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2021 Ayudha Puja and Installing Iraivan Temple’s Doors

Aum Namah Sivaya

Recently the silpis and monks observed Ayudha Puja, a time when we bless our tools and craft items for the work they help us perform. This year's Ayudha Puja included a special blessing for the Sanctum Doors of Iraivan Temple which have now been installed.

A Jayanthi Gift!

Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami!
On the day of our Guru Jayanthi celebrations, our monks also acquired the official Certificate of Occupancy for Iraivan Temple. The temple had been Kauai county's longest standing, open construction project and they were happy to see it finally conclude. This occupancy permit is an important step as we begin to finish the last remaining stages of Iraivan Temple's construction over the next few years. Also, Satguru ceremoniously received the large key to Iraivan Temple's sanctum doors which have now been fully installed (more in a future post).
Aum Namah Sivaya. Sivaya Namah Aum.

Stone Parrots, Stone Chains and Karna Koodu

Jai Ganesha!

This week we celebrate the installation of some of the final ornamental additions to Iraivan Temple's Nandi Mandapam. The silpis have completed the installation of the Karna Koodu, the twelve capstones that adorn the mandapam's roof. They've also installed the eight stone parrots that sit upon the corners of the roof. With all that completed, the silpis were then able to place the stone chains into their positions underneath the mandapam's eave. Aum.

Nandi Mandapam Capstones

Recently the siplis have been preparing for the installation of the capstones that will grace the rooftop of Iraivan Temple's Nandi Mandapam. The Nandi Mandapam features some of the more intricate carvings throughout the temple and these captones are no exception. Also to be installed on each corner of the roof are delicate granite birds which will peer over the roof's edge. Aum.

Fitting Iraivan Temple’s Sanctum Doors

Jai Ganesha!

Recently the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam and the siplis worked together at Iraivan Temple to fit the sanctum door into place for the first time. This allowed them to properly measure and align everything for the eventual, final installation. It also provided us with an inspiring preview of things to come. Aum.

A New San Marga Ganesha Shrine

Jai Ganesha!

Today, two very exciting events took place at Iraivan Temple and along San Marga. For a while now, the monastery has had several stone works that have been waiting to be installed in their final locations. One being the granite Ganesha Shrine which pilgrims will be met with along San Marga. The others being the granite elephants that will adorn the future, longer, entry steps leading up the hill to Iraivan Temple. Today Larry Conklin and his masterful crane operating skills were put to the test as we moved one of the stone elephants from the Iraivan Temple foundation over to it's location along the soon-to-be staircase. The monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam, the siplis, and Larry then proceeded out to San Marga with the Ganesha Shrine and installed the new shrine in its new home. Aum.

Iraivan Temple’s Gold Capstones Revealed

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today, with the gold gilding complete, the tarps which had been covering the remainder of Iraivan Temple's capstones were removed. The temple's new gold can now gleam brightly in our tropical sun.

Iraivan Temple’s Vimanam Revealed!

Aum Namah Sivaya

After many days of meticulous work, the gold gilding on Iraivan Temple's Vimanam has been completed. The tarps have been removed and the glinting capstone can be seen in all its glory. The gilders have now moved on to the the temple's kodimaram. Aum.

A Golden Vimanam

Aum Namah Sivaya
Here's a sneak peak at Iraivan Temple's newly regilded golden vimanam. The Vimanam is a Hindu Temple's tower or roof-structure which rises over the central sanctum. It is this capstone over which the divinity-infused kumbha (water pot) gets poured during the temple's Kumbhabhishekam, its consecration ceremony. Aum.

Let the Panchakshara Shine!

Aum. Recent progress on Iraivan Temple has included many little projects by the silpis, including a good deal of work to ensure the waterproof longevity of several misbehaving roof joints. The gold gilding on the caps stones has also recommenced with Micheal and his team having recently arrived back on island (but more on that to come). This week, Adaikalam has been finishing up his task of polishing the Panchakshara symbols on the steps which lead to Iraivan's sanctum. As you can see these dark "Na Ma Si Va Ya" squares now have greater contrast and visibility. This last layer of chiseling, using something of a "sand-paper" like chisel tip, can be vary time consuming, but the results are always astonishing.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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