, since these sites are created and maintained by selfless monks who work for free and live simply in a verdant monastery on the island of Kauai.

The final reason to give is that a portion of your tax-deductible contribution goes into an endowment that will generate a steady income for decades to come, protecting the future of Hinduism, your religious heritage.

We are here for you today. With your help, we will be here for you for years to come, in the lives of your grandchildren—and perhaps in your next life.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Guru Mahasannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam
Publisher of Hinduism Today

Click here to donate

What Is Hinduism? Pilot Video Episode Now on YouTube

Some viewers had trouble with this video that was embedded from the Vimeo video sharing site. We now have it available on our HinduismTodayVideos YouTube channel:

Keeping and Growing Our Important Websites

Today we launched a three-month drive to support the costs of our websites. Our various websites have helped guide contemporary Hinduism around the world, informing individuals, empowering institutions and clarifying Hinduism for academics, journalists and politicians. Though the work of the monks is free, there are major costs incurred which need support. We are especially struggling to improve and expand our sites and so are reaching out during the last months of the year to ask for help. Between now and December 31st, you will see new banners at the top of our pages. Bodhinatha has written a wonderful appeal, which we include below. We have taken our campaign model from Wikipedia, which is free for all the world to use (like us) and raised $7.5 million last year to keep their resources online. Our needs are far more modest. We are trying to raise $50,000 for next year’s web efforts.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

A Message from Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

To good souls using our websites:

Not long ago, before the now ubiquitous Internet, information was hard to come by. Sources were few but mostly authoritative, such as encyclopedias and books which had been carefully tooled by trained editors and fact checkers.

We quickly crossed the bridge to the other side, and now we find ourselves in the opposite situation. There is a monsoon of information from all kinds of sources. Every second, hundreds of millions of us around the globe are looking to the Internet for information on topics that interest us, including Hinduism. What we need now is organized knowledge that we can count on being authentic.

Our sites provide that—and they do it for free and without ads. Nowhere else will you find such a wealth of resources about our faith, carefully researched and compiled from across the globe. How important is it to you to have good resources on Hinduism online? How important is it that your friends and business associates, your children and their teachers, when doing a search about Hinduism, find a place that explains it from the inside, without academic biases or gross misconceptions?

Starting in 2010, to keep our free web resources online, we are reaching out during the last quarter of each year to ask for assistance from all of you around the world who value the spiritual and educational content on our sites.

There are two more reasons you might consider donating. One is that your donation will go straight to the enhancement of the sites and the content, not staff salaries or administrative overhead, since these sites are created and maintained by selfless monks who work for free and live simply in a verdant monastery on the island of Kauai.

The final reason to give is that a portion of your tax-deductible contribution goes into an endowment that will generate a steady income for decades to come, protecting the future of Hinduism, your religious heritage.

We are here for you today. With your help, we will be here for you for years to come, in the lives of your grandchildren—and perhaps in your next life.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Guru Mahasannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam
Publisher of Hinduism Today

Click here to donate

Monastery Year in Review Video

Important activities and events at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery over the past year (August 2009 – September 2010) including festivals, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s travels across the globe, lots of construction progress on Iraivan Temple, an Innersearch Travel-Study Program on Kauai, many visitors to the monastery, testimonies from resident guests and volunteers and numerous new publications initiatives.
Part 1:
Part 2:

"God, Soul and World" – What Is Hinduism? Pilot Video

God, Soul and World – What Is Hinduism? Pilot (SD) from Editors of Hinduism Today on Vimeo.

SD (480p) Version

This pilot episode of our new educational video series is based on Chapter Three of the book What Is Hinduism? by the editors of Hinduism Today magazine and is inspired by the teachings of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. It was produced by SaaReeGaa Films in New Delhi.

Each of the 46 chapters plus the introduction of What Is Hinduism? will give the source material for a half-hour video episode to be crafted and released, roughly one every three months, in the years ahead.

These educational videos are provided by the editors of Hinduism Today for free as a public service to everyone interested in learning or teaching about the Hindu faith.

Giant Metal Nataraja in the Making

The October Issue of Hinduism Today has several fascinating articles in the Global Dharma section, as usual. Here is the 22-foot tall statue of Lord Nataraja in the making. This is the wax version which will eventually be turned into solid metal. Read about it in Hinduism Today!

We Are Whom We Meet – Publisher's Desk

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the October/November/December 2010 edition of HInduism Today magazine. “The company we keep affects our attitudes, speech and actions as profoundly as the foods we eat.”

Swami Shankarananda's Testimony

We share a wonderful message from a swami we were with in Australia in December (who loves Hinduism Today as you can see from his quote):

“In the late sixties when spirituality arose within me for the first time, I could have said (had I enough awareness), ‘I’d like a path that is as spacious as the universe. A path that includes everyone and every possible belief system. A path that is as tolerant and forgiving as a mother, yet as precise and on purpose as a brain surgeon. A path whose mode of thinking is so broad that no thought or idea is left outside of it. A path of inner transformation and self-development. A path of truth that is also
a path of kindness. A path whose love is so deep and all-embracing that no sinner is excluded from its mercy. A path whose source is Universal Consciousness.’ Had I been able to formulate those thoughts that were in me in an inchoate way, perhaps the sky would have parted and a voice from on high might have said ‘Your path is Hinduism.’ “

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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