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Gurudeva’s 2020 Mahasamadhi Observances Begin!

Jai Gurudeva!
Jai Kailasa Parampara!

Yesterday, Satguru and our monks began a four-day celebration of Gurudeva Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, his life and teachings. While the event is usually attended by many members and devotees from around the world, this year is understandably more subdued, with only monks observing the temple pujas. These last two days began with a puja at Gurudeva's shrine in Kadavul Temple. The monks chanted Sri Rudram, Gurudeva's ashtottara (108 names) and Yo Pam Pushpam. Following the arati, everyone sat for a short meditation. Aum Namah Sivaya.

"A satguru is needed because the mind is so cunning and the ego is a self-perpetuating mechanism. It is he who inspires, assists, guides and impels the shishya toward the Self of himself." Gurudeva

Upadesha On Shum – Dimensions of the Mind

Bodhinatha Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads and comments on a series of talks which Gurudeva gave in the 1970s. The talks have been compiled into a book, called The Seven Dimensions of the Mind. Bodhinatha starts out with the seventh dimension, goes through Part 1 and 2, then the sixth dimension. This is a rare look at the universe, both physical and subtle, deepening our understanding of the mind.

Seventh Dimension, Part 1

Seventh Dimension, Part 2

Sixth Dimension, Part 1

Sixth Dimension, Part 2

Fifth Dimension, Part 1

September 2020 Chitra Puja

Jai Gurudeva!

Early this morning our monks gathered in Kadavul Temple to observe the monthly padapuja to Gurudeva Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Yogi Dayanatha and Yogi Haranandinatha performed the abhishekam while Satguru and other monks chanted Sri Rudram.

"Seeking for God in the depths of one's being through control of the mind, control of one's thoughts, feelings and emotions, gives birth to the highest qualities of nature." - Gurudeva

Extraordinary Sketches of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami – Part 2

Quite some time ago, you might remember that we posted Part 1 of 2 videos done by Natalie Levin in which she gives descriptions of her Gurudeva sketches. Today we present you with the second video. Also, we will soon release all the images online, so stay tuned! Aum.

Upgrading Gurudeva’s Frame

Jai Gurudeva!

Over the monks' retreat, one was inspired to refinish the wooden frame around Gurudeva's photo which resides inside Iraivan Temple. Bodhinatha's frame had been upgraded prior, leaving this one looking a little worn. Now both frames enjoy a shiny new look. Aum.

July 2020 Chitra Puja

Jai Gurudeva!

Our monks concluded their last phase with this month's chitra padapuja to Gurudeva (and thankfully not with a hurricane). Yogi Jayanatha and Yogi Dayanatha performed the morning abhishekam while other monks chanted Sri Rudram. This was the 250th chitra puja since Gurudeva's Mahasamadhi in 2001. Aum Namah Sivaya.

"Out of the microcosm ever comes the macrocosm. Out of Paraśiva—which is timeless, causeless and formless—ever comes all form. This is the great mystery without a reason why. Out of pure consciousness ever comes the light which binds all form together in specific bondage, individualizing forms, souls, one from another. This is ever happening, as simultaneously struggling souls remove their bondage through the grace of God Śiva to come into Satchidānanda, later to be absorbed into Paraśiva. This, too, is a great mystery without a reason why. The existence called Paraśiva pervades the infinite Satchidānanda, sustaining it just as the Divine Light of God Śiva’s mind pervades and sustains the gross forms of this world. Paraśiva does not create Satchidānanda, yet Satchidānanda is sustained because of the existence of nonexistence"

The Gurus Holy Feet

Recently, a wonderful gift arrived at the Aadheenam. A gift specially prepared for Satguru and his monks on the occasion of Guru Purnima. As expressed in the note below, The Gurus Holy Feet is a book of rich and varied testimony, alluding to the magic and power of our guru parampara. Enjoy the stories which come from all parts of the globe. It begins with a note from the Ragade family who engineered it. Aum Namah Sivaya! Namaskar, Enclosed is a gift, for Satguru Bodhinatha and the monks, on the occasion of Guru Purnima. It has come into manifestation as an outpouring of love and devotion from the Saiva devotees across the planet. On a very short notice, they opened their heart and soul, shared testimonies on how the guru parampara has touched and transformed their lives. There are many who have contributed in seen, unseen ways. Indivar and Ramai shared priceless pictures. Easanji and Sundariji strongly supported the project, disseminating it to their local Satsang members, mission members. Vandana, Ramai, Barathy, Sheela, Jivaji all assisted by reaching out to their local missions. Deva Seyonji reached out to the Kauai members, and sent in personal testimony despite a hectic personal schedule. Please present it to Satguru on Guru Purnima. With eternal love and gratitude, The Ragade Family PS: Shreya played a very big role in the formatting and reformatting.

Download the PDF file here: The Gurus Holy Feet.

June 2020 Chitra Puja

This morning our monks began their week with a padapuja to Gurudeva during the chitra nakshatra. Nakshatras are the 27 lunar mansions in Vedic astrology or divisions along the ecliptic. We celebrate and connect inwardly with Gurudeva during this time because it was during the chitra nakshatra in November of 2001 that he attained his mahasamadhi. Today's puja was performed by yogis Dayanatha and Haranandinatha, with the monks attending to chant Sri Rudram, invoke Gurudeva's presence and to dive within. Aum Namah Sivaya. Jai Gurudeva!

The Subconscious Aura

The Illumination of Man

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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