To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Issues in the Teaching of Hinduism in American K-12 Schools

The history of India and Hinduism is taught in 6th and 7th grade social studies classes to nearly 4 million American children each year, along with the history of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and sometimes Jainism. The course material on Hinduism is negative in tone and scholastically deficient. This presentation will explain how the course material is created and adopted, and how Hindus can improve the process.
Presented by Acharya Arumuganathaswami, managing editor of Hinduism Today, at the Uberoi Conference, held October 1, 2011, at Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles, October 1, 2011. The History of Hindu India described in the presentation was given an award at the conference. You may purchase it by clicking here.

Monastery Year in Review Video

We are happy to release our year in review video today, summarizing activities of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery from September 2010 to August 2011. See progress on Iraivan Temple; follow Bodhinatha on his travels across the globe; enjoy some powerful words about the Self from Gurudeva; learn about publications, art, sculpture and grounds projects; and take a peek at what is happening at our center on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.

Make Your Home God's Home

In this video, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the October/November/December 2011 edition of Hinduism Today magazine. He encourages us all to establish a formal shrine room as the family’s place of communion with the Divine through worship and meditation.

Hinduism Today: College Diet Conundrum

In the upcoming October/November/December 2011 edition of Hinduism Today, we have an article by Pooja Patel of Midland, Texas, about how a sorely deficient diet burdens many young vegetarian Hindus attending college in the US and how some schools are responding to calls for change. Pooja thoroughly explores the problem, including frank testimonies from current students, such as the following from Rupak Dhoot, a student at Austin College: “A majority of my meals consisted of assorted boiled vegetables, bread, pasta and, in all seriousness, quite a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My meals were highly variable. One consistent thing I could count on eating was cereal. Overall, the school seemed to recognize that there were many vegetarian students they needed to cater to, so there was always an option. However, as a picky eater, the options were not always appetizing. One problem was finding a good source of protein. A staple that serves as a rich source of protein in Indian households, dal, was obviously not available. Finding lentils, beans, nuts, etc., to satisfy the nutritional need for protein was a daily challenge.”

It’s not all bad news, however. Dozens of schools throughout the country are beginning to recognize the need to provide more wholesome, nutritious options for vegetarians, who represent a growing percentage of dorm populations. Which are the top-ten vegetarian-friendly schools and what are they serving? What can students do to improve the diet on their own campuses? Stay tuned for the upcoming edition of Hinduism Today, in print, in PDF and on the web.

Publisher's Desk Video: Be a Spiritual Leader!

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the July/August/September 2011 issue of Hinduism Today.

When Children Embrace Hinduism

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the April/May/June 2011 issue of Hinduism Today magazine. “For best results in passing on your faith, present concepts as life-enhancing tools rather than life-restricting rules.” In this video, we address two big ideas: that everything affects our consciousness and that each of us is a soul, a divine being living in a physical body. Then we answer three questions commonly asked by Hindu youth: Why Are We Vegetarian? Why Must We Go to the Temple Every Week? Why Can’t I Listen to Hip-Hop Music Like My Friends?

Video Collaboration with Hindu Students Association

Hinduism Today is collaborating with the new Hindu Students Association in Texas on a series of videos to instruct college age youth and young professionals in the basics of Hinduism. The first video, below, describes the concept of God in Hinduism, covering the first of our Nine Beliefs of Hinduism, on the nature of the Supreme Being.

Palaniswami Speaks at Nimbark Jayanti in New Delhi

Paramacharya Palaniswami speaks at the ceremony honoring Nimbark Jayanti at Shri Golok Dham Ashram in New Delhi, November 18, 2010. Includes the ceremonial presentation of the plaque and shawl to Shri Gopal Sharan Devacharya, our Hindu of the Year for 2009.

Gayatri Rajan on the Importance of our Digital Dharma Drive

With so much misinformation, even disinformation on Hinduism abounding, it is deeply important to have accurate online resources on Hinduism–as many as possible. Congratulations and thanks are due to the monks of Kauai's Hindu Monastery. Not only do they maintain and continually expand an astonishing compilation of news, information and insight, it's presented in cutting edge media: from ink on paper to digital print to numerous audio/visual media, all with world-class graphics and writing: at once fresh, lively, profound and thought-provoking. Oh, and gorgeous.
The venerable monks present their own cherished Saivism in full, as well as an abundance of material on general Hinduism; history, current events and issues, health, scriptures, arts and culture, temples, and best of all, practical observations on spiritual life skills, yoga and sadhana by a realized satguru. This is the most comprehensive, insightful, well researched and accurate, and visually delightful window into the Sanatana Dharma you'll ever find anywhere–digital or analog. And, with our help, it's absolutely free.
Jai to the monks of Kauai's Hindu Monastery! We are forever indebted to you.
Mrs. Gayatri Rajan
Canyon, California

Hinduism Today in India

Some news from our 18-day trip that might inspire everyone. So many doors opened, and so many engaging connections with our members and students. First time Bodhinatha and I spoke to an audience of 23 million (live Ashta TV), so that's a new benchmark. My strongest impression came from the team in Delhi which is seeking to publish an Indian Edition of Hinduism Today. This is not your ordinary publishing group. They are five top national leaders in their fields, and each is a mature, informed and devout Hindu. Together they make a most impressive force and if anyone can make the magazine succeed in India, they can. They have known and read Hinduism Today since 1993 and their love of the magazine was only exceeded by their appeals to allow them to print an edition in Bharat, which would have some Indian news not now found in our International Edition.

Why? They described at some length how Hinduism has become divided and fragmented in India, sects vying for followers, groups fighting and competing with one another. They deplore the lack of unity and cooperation, and they are convinced that Hinduism Today can create a new model, bring the many Hindu fellowships together, inspire a higher conversation, communion, cooperation and instill a shared purpose. In short, they told us that Hinduism Today, in their opinion, offers the best hope for a powerful and positive future of Hinduism in their nation. They firmly believe that a strong Hinduism means a strong India. And, they stressed, it would be the only English language religious publication in the entire country! How happy our Gurudeva would be to see this appreciation for his little magazine. He created something unique, something remarkable which he called "the prow of our ship,", and it is now, after 32 years, being embraced as Hinduism's "best hope." Let us see where it all goes and if they can sustain and fulfill their eagerness. Yes, Hinduism Today is free online. One of our digital gifts to the world.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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