To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here
We are closed December 24, 25 and 26th.

More photos of the Chicago satsang at Jigisha Patel's home.

Bodhinatha's Travel

Gaurav and Ripla Malhotra take Arulsishya vratas at Jigisha Patel's satsang in Chicago on Sunday, September 16, 2012.
Bodhinatha gives a presentation on Unfoldment at the Satya Sai Baba temple in Aurora, Illinois on Sunday, September 16, 2012.

The Need for a Wise Plan

Part 2 of Bodhinatha's talks on the secrets for success: Plan, Persistence, Push and Prayer. Given at Kadavul Temple on May 11, 2011. httpvh://

Sinner or Divinity? Bodhinatha's Publisher's Desk

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the Oct/Nov/Dec 2012 edition of Hinduism Today magazine. While some faiths view man as sinful by nature, Hinduism holds that our inmost self is the divine and taintless soul, or atma. httpvh://

Patanjali Yoga Sutras: an Upadesha by Bodhinatha

Bodhinatha explains the ancient and revered Yoga Sutras in the light of Gurudeva's insights -- and they are a perfect fit. httpvh://

Major Change to Himalayan Academy Study Program!

Late last year, Satguru Bodhinatha got inspired to improve Himalayan Academy's formal study program for the Master Course trilogy. He wanted to inject more practical, specific exercises into student's study, such as learning how to chant Aum properly, learning how to perform Ganesha puja, improving specific character qualities and more.

It was also felt that if a student actually fulfilled these new study requirements that we could accelerate his or her progress. Today we are pleased to announce that the new program is going into effect. 

The new study program lasts 15 months total, instead of three years. It does not have separate levels and does not require any commitment to become a formal sishya (commitments come afterwards).

To see a fuller description of the new program, please visit our Master Course Study page--

Today's Guests

Willpower and Concentration

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives a marvelous explanation on how -- and why -- to connect your inner life to your outer life. A profound concept of yoga made simple. httpvh://

Bodhinatha with Sishya in Mauritius

SSC Mauritius Mission

Click here for report and photos of seminars with Chelas and Dikshasishyas on August 5.

First part of report--

On Sunday 5th after the Ganesha Homa at the Park, initiated sishyas met Satguru Bodhinatha at Ebene Cyber City for classes on meditation. The Chelas arrived at 3.00 PM and were later joined by the diksha sishyas. The first part of the session was on Shum Meditation: 'ookananashoom': Experiencing Shum through practice. Bodhinatha explained the Shûm Tyêîf Mamasanî and guided sishyas into practical sessions.

Bodhinatha and Shanmuganathaswami send some photos of their visit to the Spiritual Park of Mauritius

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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