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Trees, Trees, Trees!

This seems to be the month of new trees. Just recently, many noni trees were planted on Himalayan Acres and just over the last few days the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam planted 57 new fruit trees on our Siva Pannai land. It's been dry, so after planting, these little trees have been receiving plenty of watering. Some of the trees include, lemons, limes, avocado and durian.

Planting Noni Trees

Over the recent two day retreat, Acharya Arumuganathaswami, Natyam Nandinatha, Natyam Jayanatha and our hired worker Doug, all worked to plant 288 new Noni trees in our field on the other side of the Wailua River. We currently have over 700 trees already grown and producing fruit. The soil of this new field has been properly ripped by a huge bulldozer to break up a hardpan left from 100 years of sugar planting which was stunting the trees. Hopefully this will ensure healthier growth for this new set of trees.

Harvesting Ginger

The monks of the Siddhidatta kulam recently harvested the bed of ginger that had been growing in the nakshatra garden. That is our herb garden just next to the kitchen. The amount of ginger root that was produced was quite extraordinary, filling one whole cart. The monks now have a surplus that can be used for just about anything, from daily meals and chutneys, to healing tea's and juices. Ginger has long been used as a healing tonic and has many beneficial qualities. It has been shown to treat nausea, reduce muscle pain and soreness, reduce inflammation and help with Osteoarthritis, fight infection, lower blood sugar and improve heart health, treat chronic indigestion and lower cholesterol levels. It contains 6-gingeral, a substance which been shown to be effective against certain types of cancer cells, and it is also loaded with antioxidants which help to improve brain function.

Iraivan Landscape Jumps Out of the Ground with Full-Grown Palms

On the 19-acre parcel the monastery acquired several years ago, referred to as "Siva Pannai" there is a huge stand of full-grown palms. These were planted by the previous owner who was a nursery professional from Arkansas, as an investment. The economy and subsequent development on the island has been very quiet, so these specimen trees, which would provide instant landscaping for some big hotel or estate, have remained with us for years. So some of these are now being moved to the Iraivan area, both giant beautiful Royal palms and Foxtail palms. Stay tuned for more pictures in the days heads.

New Garden Footage

Recently the monks took quadcopter footage of our organic garden. Starting with the gardens Ganesha, we go up and up and up into the air and see ginger, eggplant, flowers, pumpkins, cheyote, okra, beans and more. Enjoy!


Noni Harvest

Since the monastery had such a large group of volunteers, we decided to make a noni harvest! In order to get enough noni to ship and bottle, a crew must go out and harvest once a week for five weeks. Thats about 12,000 lbs of noni.

Garden Harvests

Here are a few pictures to enjoy from the Aadheenam's vegetable garden.

Kauai Farm Fair

Each year Kauai holds its local farm fair, and each year the monastery participates in its own small way. This year the monks were asked to give the opening blessing for the 3 day event. Acharya Arumuganathaswami and Sannyasin Yoginathaswami attended. Following a short blessing, which included chanting and reading of quotes from the Tirukkural about farming, the monks presented Roy Oyama and his family with shawls. Roy was being honored at this year's fair for his vast contributions to Kauai's farming community. We also had our Wailua River Noni Juice on display at the Kauai Grown booth which only carries locally produced products.

KURAL 1031
Wherever it may wander, the world follows the farmer’s plow. Thus despite all its hardships, farming is the foremost occupation.
KURAL 1032
Farmers are the linchpin of the world, for they support all who take up other work, not having the strength to plow.
KURAL 1033
Those who live by the plow live in self-sufficiency. All others lean on them to simply subsist.
KURAL 1034
Those whose fields lie shaded by abundant sheaves of grain will see many nations overshadowed by their own.
KURAL 1035
Those who eat food harvested with their own hands will never beg and never refuse a beggar’s outstretched palm.
KURAL 1036
When plowers of the fields stand idly with folded arms, even desireless ascetics will not last long.

Planting Fruit Trees

Recently the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam, who are responsible for our monastery grounds, maintenance and food and vegetable growing, set out to plant a total of 83 fruit trees. They are planting mainly avocado trees. The avocado trees include many different varieties which all bloom at different times of year. In theory, this will provide us with fruiting avocados year-round. The planting also included citrus trees such as oranges and lemons, as well as sapote, peanut butter fruit trees and mangosteen. These trees will provide us with plenty of fruits for the monks and for temple offerings.

NRCS Visits Himalayan Acres

The NRCS had an inspection today at our land across the river that we call Himalayan Acres. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is the primary federal agency that works with private landowners to help them conserve, maintain and improve their natural resources. The Agency emphasizes voluntary, science-based conservation; technical assistance; partnerships; incentive-based programs; and cooperative problem solving at the community level.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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