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New Portrait of Bodhinatha

Today we received this artistic sketch of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and love it. It is the work of Zsolt Novak who is living in Italy and teaching engineering at a university. It's done on a plaster canvas with a roughness nicely contrasting the refinement of the subject. And the subtle splotches of color on the pottu and the earring are fantastic. Thank you, Zsolt. You can get a larger copy of it below:

Download it here

Report from Bodhinatha in India

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and Sannyasin Shanmuganatha are in India today, invited to two major events, one in the south and another in the north. Today's post covers the Bengaluru event, and the Ahmedabad happenings will be coming in the next day or two. The parapatetic swamis were greeted in Singapore on their way to India, and a number of satsangs and devotee sharings took place. Then came the major event at Kailas Ashram in Bengaluru (that's Sr Sri Jayendra Puri Swami on the stage with Bodhinatha yesterday). Here is Satguru's note about the day:

"We spent the morning and early afternoon at Kailas Ashram. The Ashram called the event SATKARMA-BHAKTI-JNAANA SAMMELANAM. A visiting swami from Italy was there with quite a few of his devotees. Total group attending seemed to be a few thousand. Events were a blessings for the new rajagopuram, breakfast, and a lengthy tour of Sivaratnapuri Temple of Health. Next we had talks in the auditorium. My address to the assembly was about half an hour long. Our friend Dr. Karthikeyan publisher of Life Positive Magazine was also an honored guest and gave a short talk. Then another grand meal to end the event. Sri Sri Jayendra Puri Swami gave us a armful of gifts for the monks and monastery. We gave him a very special mala of our Kauai rudraksha beads. All in all it took about eight and a half hours from leaving the hotel to returning.

"A second event followed at the hotel at 5 PM. Sundaramurthi Sivacharya came with two assistants from the Veda Agama Pathasala. Wonderful meeting with one of the leading Sivacharyars in the world."

Introducing an Amazing Person

Introducing Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's Publisher's Desk editorial for the January/February/March, 2023 issue of Hinduism Today Magazine:

"I know a spiritually awesome individual. He is able to quickly calm himself when upset, to transform unhappiness into happiness, to inspire those who are discouraged, and always finds time to listen to the stories and concerns of family and friends. Would you like to be introduced to this amazing person? It’s easy. Just look into a mirror. Yes, that awesome person is you. But it is not the outer you—the body, the intellect or the emotions. It is the spiritual part of you, the soul, the atman, the immortal presence you can sense by looking into your eyes...

Jayanti Gift

At his 80th celebration, Bodhinatha was presented with a marvelously inlaid chowki, a small table on which he places his lunch-with-the-monks each day. It was hand made with (we think) walnut and maple woods. If you look closely, the craftsman also made four matching coasters. Wonderful gift for our Satguru, one that he will use each day.

Sri Lanka: Three Wheel Drive. Thank Bodhinatha!

Dear Bodhinatha,

With your generous donation and blessings, we have purchased a small, motorized three-wheel vehicle. Thank you so much.

This year the major logistical challenge we have been facing relates to transportation. As you know, we travel to the villages far and wide, distributing care packages for the most needy people, including pregnant mothers and malnourished children. Also, we distribute seedlings to poor farmers. Because of the nationwide gas shortage, we are having a very hard time hiring vans to do this job. We are able to obtain very limited supplies.

This three-wheel vehicle uses very little gas to run. This will enable us to more efficiently provide services to the people.

Again, Thank you so very much for your blessings and support.

Love, Thondunathan

Satguru’s 80th Jayanti – Photos

Photos from Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswamis 80th Jayanti celebration. The day began with a homa, invoking divine energies into several kumbhas. These blessed water pots were then poured over Satguru in a once-in-80-years guru abhishekam. Following that there was a very short padapuaja and vibhuti blessing for those present. Speaking of presents, Satguru was also given many wonderful gifts by devotees. Next everyone sat to enjoy a Bharatanatyam dance by Priyanka Raghuraman. The day's events concluded with lunch and cake! Our thanks to Rajkumar Manickam for these wonderful images. Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami! Aum Namah Shivaya

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s 2022 Jayanthi Live Stream

Today marks Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s 80th Jayanthi! For an auspicious occasion such as this, the mathavasi's of Kauai Aadheenam—with the help of close members and devotees of our parampara—have arranged a special puja and abhishekam in honor of their guru.

Double Rainbow, and Satguru Jayanti Preparation

On October 5th we were blessed with a double rainbow. Days later, preparations are in full swing for Satguru Bodhinatha's Jayanti event. It is elaborate this year, being his 80th birthday, which means a special homa and abhishekam to the Satguru tomorrow. A Sivacharya priest is coming to perform the pujas.

Sun 1 Upadesha

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "The Eternal Now," based on a series of talks given in 1961. Enjoy! 🙂  

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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