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New Gurudeva Photo Display in Kadavul

Happy Chitra Nakshatra! After 22 years, we have replaced the trusty, conventional lightbox that has displayed Gurudeva's photos at his shrine in Kadavul Temple. The technology was old school. Each month a monk stepped up on the shrine, opened the box, pulled out the plexiglass sandwich and inserted a new transparency. The new box houses a high grade digital screen that will rotate through many high quality images every three hours, while drawing a similar amount of power as the old unit. Kumarnathaswami and Kanda Alahan teamed up on the project. It was Kanda and his sons who had built the original version in their California cabinet shop.

Natchintanai – 73 Spiritual Songs! Now in Unicode!

A book of Natchintanai by Siva Yogaswami: Seventy-three songs full of the wisdom of the Sanatana Dharma and the enlightened vision of one of the most evolved siddha yogis of modern times, Siva Yogaswami.

Since 2009, Natchintanai - 73 Spiritual Songs was available with MylaiSri text for the Tamil. It was not possible to put it online, because that Tamil font would have rendered as gibberish. But now that Tamil has been re-entered in Arial Unicode! Now that it is in unicode, it can be copied and pasted across any web platform or in your email. The publication is also available in the EPUB:


This song book is dedicated to Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, affectionately known as Gurudeva. He gave us these instructions regarding the heritage of songs from his guru, Siva Yogaswami of Jaffna, Sri Lanka:

"All my followers shall revere as sacred scripture the songs of Sage Yogaswami, called Natchintanai, which entirely embody the teachings of our lineage and command one and all to 'Know thy Self by thy self.' Aum.

They and my noble mathavasis all follow the path of service so vigorously hailed by Asan (spiritual master) Yogaswami in his many Natchintanai hymns which embody our philosophy."

August Chitra Puja 2022

Jai Gurudeva! Our monthly padapuja to Sivaya Subramuniyaswami was performed at Kadavul temple we hope you enjoy the photos we took as well as some curated photos of Gurudeva from our collection. Take a quiet minute to absorb the darshan. "We are all dancing with Śiva, and He with us. Ultimately, we are Śiva dancing." - Gurudeva

Mauritius Satguru Purnima, and Gurudeva Pavilion Unveiled

This was a special Satguru Purnima padapuja at our Spiritual Park because it was the first to be held since lockdowns were ended. A new addition to the Spiritual Park made it extra special. We now have a beautiful new pavilion to honor Gurudeva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as the founder. It is in a appropriately prominent position, just across from the front entrance gate and very close to the Panchamukha Ganapati Mandapam. With a oval wood floor and water tank/fountain wrapping around Gurudeva's photo, the design is elegant. Click here for many more photos of the opening ceremony followed by padapuja to the paduka of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

July 2022 Chitra Puja

Jai Gurudeva!

With our celebration of Guru Purnima on the horizon, the energy of our guru parampara is at the forefront of the inner mind. During the chitra nakshatra, monks and devotees joined in Kadavul Temple to honor Gurudeva Sivaya Subramuniyaswami with a padapuja.

"We may say that love is the heart of the mind. Anything that comes before you in life can be conquered through universal love, a force which is a demonstration of the soul." - Gurudeva

June Gurudeva Chitra Padapuja

On June 11th morning we celebrated Gurudeva's monthly padapuja to honor his Mahasamadhi on Chitra nakshatra. Thanks to local sishyas for providing new flower arrangements for the occasion. An update of Gurudeva's year-long calendar of quotations will be printed soon, this time including some quotes from Satguru Siva Yogaswami and Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Sharing Gurudevas Teachings on Youtube

Aloha all, We were recently reached out to by the owner of a Youtube channel with over 200,000 subscribers called Supreme Yogi. He frequently publishes short videos highlighting the teachings of various Hindu Sages such as Ramana Maharishi and Sri Ramakrishna. Yesterday, with our permission, he posted a 16 minute video presenting some of Gurudevas teaching as well as stories from the guru chronices. The video so far has got over 13 thousand views in only one day! Go check it out and give it a like, if you like. Aum! Here is the video in full!

Happy Chitra Nakshatra!

Jai Gurudeva!

This morning our monks and local shishya celebrated the Chitra nakshatra with their monthly observance in Kadavul Temple. Sannyasin Tillainathaswami and Yogi Haranandinatha performed an abhiskekam at Gurudeva's shrine in Kadavul Temple, while other monks chanting Sri Rudram. Aum

"Devotees seek a satguru who teaches them to understand suffering, and brings them into the intentional hardships of sadhana and tapas leading to liberation from the cycles of experience in the realm of duality." - Gurudeva

April 2022 Chitra Padapuja

Jai Gurudeva!

Over their recent full moon retreat, our monks celebrated the Chitra Nakshatra with our monthly padapuja to Gurudeva. Local shishya were able to attend this month's padapuja as well. Everyone enjoyed Gurudeva's calming presence as Yogi Dayanatha and Nirvani Tejadevanatha performed the abhishekam. Aum.

"There is no place to go except inside yourself." - Gurudeva

The Guru Chronicles – Tamil

The Guru Chronicles is the inspiring tale of our Nandinatha Sampradaya, a spiritual storybook which explores over 2,000 years of the history and lives of seven extraordinary gurus. Gurudeva set the book in motion in Sri Lanka back in 1972. It was decades in the making and was finally printed in English in 2011. Today, inspired by the Hindu New Year, we announce the release of the recently completed Tamil translation of this important book.

You can go here to download the pdf, epub or mobi:

To learn about the amazing work required to create the book, go to the web link below which takes you to the English version of the preface.

And, we will soon upload a version to the web, so that you can read it online.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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