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Chitra Puja – March, 2021

Jai Gurudeva!

This morning our monks celebrated the Chitra nakshatra with their usual padapuja to Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Yogi's Dayanatha and Haranandinatha performed the abhishekam.

"When you meditate, you become inwardly strong. You become extremely sensitive, and sensitivity is strength. But if you are not psychologically adjusted to the things you may be hearing and seeing and the depth to which you might see, you might see things that will be disturbing to you, that will upset your nerve system. Now, it is true that if you are centered in yourself completely enough to be all spine and just a being of energy, you can go anyplace in any type of environment, inside or outside, and the environment would be better for your having been there. You would not absorb any of the distracting or negative vibrations. But until that day comes, it is better to be wise and live in a positive vibration and among people who can help stabilize the force field around you, so that your inner life goes on without interruptions—of spinning out, having to crawl back, and spinning out and then having to crawl back. Why go through all those frustrating experiences, which are inconvenient, time consuming and totally unnecessary?" Gurudeva

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s Latest Talks


Today we share Satguru's recent talks on Awareness and Omnipresence, a recounting of Gurudeva's upadeshas on the esoterics of previously unpublished works on Shum and of his writings on the Seven Dimensions of the Mind. Some of the works of Gurudeva during the 1970s are brought through from a rishi in the inner planes.

These are available through the SivaSivaApp on your phone. Go to the "Listen" module and select the collection "Bodhinatha's Recent Talks" for available links.

February 2021 Chitra Puja

Jai Gurudeva!

Yesterday evening our monks gathered in Kadauvl Temple to observe our monthly Chitra puja and abhishekam at Gurudeva's shrine. Yogi Dayanatha and Nirvani Tejadevanatha performed the abhishekam while other monks chanted Sri Rudram. This day is our monthly celebration of Saturu Sivaya Subramuniyaswami's mahasamadhi which took place during the Chitra nakshatra. Aum.

Our First Chitra Puja of 2021!

Jai Gurudeva!

Recently our monks celebrated our January chitra nakshatra with their monthly padapuja to Gurudeva. Yogis Haranandinatha and Jayanatha performed the short abhishekam. Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and other monks attended for this evening worship, invoking the love and blessings of Gurudeva. Aum.

"Understanding, loving and making allowances--these are the strengths of the soul awakened through sadhana, once the emotional ups and downs and the barriers of the instinctive influences of fear, jealousy, anger, deceit and disappointment are conquered" - Gurudeva

News from Mauritius

At the Spiritual Park in Mauritius, members have recently received delivery of a massive wooden frame holding a life-sized photo of Gurudeva holding a bamboo danda and wearing his wooden tiruvadi sandals. It is to be installed in one of the new mandapams in the days ahead, to inform the thousands of visitors who come each month of the founder and offer them a glimpse, a darshan. The craftsmen carved Shum mamsane into the oak wood and balawo frames. Congratulations to the team for pushing through this wonderful addition to the Spiritual Park.

A Gift on Canvas

Om Namah Sivaya

Today the monks received a gift from Natalie Levin. As you may know, this Arizona-based artist has created a collection of sketches, each of which captures a different fragment of Gurudeva's potent spirit (You can see them all here). This special gift is one of those sketches, having been enlarged and printed on canvas. The monks of the Ganapati Kulam hung it on the wall of the Media Studio, and it fits the space perfectly. Jai Gurudeva!

A Valuable Resource – Guru Talks

For those that love to listen to updeshas by our gurus, you might not be aware of this wonderful resource. It is our online Inspired Talk Index, and it includes all of our published talks by both Gurudeva and Bodhinatha, from as far back as 1959. You can also access these resources through the SivaSiva App. To view them in the browser simply go here:

Aum Namah Sivaya

December 2020 Chitra Padapuja

Jai Gurudeva!

This morning we celebrated our 255th chitra padapuja at Gurudeva's shrine in Kadavul Temple. Yogi Jayanatha and Nirvani Tejadevanatha performed the short puja and abhishekam while monks chanted Sri Rudram and enjoyed Gurudeva's darshan. Aum.

Gurudeva Mahasamadhi Final Puja

Jai Gurudeva!
This afternoon our monks observe a Siva Homa and a Padapuja for Gurudeva, beginning at 3:30pm Kauai Aadheenam Standard Time. Visit our Youtube Channel to see the live stream:

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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