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We are closed December 24, 25 and 26th.

Bodhinatha at Sri Venkateshwara Temple Pittsburgh; City Tour

Bodhinatha has moved on from Canada to Eastern USA with the first stop at the Sri Venkateshwara Temple in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Several of the devotee here wanted Bodhinatha to give talks to local Hindu community here. Our trip here was coordinated by Mr. Som Sharma and Dharmalingam Siddhan with the help of various other devotees. One of primary concern of the Hindus here is how to pass on the religion and the culture to the next generation of American Hindus--their children. That seems be the hot topic in every discussion many had with Bodhinatha. Due to unforeseen difficulties with our camera we could not capture the event for our Taka devotees. We had one free evening and was able to be tourist for couple hours.

Bodhinatha Visits Toronto Sri Ram Mandir

A couple years ago Pundit Sharma invited Bodhinatha to visit his temple in Canada. Finally, Bodhinatha was able to fulfill his request. Upon arrival, Bodhinatha was formally greeted and you can see he is seated on a very majestic asana! The day happened to be their Hanuman Puja day. Bodhinatha gave a wonderful talk on Hanuman as a examplary bhaktar or devotee regardless what denomination of Hindu we are. He also elaborated the importance of temple worship. In conclusion, Bodhinatha suggested to the assembled devotees that we should always visit a temple with an offering. By giving we are opening the channels to receive the blessings. He added, one way to extend the temple vibration and bring the devas to your home is to light a lamp in your home shrine immedietely upon returning home. His talk was well received by all attended.

The Ram Temple is actively teaching the next generation of Hindus--both religion and culture.

Bodhinatha in Toronto: Ma Navaratnam Family

Visit Vishnu Mandir and Sanatan Mandir Cultural Center

Today Bodhinatha made two short visits to two different mandirs. The first one was the Vishnu Mandir. It is a beautiful mandir with its wonderful museum. It is headed by Pundit Dr. Doobay. Bodhinatha gave a short talk to the congregation gathered there for their Monday Siva puja. Bodhinatha was here many years ago to preside the installation of Lord Murugan's deity.

Then we went to the Sanatan Mandir. Bodhinatha gave a talk on Siva and temple worship. Again the devotees are doing their Monday Siva worship. Most of the congregation are originally from Gujarat. They were so delighted that Bodhinatha honored their request. They extended an open invitation for Bodhinatha to visit the mandir anytime he is in Toronto. We also had the pleasure of meeting our Mauritius devotees Prabhakur Bakee and his wife who are living Toronto now.

Thiru Satkunendran Home Visit

Since it is not clear who is Thiru Satkunendran in the other photos here is a photo of him with Yoginathaswami at another event.


A very long time supporter of the Aadheenam and its work. Staunch supporter of Hinduism Today. Thiru Satkunendran is our primary coordinator in Toronto. He generally helped by various other sivathondars such as Sivayogapathy, Siva Markandu depending on the events. Thiru was doing this seva since the day Gurudeva first visited Toronto. He helps us keeping track of each event that we need to attend, driving us there, make sure we return back to hotel on time, feeding us and coordinating various devotees who are eager to feed the monks with unbelievebly tasty Jaffna style cooking. He always stays on the background after doing un believeable amount of sevak. So this time we insisted to put forward his humble seva. Bodhinatha graciously agreed to visit his home. This is the first time this was done since Bodhinatha's visit to Toronto after Gurudeva's Mahasamadhi. Below--after the formal welcoming ceremony a Natchintanai song was sung to honor Bodhinatha. The clear white light shinning behind Bodhinatha--cameraman's excuse for chossing a wrong angle!

A small congregation gathered

Thiru Satkunendran and his extended family. Followed up a marvelous Jaffna lunch of course!

Meeting with Canada's Maintenance Assistant Company

Yoginathaswami adopted a new enterprise maintenance software system severals ago for his Siddhidata Kulam team. On this visit to Toronto he had the opportunity to meet the people behind this great tool.

"Monday morning we when to a Toronto based software firm--Maintenance Assistant. Our Siddhidata Kulam upgraded its Aadheenam computerized maintenance management to this Cloud based maintenance software about two years ago. The software is used to schedule maintenance and routines to keep up the entire facility properly maintained. It was Gurudeva wish and direction in 1998 that the Siddhidata Kulam maintain the Aadheenam facilities with scheduled routine and a preventive maintenance program. Since then we have tried several different software frameworks, including a homemade application. We found Maintenance Assistant couple years ago and now it has become an indespensable part of our aadheenam maintenance program.

Above is the team (CEO and software engineers) that is behind the software. We are very fortunate to pick this software as it is backed by very reliable support! We had a great discussion and an extremely productive meeting.


Screenshot of the software login page for the Siddhidata Kulam. All the monks are also capable of submitting requests if they have notice something broken or about to break.

The main graphic user interface after the login page. The database is accessible with any mobile device that has a web browser. We have couple iPads in the SK which we use for executing the tasks generated--hence we are pretty much paperless!

The company also enjoyed our visit and had a some interesting thing to say on their blog... click here to read their post about work with monks in Hawaii

Bodhinatha Visits Richmond Hill Sri Varasithy Vinayagar Temple

Another grand event was held for Bodhinatha at the Ganesha temple in Richmond Hill. The Guru Chronicles was presented during the proceedings. Bodhinatha was honored by the temple President, Mr. Murthy and welcomed by Mr. Arasaratnam

Yogaswami Mahasamadhi Puja at Sangamam Hall

This is the third Yogaswami Mahasamadhi Puja that Bodhinatha attended during this Toronto visit. Sangamam Hall located in Tuxedo Court appartment buildings. Here we have many Jaffna origin Tamil elder. The attendance were about 200 people or so. And about 80% of them are elders. Most of them can't travel to other places due to health challenges. The puja here were organized by Sivathondars under the guidance and leadership of Raja Mohan. It was greatly appreciated by the elders. Many of them knew Yogaswami personally. Many had the great boon of serving for Swami and singing with him as a child. Once they knew there is Tamil speaking swami they wanted to share their experiences with Yogaswami. It was wonderful event all in all.

Tiruvadi Nilayam Siva Yogaswami Mahasamadhi Puja

Upon arrival Bodhinatha was seated on the Simhaasana and pada puja was performed. About 150 or so people attended. Each one came forward and did a milk abhishekam to the Guru's Holy Feet!

Yogaswami Mahasamadhi Puja Richmond Hill, Toronto

On the March 31st morning we went to the Richmond Hill temple for a specially organized Siva Yogaswami's Mahasamadhi puja. The puja was organized by Mrs. Jayanthi Nikhilananthan, her sisters, family and friends. They are the nieces of Ma Navarathnam who wrote various books on Yogaswami. We had about 150 people gathered for the event.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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