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Foundations for a New Siddhidatta Kulam Shop

Jai Ganesha!

Over the past year the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam of been quietly and gradually working on a special project–the construction of a new shop area to work in. Currently, when a tractor bucket is in need of a good sledge-hammering, or a weed whacker is in need of fixing and testing, the location available is near the main monastery buildings. It's a little small for the amount of work it's used for and it also happens to be within an audible range of Satguru's office. After months of careful planning, the concrete foundation for a new structure has been poured! The monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam made sure to bless the area beforehand and to give a shawl and offerings to the team doing the cement work. The excavator then broke ground and the team successfully created a flawless foundation for the new building. Aum.

Silpis Arrive!

Aloha all! We are very excited to announce that after an absence of years the Silpis have recently arrived back from India and have begun to work on Iraivan Temple and the Nandi Mandapam in front of Kadavul Temple. Enjoy the photos of progress and look forward to more 🙂
Aum Namah Ĺšivaya

Rare Peek Inside Iraivan Floor Tile Project

Today was a day off for the busy tile setting team, so we took the opportunity to sneak inside the workspace to see what they've been up to.

Progress around Iraivan Temple

Employee John is nearly finished placing the two rows of paver stones next to the seashore paspalum grass sprigs popping up. Underneath the grass is the geotile, and this will constitute the ground pradakshina path around Iraivan. Below the front of Iraivan Temple, employees Doug and Jim are nearly finished creating this lava rock pony wall around the steps up the hill.

Preparation for Silpis’ Return– Take Two

Three silpi craftsmen from India were supposed to return to Kauai a couple months ago, but could not due to visa issues. The issues have now been resolved and we expect them here shortly, so a team headed today to the house where they stay, for a second round of cleaning and food supplies preparation.

Books Unboxing and Latest Monk Candidate Arrives

We mentioned him briefly in the last post about visiting Waimea Canyon, but here's a bit more. Lucas Brzozowski, age 18, arrived from Massachusetts just days ago to begin a six-month resident visit because he is interested in monastic life. He also briefly stopped by a couple months ago for one morning while he was visiting from Maui island. Here he is helping Shanmuganathaswami and Vatshalan unpack MC trilogy books to store in the new back room of the Pillaiyar Kulam building. This back room is the more affordable replacement for the warehouse space we were renting on the mainland.

Entry Staircase

Future pilgrims will climb this small hill which begins at the Wailua River, passes through a jungle of tropical plants and the three granite elephants and ends at the temple entry staircase. Doug has returned from a three-month stay with family in Michigan, and is continuing on the building of the two small lava rock pony walls, one on either side, to better define the staircase.

It is hard work, but he is a master mason (among his many talents) and so the work moves along swiftly. We are glad to see him push toward the top. Two arial drone photos in the slideshow are especially revealing.

Yagasala Construction for Kadavul Nandi Mandapam Puja

We are getting ready to attach granite ornamentation to the base of the Kadavul Nandi and adjacent flagpole. In order to do this work, the shakti needs to be removed and stored temporarily in kumbhas through a special homa/puja. The Agamas prescribe a yagasala structure to contain the shakti until the work is done and we are ready to reactivate the area. Priests are being flown in to perform the pujas on Sept 11 and 12. Here are some photos of progress in the yagasala construction by the Siddhidata Kulam in our Banyan Mandapam. The kumbhas will be stored in the central platform. In the last photo they are preparing to paint red stripes.

Alaveddy Progress

This morning we received these photos from Thondunathan showing the amazing progress of the Paramparai Mandapam. You will recall that Gurudeva stayed in the home of Kandiah Chettiar in 1948-49. He later was given the land and built a small Siva Temple on the site, which functioned for some 30 years. That was eventually decommissioned and with Bodhinatha's blessings (he was there on Innersearch to bless the ground breaking) the local community designed a meditation mandapam on the land. It will have a Sivalingam at the center and four of our Satgurus, one in each corner: Yogaswami, Gurudeva, Chellappaswami and Kadaitswami.

The elders have added a Ganesha and Murugan shrine at the front. Here you can see the amazing progress. Shows how quickly such things go when you work with bricks and mortar instead of granite! We send our congratulations to all who are manifesting this sweet shrine which will inspire thousands to find summa, to touch the feet of the Kailasa Paramparai, to deepen their spiritual life and consciousness. Aum Namasivaya!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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