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Hinduism Today Quarterly Update in Progress

We are teaching monastic Aspirant Brahmachari Kodiswara how to turn the current July/August/September Hinduism Today printed issue into online articles at

He re-sizes all the images for quicker viewing, uploads them to our WordPress Media Library, then copies the article text and photo captions from Adobe IndDesign into new posts in WordPress. He formats the headers etc. to look similar to the printed article. The posts are scheduled to publish one after the other in the early morning of July 1st.

Kodiswara is a very quick learner and finished it within a few days.

God of Love

Watch Satguru's latest Publisher's Desk Video from his article in Hinduism Today magazine. This article as well as the rest of Hinduism Today's April/May/June, 2024 issue is now available online at

Merit, Demerit and Liberation

Aum Namah Sivaya
Please enjoy this video version of Satguru’s January 2024 Publisher’s Editorial from Hinduism Today Magazine. You can read the article or explore more from our latest issue here. Aum.

Felicitation of Hinduism Today Magazine at Bangkok Congress

The recent World Hindu Congress 2023, organized by the World Hindu Foundation, was first held in 2014 in Delhi, then again in Chicago in 2018. It is “a global platform for Hindus to connect, share ideas, inspire one another and impact the common good.” At the opening plenary session, plaques of recognition were presented to Swami Purnatmananda Maharaj, acting president of Bharat Sevashram Sangh, Bharat, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, publisher, Hinduism Today, USA and Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, founder Mata Amritanandamayi Math, Bharat. The award for Hinduism Today was introduced by Shri Milind Shrikant Parande, Secretary General of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bharat. He began, “The second award is to the worldwide magazine Hinduism Today. In the 1970s Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami established Kauai’s Hindu monastery, Kauai Aadheenam. It is regarded as the single most advocate of Hindu Dharma outside of Bharat. The worldwide magazine Hinduism Today was founded by him in 1979.” Shri Parande then read the text of the felicitation: “The Organizing Committee of the World Hindu Congress, 2023 Bangkok wishes to express profound appreciation for the remarkable contributions made by Hinduism Today since its establishment under the guidance of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, a devoted disciple of Jnanaguru Yoga Swami from Jaffna, Sri Lanka. “Hinduism Today’s commitment to nurturing Hindu solidarity, fostering unity and dispelling misconceptions about Hindu Dharma is truly praiseworthy. It has served as a guiding light of knowledge, inspiration and awakening for Hindus across the globe. The unwavering dedication to nurturing the ongoing spiritual Hindu renaissance and providing a valuable resource for Indian leaders and educators is immeasurable. “Hinduism Today’s pivotal role in preserving and promoting the rich heritage of Hindu Dharma is deeply appreciated. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your tireless efforts in upholding the essence of Hindu Dharma and sharing its wisdom with the world.” The award was then jointly presented by Shri Parande and Dr. Mohanrao Bhagwat, Sarsanghchalak [head] of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Another report on the event is here. For the full report including Satguru's talk:

Merit Demerit and Liberation

Aum Namah Sivaya

We hope you enjoy this early look at Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's Publisher's Desk Editorial from the July/August/September, 2023 edition of Hinduism Today Magazine.

Publisher’s Desk – Virtual Reality

Satguru's latest Publisher's Desk editorial, from the April/May/June, 2023 issue of Hinduism Today Magazine

"It’s no secret that today’s youth have a deeper interest in all things digital than previous generations. As digital experience proliferates and grows more realistic and compelling, it is entirely possible that its proper use could serve to deepen the younger generations’ understanding of and interest in Hinduism’s perspective of the Deities and inner worlds. I have asked, “Can the experience of non-physical digital worlds help youth understand and appreciate the non-physical spiritual worlds?” To explore this, we need to look at the major digital trends..."

New Artwork Collection on Hamsa – Guru & Shishya

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today we bring you a new collection of artwork accessible on HAMSA - Himalayan Academy's Museum of Spiritual Art. The work was done by Maniam Selvan, an Artist from Chennai who has done work for Hinduism Today magazine in the past.

The the recent April/May/June, 2023 edition of Hinduism Today, Mase (as Maniam is known) created 8 canvases to help explore the genius of India’s Guru-Shishya system of spiritual training and transmission, through the magazine's Educational Insight Section which will be available online March 1st. To see the full collection, click the image below.

"Passing on the Power" In Ardhanarishvara’s presence, we see the important transmission of spiritual knowledge and realization down through history, a power shown as a white light that radiates the same purity from one satguru to another. The gurus differ in many ways, but the light they have is the same in all ages

Guru Day

In an interesting conjunction of seemingly unrelated events, today was the 292nd Pada Puja held each Chittra nakshatra for Gurudeva's Grand Departure, 7,997 days ago. And the Insight for this next issue of Hinduism Today magazine is being printed in the Midwest, the April/May/June 2023 issue, which explores in depth India's genius system of spiritual training, the Guru-Shishya relationship. The art for this feature was done by Maniam Selven of Chennai, in his inimitable South Indian style, inherited from his renowned father.

In shrine rooms all over the world Gurudeva's shishyas are celebrating him, his life and mission and giving offerings in thanks for the light and insight he brought into their lives. Thank you, Gurudeva!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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